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Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 11 Friday 13th March 2020
Friday 13th March 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 11, 2020 � Friday 13th March Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates Norway � has released a new circular entitled 'Deck lights'. US � has issued three new marine safety information bulletins: 'Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) � Reader Requirements; Delay of Effective Date' 'Impact of the EU Ship Recycling Regulation on U.S. flagged ships' 'Novel Coronavirus Update -Change 1'. Liberia � has released three new marine advisory notes: 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance � Extended application' 'India Bans Plastic on Ships Update (Addendum No. 1)' 'Considerations for Managing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases/Outbreak on Board Ships'. Marshall Islands � has released a new marine safety alert entitled 'Coronavirus Disease Precautions'. Panama � has updated four circulars: 'Administrative Fee imposed by the Republic of Panama for each statutory certificates and approvals issued by Class Societies and Recognized Organizations duly authorized by the Panama Maritime Authority' 'Control of the Issuance of Statutory Certificates' 'Optional and Voluntary System for Electronic Books or Electronic Record Books on board Panamanian Flagged Vessels' 'Mandatory Implementation of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code'. Hong Kong � has released two new merchant shipping information notes: 'Quality Assurance for Hong Kong Registered Ships' 'Approved Onboard Training Programme and Approved Training Record Books for Officer Cadets'. Cyprus � has issued a new circular entitled 'Coronavirus Disease �COVID-19� � Updates on precautions to be taken to minimise risks to seafarers, passengers and others on board ships'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has updated their guidance document 'Guide for Dynamic Positioning Systems'. China Classification Society � has issued two new guidance documents: 'Rules for Classification of Sea-Going Steel Ships 2020 RCN No.1' 'Guidelines for the Implementation of Continuous Machinery Survey (CMS)'. DNV GL � has released a news article entitled 'IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'IMO DCS and EU MRV � Deadline approaching for annual submission of fuel oil consumption data'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has published four new alerts: 'United States Coast Guard Updated Guidance Regarding COVID-19' 'American Pilots' Association Request - Dangerous Trapdoors' 'Outbreak of the COVID-19 Virus-Managers Shanghai and Hong Kong Offices' 'International Chamber of Shipping and World Health Organization Guidance on COVID-19'. GARD � has released an alert entitled 'Safety management systems require support from top management'. SKULD � has issued a new article entitled 'Channel closures'. Britannia P&I � has released three news alerts: 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) � Britannia Offices: Working Remotely' 'International Group: Video Launched to Explain the IG Pool and Reinsurance Arrangements' 'Turkey: Declaration of Bunkerquantity'. Japan P&I Club � has published a news alert entitled 'China -Fujian MSA issued New Edition of �Implementing Regulations for Safety Supervision and Management of Vessel Traffic Service� and �Service Guide for VTS�'. North � has updated two ongoing news alerts: 'No Scrubs: More Ports Declare Ban on EGCS Discharges *Update*' 'COVID-19: Coronavirus Outbreak � Impact on Shipping *Update*'. The Standard Club � has released a press article entitled 'Misdeclared cargoes and the booking process', and five news alerts: 'Supply of low sulphur bunkers and discharge of scrubber wash-water in Brazil' 'COVID-19 - the club's offices' 'COVID-19 - Spread to 87 countries' 'COVID-19 � Turkish ports quarantine ships from 'contaminated countries' for 14 days prior to berthing' 'Disruption expected at Takoradi port during dredging works for port expansion'. The Swedish Club � has issued a news alert entitled 'The Mississippi River � anchoring issues'. West � has released a news alert entitled 'Asian Gypsy Moth 2020 (Annual Update)'. UK P&I � has released a news alert entitled 'Mawani: Precautions and protections to prevent the outbreak of the Coronavirus, COVID-19'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMO � has released a press briefing announcing the postponement of a number of meetings following the global COVID-19 outbreak. ICS � has published new guidance for the shipping industry to help combat the spread of COVID-19. GARD � issued two new insight articles: ''Cold straightening' of bent shafts may save time and money' 'An electronic glitch can lead to large claims'. MAIB � has released a Safety Bulletin 'highlighting a potentially serious hazard associated