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Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 2 Friday 15th January 2021
Friday 15th January 2021
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 2, 2021 � Friday 15th January Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has issued two amended marine guidance notes: 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Seafarers' Employment Agreements' 'The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) (Artificial Optical Radiation) Regulations 2010'. Liberia � has released a new marine notice entitled 'Measures to Improve Compliance and Minimize Risk of Port State Control Detentions'. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Radio Message Accounting Procedures and Accounting Authorities'. Panama � has released three new or updated documents: two marine notices: 'Gulf of Guinea' 'Persian Gulf - Strait of Hormuz - Gulf of Oman' a circular entitled 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) - Authorized Recognized Organizations'. Singapore � has released two new port marine circulars: 'Requirements for Shore-Based Personnel Boarding Vessels at Anchorages, Shipyards, Terminals and Marinas, in the Port of Singapore' 'Vessels at Anchor in Port'. Cyprus � has released a new circular entitled 'Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ships during the COVID-19'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released a new guidance document entitled 'Guidance Notes on Production Riser Life Extension'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released four new technical circulars: 'Sri Lanka - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006' 'Tuvalu - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006' 'DGS Order No. 01 of 2021 Reg Extension of Certificates of Competency/ Certificate of Proficiency of Seafarers in view of COVID-19 pandemic' 'Marshall Islands on remote sampling/ surveys with respect to preparation of IHM required under EU SRR due to COVID-19 pandemic'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'Safety notice issued: Tecnicomar ECOMAR Sewage Treatment Plants'. Recent P&I Club Guidance GARD � has released a new circular entitled 'Amendments to Rules 2021'. SKULD � has published two new articles entitled: 'Cyber risks' 'Dakar, Senegal: Recent developments in respect of fines and taxes'. Japan P&I Club � has released three new documents: a circular entitled 'Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream-Update on New US Sanctions (No.2)' two news alerts: 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) � Enhanced Quarantine Measures in Korea (No.5)' 'Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters No.99'. North � has issued a circular entitled 'Policy Year 2021/22', and a news alert entitled 'Arab States Re-open Sea Borders with Qatar'. The Shipowners' Club � has released a news alert entitled 'Russian Sanctions: United States Congress Passes Amendments on PEESA Targeting Nord Stream 2 and Turkstream Pipelines'. The Standard Club � has published eight new documents: an article entitled 'UK sanctions after Brexit: what has changed?' seven news alerts: 'US passes additional legislation targeting the Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream 2 pipeline projects' 'IMO - Designation of seafarers as key workers, Singapore MPA enhances crew change procedure, INTERTANKO updates guidance on crew welfare and mental wellness' 'Reminder as to the speed limit in the Parana River' 'Argentina port strike comes to an end with a new deal' 'Standard Club contributes to Offing Echoes January 2021 issue' 'Update on marine pollution fines in Turkey as of 1 January 2021' 'Saudi Arabia ends blockade of Qatar'. The West of England P&I Club � has released two news alerts: 'Argentina - Parana River Speed Restrictions' 'Qatar - Severance of Ties by UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain & Egypt - Further Update'. UK P&I Club � has published seven news alerts: 'Senegal: Tightening of Immigration and Customs Controls' 'OCIMF �Recommendations on Usage of ECDIS and Preventing Incidents�' 'COVID-19 � Enhanced Quarantine Measures in Korea' 'ECDIS-related accidents and human elements' 'ECDIS Detention data by AMSA PSC' 'Ice Condition in Northern Chinese Ports' 'Lessons Learnt: Burn Injury to Engineer'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMB � has released their annual piracy report for 2020. It found an increase in piracy and armed robbery incidents in 2020, particularly in the Gulf of Guinea. GARD � has published an insight article entitled 'Bauxite � new Group A and revised Group C IMSBC Code schedules are now mandatory'. Recent Accident Reports Malta � Transport Malta has recently published two new reports: a safety investigation report into an incident on board the bulk carrier 'La Solognais' in which a wiper entered the grey water tank for cleaning but fell unconscious upon reaching the bottom of the tank. Tests found that he had possibly suffered hydrogen sulphide inhalation. It was found that, although the atmosphere inside the grey water tank had been measured and found to be safe, this was done before the tank was washed with sea water, and was not repeated afterwards. This washing may have disturbed residues and released toxic gases subsequent to the measurements being taken. a safety investigation report into the loss of two crew members overboard from the bulk carrier 'Stara Planina'. The crew members had been involved in securing some mooring ropes on the poop deck which had come unsecured during inclement weather when two large waves washed over the poop deck, knocking them overboard. It was found that neither crew member was secured to the vessel at the point when the waves struck, and they were also not wearing lifejackets. Recent IMO Circulars MSC.1/Circ.1620 � 12/01/21 � GUIDELINES FOR INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF MOORING EQUIPMENT INCLUDING LINES. View Circular. IMSO.7/Circ.18 � 07/01/21 � AMENDMENTS ADOPTED ON 2 OCTOBER 2008 TO THE CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION. View Circular. OPRC.3/Circ.35 � 06/01/21 � PROTOCOL ON PREPAREDNESS, RESPONSE AND CO-OPERATION TO POLLUTION INCIDENTS BY HAZARDOUS AND NOXIOUS SUBSTANCES, 2000. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.51 � 06/01/21 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. AFS.1/Circ.82 � 06/01/21 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE CONTROL OF HARMFUL ANTI-FOULING SYSTEMS ON SHIPS, 2001. View Circular. IMSO.1/Circ/Corr.1 � 06/01/21 � CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION, 1976. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1588/Rev.1 � 24/12/20 � CARRIAGE OF DANGEROUS GOODS INTERNATIONAL MARITIME DANGEROUS GOODS (IMDG) CODE REVISED EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES FOR SHIPS CARRYING DANGEROUS GOODS (EMS GUIDE). View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.161/Corr.1 � 24/12/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.34 � 24/12/20 � TRAINING AND WATCHKEEPING. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1572/Rev.1 � 23/12/20 � UNIFIED INTERPRETATIONS OF SOLAS CHAPTERS II-1 AND XII, OF THE TECHNICAL PROVISIONS FOR MEANS OF ACCESS FOR INSPECTIONS (RESOLUTION MSC.158(78)) AND OF THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR WATER LEVEL DETECTORS ON BULK CARRIERS AND SINGLE HOLD CARGO SHIPS OTHER THAN BULK CARRIERS (RESOLUTION MSC.188(79)). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1627 � 23/12/20 � INTERIM GUIDELINES ON THE SECOND GENERATION INTACT STABILITY CRITERIA. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1164/Rev.22 � 23/12/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1619 � 22/12/20 � GUIDELINES ON THE DESIGN OF MOORING ARRANGEMENTS AND THE SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE MOORING EQUIPMENT AND FITTINGS FOR SAFE MOORING. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1633 � 22/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (OTHER LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1628 � 22/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (PERSONAL LIFE�SAVING APPLIANCES). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1632 � 21/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (LAUNCHING AND EMBARKATION APPLIANCES). View Circular. MSC-MEPC.1/Circ.5/Rev.2 � 21/12/20 � ORGANIZATION AND METHOD OF WORK OF THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE AND THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE AND THEIR SUBSIDIARY BODIES. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1631 � 21/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (RESCUE BOATS). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1630 � 21/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (SURVIVAL CRAFT). View Circular. MSC.8/Circ.1 � 18/12/20 � VOLUNTARY EARLY IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AMENDMENTS TO SOLAS REGULATION II-1/12 ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION MSC.474(102). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1629 � 18/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (VISUAL SIGNALS). View Circular. IMSO.7/Circ.17 � 18/12/20 � AMENDMENTS ADOPTED ON 2 OCTOBER 2008 TO THE CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a programme of meetings for 2021. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. 11-15 January � IMSO Assembly � Remote Meeting 18-22 January � 33rd meeting of the Editorial and Technical (E&T) Group (IMSBC Code) � Remote Meeting 1-5 February � Council Open-ended Working Group on Council Reform � Remote Meeting 15-19 February � Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) 7th Session � Remote Meeting 22-26 February � Council Working Group on Applications for Consultative Status of Non-Governmental Organizations � Remote Meeting 8-12 March � IP Code Working Group on the Carriage of More Than 12 Industrial Personnel On Board Vessels Engaged on International Voyages � Remote Meeting 15-19 March � 34th meeting of the Editorial and Technical (E&T) Group (IMDG Code) � Remote Meeting 22-26 March � Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) 8th Session � Remote Meeting 29 March - 2 April � IOPC Funds � Remote Meeting 7-13 April � Communications Working Group on the Revision of SOLAS Chapters III and IV for Modernization of the GMDSS � Remote Meeting 8 April � Council � 33rd Extraordinary Session � Remote Meeting 12-16 April � 44th meeting of the LC Scientific Group � 15th meeting of the LP Scientific Group � Remote Meeting 19-23 April � Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR) 8th Session � Remote Meeting 26-29 April � IMSO Advisory Committee (IMSO AC) 45th session � Remote Meeting 5-14 May � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) 103rd Session � Remote Meeting 24-28 May � 8th meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on the Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships � Remote Meeting 1-7 June � Facilitation Committee (FAL) 45th Session � Remote Meeting 9-15 June � 4th meeting of the Expert Group on Data Harmonization � Remote Meeting 10-17 June � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 76th Session � Remote Meeting 28 June - 2 July � Council � 125th Session � Remote Meeting 5-9 July � 17th meeting of the Joint IMO/ITU Experts Group on Maritime Radiocommunication Matter � Remote Meeting 12-16 July � Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III) 7th Session � Remote Meeting 19-21 July � IMSO SES Conference � Remote Meeting 26-30 July �Legal Committee (LEG) 108th Session � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. 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Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 1 Friday 8th January 2021
Friday 8th January 2021
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 1, 2021 � Friday 8th January Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has issued 15 new or amended documents: marine guidance notes: 'Application of MARPOL Annex II to Offshore Support Vessels' 'Fishing Vessels: Pre-Registration surveys for Fishing vessels of less than 15m Length Overall built before 16 July 2007 and existing vessels of 15m Length overall to less than 24m Registered Length wishing to join the UK Register' 'Ship Recycling: Requirements in relation to Hazardous Materials on Ships (Amendment etc.) Regulations 2018' 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Continuation of seafarer employment agreements in case of piracy or armed robbery' 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006; Guidance on the procedure for applying for a Substantial Equivalence' merchant shipping notices: 'Ship Inspection and Survey Organisations' 'Marine Equipment - United Kingdom conformity assessment procedures for marine equipment, Other Approval and Standards' 'The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997 and the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Medical Certification) Regulations 2010: New and Expectant Mothers' 'Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) (Chemical Agents) Regulations 2010 as amended' 'Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) (Biological Agents) Regulations 2010 as Amended' marine information notes: 'Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers: Amendment 2020' 'Notice of General Exemption for workboats built before 21st July 1968 which are 24 meters or more in length and less than 150 gross tons' 'Iridium GMDSS Recognised Mobile Satellite Service' 'Amendments to MARPOL Annex II and the Introduction of Amendments in the 2020 Edition of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)' 'United Kingdom conformity assessment procedures for marine equipment following the transition period'. USA � has published a marine safety information bulletin entitled 'Urgent Notice: Active Exploitation of Popular Network Management Software SolarWinds'. Liberia � has released three new or updated documents: a marine advisory note entitled 'Internal Audit Services facilitated by Liberian Registry' a marine security advisory entitled 'Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems' a marine notice entitled 'Consolidated List of Fees and Charges for Official Documents and Services'. Marshall Islands � has published nine new or updated documents: five marine notices: 'Recreational Fire Appliances' 'Fees for Official Yacht Documents and Services' 'Carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes' 'Maintenance and Inspection of Fire Protection Systems and Appliances' 'Fees for Official Documents and Services' three marine guidelines: 'Food Handling Storage and Preparation' 'Notification and Reporting of Marine Casualties, Marine Incidents, Occurrences, and Offenses' 'Organizations Acting on Behalf of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator' a marine safety advisory entitled 'Coronavirus Disease Updates'. Panama � has updated two circulars: 'Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear' 'Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) online application'. Isle of Man � has published two new documents: a Manx Shipping Notice entitled 'Load Lines Convention' a technical advisory note entitled 'Electronic MARPOL Record Books'. Singapore � has released five new documents: two shipping circulars: 'List of Active Shipping Circulars' 'Prevention of Pollution of the Sea (Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk) (Amendment No.2) Regulations 2020' three port marine circulars: 'Prohibition of Crew Change in Singapore for Crew with Recent Travel History to the United Kingdom and South Africa' 'List of Active Port Marine Circulars' 'Revision to the Number of Persons Onboard Pleasure Craft in the Port of Singapore During Phase Three of COVID-19 Reopening'. Hong Kong � has issued two new documents: a merchant shipping information note entitled 'Hong Kong Merchant Shipping Information Notes Current as at 1 January 2021' a merchant shipping notice entitled 'Hong Kong Merchant Shipping Notices, Merchant Shipping Ordinances and Regulations currently in force (as at 1 January 2021)'. Cyprus � has released a new circular entitled 'New Cyprus Legislation: The Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships, Sales and Mortgages)(Amendment) Law of 2020 (Law 186(I)/2020)'. Malta � has published a new technical notice entitled 'Maritime Cyber Risk Management'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released 19 new guidance documents, including: 'Guidance Notes on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Marine and Offshore Structures' 'Rules for Building and Classing Bulk Carriers for Service on the Great Lakes' 'Rules for Building and Classing High-Speed Naval Craft' 'Guide for Building and Classing Liftboats' 'Rules for Building and Classing Steel Barges'. Bureau Veritas � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'ADN2021- (Consolidated Version in Four Languages)', and four new guidance documents: 'Amendments to the rules for steel ships' 'Rules for the classification of ships operating in polar waters and icebreakers' 'Additional Service Feature SMART' 'Condition monitoring systems'. CCS � has issued a new guidance document entitled 'Rules for Ships Using Natural Gas Fuels 2021'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released five new technical circulars: 'Brexit and MRV � The change of status of the UK in the monitoring and verification of CO2 emissions from maritime transport in the EU' 'Mauritius - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006' 'Panama MMC-381 Reg. U.S. Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panama flagged vessels' 'Commonwealth of Dominica Marine Safety Circular No. CD-MSC 16-20 Rev01 Reg. Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006' 'Malta Merchant Shipping Notice 167 Reg. Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006'. Lloyd's Register � has issued three Class news alerts: 'Ship Recycling � UK exit from the EU and the requirements for IHM certification onboard ships' 'Brexit and MRV � The change of status of the UK in the monitoring and verification of CO2 emissions from maritime transport in the EU' 'New Lloyd�s Register requirements for Brittle Crack Arrest steels, and EH47 grade steel'. Class NK � has released three technical news alerts: 'Instruction by Panama Maritime Authority regarding U.S. Pre-ports arrival checklist for Panamanian flagged vessels' 'Compliance with the EU Ship Recycling Regulation - Under the influence of COVID-19 � Part 2' 'Compliance with the EU Ship Recycling Regulation � Under the influence of COVID-19'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has issued four new documents: three circulars: 'Changes to the Rules of the Association for the 2021 Policy Year' 'Currents - The American Club's In-house Newsletter' 'Cover for War and Terrorism Risks, and Cover in Respect of Biological and Bio-chemical Weapons - 2021 Policy Year' a member alert entitled 'Maritime Industry Group Publishes New and Improved Cyber Security Guidelines'. GARD � has released three new documents: a new circular entitled 'Reinsurance arrangements for the 2021 policy year arranged through the International Group of P&I Clubs � special P&I war risks cover ' two new alerts: 'Maritime security recommendations for operations in the Persian Gulf' 'US MARAD updates its Red Sea/Gulf of Aden security warning'. SKULD � has published two new articles: 'Turkey: Pollution fines and criminal proceedings 2021' 'Possession order in light of the Megacore Honami'. Britannia P&I � has issued four news alerts: 'COVID-19 � Update Re Crew Sailing in International Waters Applying for Urgent Medical Treatment in Taiwan' 'BSafe Incident Case Study 02: Fatal Fall from a Ladder' 'Temporary Flexibilisation on Migratory Rules for Seafarers' 'International Group (IG) Pooling and GXL Reinsurance Contract Structure for 2021'. Japan P&I Club � has released three new documents: a circular entitled 'International Group Reinsurance Programme for 2021/22 Policy Year' two news alerts: 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Enhanced Quarantine Measures in Korea (No.4)' 'Ice condition at Ukrainian ports 2020-2021'. North � has issued eight news alerts: 'California Ballast Water Reporting Requirements' 'Stowaway Search Requirements in Abidjan' 'United States Coast Guard Issue New Port Security Advisory' 'Turkey Pollution Fines 2021' 'Caution on Malaysian Clay Cargoes' 'New Year 2021 � New Regulations' 'Cyber Risks and PSC Inspections' 'The 2018 MLC Amendments Enter into Force'. The Standard Club � has published 11 new documents: six articles: 'Supreme Court provides clarity on arbitrators� duty of disclosure and impartiality' 'Navigational safety: the challenges for improvement � A P&I club�s perspective' 'Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021' 'Regulation Update 2020/21' 'Reinforcing the importance of Seafarer Wellbeing' 'Regulatory risks of green shipping are issue for insurers' four news alerts: 'Industry guidelines on cyber security onboard ships' 'Entry into force of the 2018 amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006' 'The International Group reports on claims arising from incidents involving vessels under pilotage � liabilities exceeding US$1.8bn' 'The International Group Pooling and GXL Reinsurance contract structure for 2021 have now been finalised' a circular entitled 'Brexit update - The Standard Club UK Limited'. The Swedish Club � has issued a new member alert entitled 'Need for a contract with oil spill response organization in Argentina for bunkering operation'. The West of England P&I Club � has released two news alerts: 'Russian sanctions - Nord Stream 2 & TurkStream - PEESA amendments come into force' 'New OSRO requirement for bunkering in Argentina'. UK P&I Club � has published five news alerts: 'Charterers Terms and Conditions 2021' 'Industry Update Following Incident in the Persian Gulf' 'Crew Health Advice: Musculoskeletal Disorders' 'Crew Changes - A Comprehensive Guide' 'China�s �New� Export Control Law'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News OCIMF � has released the December 2020 issue of theirNewsletter, and two news articles: 'Industry update following security incident in the Persian Gulf' 'Industry publishes new and improved cyber security guidelines'. GARD � has published an insight article entitled 'Charting the 2021 maritime regulatory landscape'. Recent Accident Reports Malta � Transport Malta has published two new reports: a safety investigation report into an incident on board the bulk carrier 'La Solognais' in which a wiper entered the grey water tank for cleaning but fell unconscious upon reaching the bottom of the tank. Tests found that he had possibly suffered hydrogen sulphide inhalation. It was found that, although the atmosphere inside the grey water tank had been measured and found to be safe, this was done before the tank was washed with sea water, and was not repeated afterwards. This washing may have disturbed residues and released toxic gases subsequent to the measurements being taken. a safety investigation report into the loss of two crew members overboard from the bulk carrier 'Stara Planina'. The crew members had been involved in securing some mooring ropes on the poop deck which had come unsecured during inclement weather when two large waves washed over the poop deck, knocking them overboard. It was found that neither crew member was secured to the vessel at the point when the waves struck, and they were also not wearing lifejackets. Recent IMO Circulars IMSO.7/Circ.18 � 07/01/21 � AMENDMENTS ADOPTED ON 2 OCTOBER 2008 TO THE CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION. View Circular. OPRC.3/Circ.35 � 06/01/21 � PROTOCOL ON PREPAREDNESS, RESPONSE AND CO-OPERATION TO POLLUTION INCIDENTS BY HAZARDOUS AND NOXIOUS SUBSTANCES, 2000. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.51 � 06/01/21 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. AFS.1/Circ.82 � 06/01/21 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE CONTROL OF HARMFUL ANTI-FOULING SYSTEMS ON SHIPS, 2001. View Circular. IMSO.1/Circ/Corr.1 � 06/01/21 � CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION, 1976. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1588/Rev.1 � 24/12/20 � CARRIAGE OF DANGEROUS GOODS INTERNATIONAL MARITIME DANGEROUS GOODS (IMDG) CODE REVISED EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES FOR SHIPS CARRYING DANGEROUS GOODS (EMS GUIDE). View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.161/Corr.1 � 24/12/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.797/Rev.34 � 24/12/20 � TRAINING AND WATCHKEEPING. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1572/Rev.1 � 23/12/20 � UNIFIED INTERPRETATIONS OF SOLAS CHAPTERS II-1 AND XII, OF THE TECHNICAL PROVISIONS FOR MEANS OF ACCESS FOR INSPECTIONS (RESOLUTION MSC.158(78)) AND OF THE PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR WATER LEVEL DETECTORS ON BULK CARRIERS AND SINGLE HOLD CARGO SHIPS OTHER THAN BULK CARRIERS (RESOLUTION MSC.188(79)). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1627 � 23/12/20 � INTERIM GUIDELINES ON THE SECOND GENERATION INTACT STABILITY CRITERIA. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1164/Rev.22 � 23/12/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1619 � 22/12/20 � GUIDELINES ON THE DESIGN OF MOORING ARRANGEMENTS AND THE SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE MOORING EQUIPMENT AND FITTINGS FOR SAFE MOORING. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1633 � 22/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (OTHER LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1628 � 22/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (PERSONAL LIFE�SAVING APPLIANCES). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1632 � 21/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (LAUNCHING AND EMBARKATION APPLIANCES). View Circular. MSC-MEPC.1/Circ.5/Rev.2 � 21/12/20 � ORGANIZATION AND METHOD OF WORK OF THE MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE AND THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE AND THEIR SUBSIDIARY BODIES. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1631 � 21/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (RESCUE BOATS). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1630 � 21/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (SURVIVAL CRAFT). View Circular. MSC.8/Circ.1 � 18/12/20 � VOLUNTARY EARLY IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AMENDMENTS TO SOLAS REGULATION II-1/12 ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION MSC.474(102). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1629 � 18/12/20 � REVISED STANDARDIZED LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE EVALUATION AND TEST REPORT FORMS (VISUAL SIGNALS). View Circular. IMSO.7/Circ.17 � 18/12/20 � AMENDMENTS ADOPTED ON 2 OCTOBER 2008 TO THE CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.50 � 17/12/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a programme of meetings for 2021. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. 11-15 January � IMSO Assembly � Remote Meeting 18-22 January � 33rd meeting of the Editorial and Technical (E&T) Group (IMSBC Code) � Remote Meeting 1-5 February � Council Open-ended Working Group on Council Reform � Remote Meeting 15-19 February � Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) 7th Session � Remote Meeting 22-26 February � Council Working Group on Applications for Consultative Status of Non-Governmental Organizations � Remote Meeting 8-12 March � IP Code Working Group on the Carriage of More Than 12 Industrial Personnel On Board Vessels Engaged on International Voyages � Remote Meeting 15-19 March � 34th meeting of the Editorial and Technical (E&T) Group (IMDG Code) � Remote Meeting 22-26 March � Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) 8th Session � Remote Meeting 29 March - 2 April � IOPC Funds � Remote Meeting 7-13 April � Communications Working Group on the Revision of SOLAS Chapters III and IV for Modernization of the GMDSS � Remote Meeting 8 April � Council � 33rd Extraordinary Session � Remote Meeting 12-16 April � 44th meeting of the LC Scientific Group � 15th meeting of the LP Scientific Group � Remote Meeting 19-23 April � Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR) 8th Session � Remote Meeting 26-29 April � IMSO Advisory Committee (IMSO AC) 45th session � Remote Meeting 5-14 May � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) 103rd Session � Remote Meeting 24-28 May � 8th meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on the Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships � Remote Meeting 1-7 June � Facilitation Committee (FAL) 45th Session � Remote Meeting 9-15 June � 4th meeting of the Expert Group on Data Harmonization � Remote Meeting 10-17 June � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 76th Session � Remote Meeting 28 June - 2 July � Council � 125th Session � Remote Meeting 5-9 July � 17th meeting of the Joint IMO/ITU Experts Group on Maritime Radiocommunication Matter � Remote Meeting 12-16 July � Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III) 7th Session � Remote Meeting 19-21 July � IMSO SES Conference � Remote Meeting 26-30 July �Legal Committee (LEG) 108th Session � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. 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Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 9 Friday 28th February 2020
Friday 28th February 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 9, 2020 � Friday 28th February Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released six new documents: four marine guidance notes: 'Life-Saving Appliances - Means of Recovery of Persons from the Water by Ships and Boats - Plans, Procedures and Acceptance of Recovery Equipment' 'Life-Saving Appliances - Requirements for Maintenance, Thorough Examination, Operational Testing, Overhaul and Repair of Lifeboats Rescue Boats, Launching Appliances and Release Gear' 'International Labour Organization Work in Fishing Convention (ILO No.188) � Financial Security' 'The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) (Carcinogens and Mutagens) Regulations 2007 as amended' two marine information notes 'Port and Terminal Refusal of Requests to Conduct Boat Drills' 'Implementation of Electronic Certificates'. Liberia � has published a new marine advisory note entitled 'Guidance to Assist with Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Ship Operations'. Marshall Islands � has released two new marine safety alerts: 'US Coast Guard National Vessel Movement Center Website Malfunction' 'Electronic DMLC Part I' and has updated two documents: a marine notice entitled 'Requirements for MARPOL Surveys for All Yachts' a marine guideline entitled 'Organizations Acting on Behalf of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator'. Panama � has updated five circulars: 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) - Authorized Recognized Organizations' 'Administrative Fee imposed by the Republic of Panama for each statutory certificate and approvals issued by Class Societies and Recognized Organizations duly authorized by the Panama Maritime Authority' 'Economic Incentives for Panamanian Vessels' 'Control of the Issuance of Statutory Certificates' 'Control of the Fuel�s Quality Guidelines'. Isle of Man � has revised a registry advice notice entitled 'Liability Conventions � Nairobi Convention, CLC and Bunker Convention'. Singapore � has released a new shipping circular entitled 'Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak on Singapore-Registered Ships', and three new port marine circulars: 'Maritime Declaration of Health' 'Extension of Precautionary Measures to Minimise Risk of Community Spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Singapore' 'Implementation of Singapore Standard SS 648: 2019 � Code of Practice for Bunker Mass Flow Metering'. Recent Class Society Guidance Bureau Veritas � has released a class news alert entitled 'Joint Statement IMO-WHO on the Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak'. DNV GL � has issued a news alert entitled 'IMO Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response'. Indian Register of Shipping � has published six new technical circulars: 'Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Coronavirus and Seafarers Employment Agreement' 'Marshall Islands Marine Safety Advisory No. 07-20 Reg Electronic DMLC Part I' 'Panama Merchant Marine Notice reg. South Korea Establishes an Emission Control Area for Ships' 'United States Coast Guard � Subchapter O Endorsements' 'Marshall Islands � Fire-Fighting Outfits � Fire Proximity Suits' 'DGS, GOI � M.S. Notice No. 04 of 2020 Reg Implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 � Inspection and Certification of the Maritime Labour Conditions of Indian Flag Ships'. Class NK � has released two technical news alerts: 'Test of wash water from open-loop scrubbers (Australia)' 'Sampling analysis at the commissioning test of Ballast Water Management System'. Recent P&I Club Guidance International Group Circular � Regulations of the People�s Republic of China (PRC) on the Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution from Ships IG P&I The American Club Britannia P&I Japan P&I Club North Steamship Mutual The American Club � has released two new member alerts: '2020/21 Rules and By-laws in Traditional and Simplified Mandarin' 'Infectious Diseases: Charterparty and Other Contractual Considerations'. GARD � has issued a new alert entitled 'When working aloft � focus on your tasks but also on your safety'. SKULD � has released an alert entitled 'Turkey: Enforcement for excess bunker quantities'. Britannia P&I � has published four news alerts: 'Singapore: Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak on Singapore Registered Ships' 'India: Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment Regulations (SCMTR)' 'Uruguay: And Implementation of the IMSBC Code' 'Britannia Loss Prevention Technical Seminar: The Jen Hotel, Manila, Philippines Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 March 2020 � Update'. Japan P&I Club � has issued a news alert entitled 'Panama Canal-New Water Conservation Strategies effective 15 February 2020'. The Standard Club � has released 12 new documents nine news alerts: 'IMO2020 sulphur cap - online survey to identify fuel issues' 'Coronavirus update - ports continue to impose additional requirements due to the Coronavirus' 'Implementation and enforcement of relevant IMO instruments and Joint statement with WHO' 'Restrictions on the use of open-loop scrubbers in France, Portugal, Spain and Gibraltar ' 'USCG marine safety information bulletin - Mississippi' 'Coronavirus - the club's offices' 'Coronavirus update - no new countries have reported cases of COVID-19 since 22 February 2020' 'China Shipowners� Association (CSOA) issue a draft proposal to Beijing requesting a temporary reprieve from IMO Rules' 'Coronavirus Update - WHO Director-General remarks that outbreak has potential to cause severe political, social and economic upheaval' three articles: 'Coronavirus driving uptake of BI cover by shipowners' 'Coronavirus: P&I will cover seafarer illness and death, Standard Club confirms' 'Practical and contractual considerations arising from the Novel Coronavirus outbreak in China'. The Swedish Club � Greece updates itshas issued a new member alert entitled 'environmental legislation'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMO � has published a summary of their 'Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 7)', which ran from the 17th to the 21st of February. UK P&I � has released the 4th Issue of their 'Lookout' magazine. Survey � BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO and INTERTANKO have launched an online survey to identify fuel oil issues following the implementation of the IMO 2020 sulphur regulation. Shipowners and members are encouraged to participate. ICC � has published an article warning that scammers are taking advantage of the COVID-19 outbreak to carry out fraud, spread phishing attacks, and disseminate malware. Recent Accident Reports Denmark � The DMAIB has released an accident investigation report into an occupational accident in which one crew member aboard the general cargo ship 'Hav Streym' was severely injured. In the course of moving a travelling gantry carrying an excavator, the crew member was trapped between a guardrail and the gantry. It was found that there was no visibility from the excavator cab (from which the gantry was operated) to the main deck, and the driver could not see any persons on the deck. Furthermore, the lighting conditions meant that the crew member on the deck could not visually identify the location of the gantry. Recent IMO Circulars LC-LP.1/Circ.92 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. COMSAR.1/Circ.59 � 25/02/20 � INTERIM GUIDANCE FOR SEARCH AND RESCUE SERVICES REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTONOMOUS DISTRESS TRACKING (ADT) OF AIRCRAFT IN FLIGHT. View Circular. PSLS.6/Circ.86 � 13/02/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974. View Circular. LLMC.1/CIRC.62 � 13/02/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. III.3/Circ.7 � 30/01/20 � CASUALTY ANALYSIS AND STATISTICS. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.92 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LLMC.1/Circ.61 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.42 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.49 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. BWM.2/Circ.72 � 17/01/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. HKSRC.1/Circ.15 � 09/01/20 � HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND RECYCLING OF SHIPS, 2009. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO 2-6 March: Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) � 7th Session 11-13 March: IOPC Funds 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 8 Friday 21st February 2020
Friday 21st February 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 8, 2020 � Friday 21st February Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates Liberia � has released two new marine advisories: 'Guidance On Fixed Gas Detection Systems For Liquefied Gas Carriers' 'Flag State Risk Based Preemptive Boardings'. Panama � has published a new marine notice entitled 'South Korea Establishes an Emission Control Area for Ships', and updated a circular entitled 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), Certification Process -MLC, 2006'. Bahamas � has issued a new technical alert entitled 'Coronavirus - Changes to BMA Office Hours'. Hong Kong � has published a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'Guidelines on Fatigue'. Cyprus � has released a new circular entitled 'Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems'. Recent Class Society Guidance Bureau Veritas � has released a class news alert entitled 'SDC 7 - 3 to 7 February 2020 Major Outcomes of the 7th Session of the Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction'. Class NK � has issued a technical news alert entitled 'Start of the Annual report verification of IMO Data Collection Systems for fuel oil consumption of ships (IMO DCS)'. Recent P&I Club Guidance Electronic (Paperless) Trading: Approval of CargoX GARD SKULD Japan P&I Club London P&I Club North Shipowners' Club The Standard Club West . The American Club � has issued two new member alerts: 'Sulfur Cap