with condensed aerosol firefighting suppressant particles after the fatal accident on fishing vessel 'Resurgam''. Recent Accident Reports Malta � The MSIU has released an accident investigation report into the inadvertent release of a lifeboat during an abandon ship drill on board the oil / chemical tanker 'Giovanni DP', which resulted in serious injury to a crew member. The main cause of the incident was found to be the failure of the maintenance chain. Also contributing was the fact that the safety bolt was removed from the maintenance position during the drill. Denmark � The Dutch Safety Board has released an accident investigation report into the allision of the chemical and oil tanker 'Bow Jubail' with a jetty in the port of Rotterdam which resulted in a fuel oil spill. It was found that the allision was caused by an 'incorrect assessment of the rudder position following an incorrect steering command from the Master'. The fuel tank in question had only a single wall, so it was vulnerable to the damage. Recent IMO Circulars LC-LP.1/Circ.93 � 05/03/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL JOINT WORK PROGRAMME 2020-2022. View Circular. CT/AGR2012.1/Circ.13 � 04/03/20 � CAPE TOWN AGREEMENT OF 2012 ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE TORREMOLINOS PROTOCOL OF 1993 RELATING TO THE TORREMOLINOS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF FISHING VESSELS, 1977. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.93 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.92 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. COMSAR.1/Circ.59 � 25/02/20 � INTERIM GUIDANCE FOR SEARCH AND RESCUE SERVICES REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTONOMOUS DISTRESS TRACKING (ADT) OF AIRCRAFT IN FLIGHT. View Circular. PSLS.6/Circ.86 � 13/02/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974. View Circular. LLMC.1/CIRC.62 � 13/02/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. III.3/Circ.7 � 30/01/20 � CASUALTY ANALYSIS AND STATISTICS. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.92 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LLMC.1/Circ.61 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.42 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 10 Friday 6th March 2020
Friday 6th March 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 10, 2020 � Friday 6th March Click Here to view this email as a PDF. 28th October 2020 � An important date for ballast water management Witherby Publishing Group has produced a guidance article for subscribers to Shipping Regulations and Guidance. The article highlights the 28th October 2020 deadline for installation of BWMS approved under the BWMS Code or revised 2016 Guidelines. View Article Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates Australia � has updated two marine orders: 'Certificates of Operation and Operation Requirements - National Law' 'Marine pollution prevention � air pollution'. Marshall Islands � has updated two marine notices: 'International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code)' 'International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code'. Panama � has updated three circulars: 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), Certification Process - MLC, 2006' 'Mobile Offshore Drilling Units and Mobile Offshore Units - High Speed Craft' 'Control of the Fuel�s Quality Guidelines'. Singapore � has released two new documents: a shipping circular entitled 'Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) Conformance Testing and Certification' a port marine circular entitled 'Maritime Declaration of Health'. Hong Kong � has published a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'Operational considerations for managing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases/outbreak on board ships'. Bermuda � has released a new guidance note entitled 'Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak on Bermuda Registered Ships'. Recent Class Society Guidance China Classification Society � has released two new guidance documents: 'Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Assessment and Cyber Safety Management System 2019' 'Guidelines for Requirement and Security Assessment of Ship Cyber System 2020'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued two new technical circulars: 'IMO Circular Letter Reg Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)' 'Guidance on Fixed Gas Detection System for Liquified Gas Carriers'. Lloyd's Register � has published a news alert entitled 'Guidance: Survey activity during the Coronavirus outbreak'. Class NK � has issued a technical news alert entitled 'Type Approval by the Japanese Government for the exhaust gas monitoring systems and discharge water monitoring systems of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems installed on Japanese-flagged ships'. Recent P&I Club Guidance Regulations of the People�s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution from Ships (Update) The American Club GARD Britannia P&I Japan P&I North Steamship Mutual UK P&I The American Club � has released two new alerts: 'INTERTANKO Voyage and Time Charterparty Clauses and Explanatory Notes for COVID-19' 'COVID-19 Guidance Now in Traditional and Simplified Mandarin'. GARD � has released an alert entitled 'There are downsides to making decisions in isolation'. Britannia P&I � has issued three news alerts: 'Singapore: Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak on Singapore Registered Ships - Update' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) � Britannia Offices: Working Remotely' 'Pollution of Marine Environment in Greece'. Japan P&I Club � has released their latest 'Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters'. North � has issued three news alerts: 'No Scrubs: More Ports Declare Ban on EGCS Discharges *Update* ' 'COVID-19: Coronavirus Outbreak � Impact on Shipping *Update* ' 'COVID-19: Advice on Coronavirus for Ships *Update*''. The Shipowners' Club � has published two news articles: 'Legal Costs Cover and IMO 2020' 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)'. The Standard Club � has released seven news alerts: 'Singapore MPA extends its precautionary measures' 'WHO raises COVID-19 threat assessment to its highest level' 'South Africa's approach to IMO Sulphur Cap 2020' 'COVID-19 cases reported in five new member states' 'Coronavirus - the club's offices' 'Crew mental and physical wellbeing during extensive delays' 'COVID-19 detection measures are expected to tighten in Greek ports'. The Swedish Club � has issued four new member alerts: 'Contact incidents - causes and cases' 'Coronavirus � legal guidance for Members' 'Coronavirus - overview and shipping guidance for Members' 'MSS Case March: Unfinished arrival checklist led to severe damage'. West � has released four news alerts: 'The EU F-gas Regulation and what it means for the maritime industry' 'Fixed Continues Stable Premium and Tonnage Growth' 'Port State Control to Clampdown on Non-compliant Fuels' 'Coronavirus - Hong Kong Office Closure'. UK P&I � has published the winter edition of their bi-annual newsletter 'Bodily Injury News'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMO � has released a press briefing entitled 'IMO 2020 sulphur limit implementation � carriage ban enters into force'. Wilhelmsen � have made available a live world map reference showing locations with port restrictions due to the Coronavirus. OCIMF � has released the February 2020 issue of their Newsletter. UK Chamber of Shipping � has launched a competition 'to find new ideas that could help make the shipping industry greener, cleaner, more sustainable and get to net zero Shipping by 2050'. BIMCO � has issued the March 2020 issue of their 'Bulletin' magazine. Recent Accident Reports Denmark � The DMAIB has recently released an accident investigation report into an occupational accident in which one crew member aboard the general cargo ship 'Hav Streym' was severely injured. In the course of moving a travelling gantry carrying an excavator, the crew member was trapped between a guardrail and the gantry. It was found that there was no visibility from the excavator cab (from which the gantry was operated) to the main deck, and the driver could not see any persons on the deck. Furthermore, the lighting conditions meant that the crew member on the deck could not visually identify the location of the gantry. Recent IMO Circulars LC-LP.1/Circ.93 � 05/03/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL JOINT WORK PROGRAMME 2020-2022. View Circular. CT/AGR2012.1/Circ.13 � 04/03/20 � CAPE TOWN AGREEMENT OF 2012 ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE TORREMOLINOS PROTOCOL OF 1993 RELATING TO THE TORREMOLINOS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF FISHING VESSELS, 1977. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.93 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.92 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. COMSAR.1/Circ.59 � 25/02/20 � INTERIM GUIDANCE FOR SEARCH AND RESCUE SERVICES REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTONOMOUS DISTRESS TRACKING (ADT) OF AIRCRAFT IN FLIGHT. View Circular. PSLS.6/Circ.86 � 13/02/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974. View Circular. LLMC.1/CIRC.62 � 13/02/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. III.3/Circ.7 � 30/01/20 � CASUALTY ANALYSIS AND STATISTICS. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.92 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LLMC.1/Circ.61 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.42 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO 2-6 March: Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) � 7th Session 11-13 March: IOPC Funds 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe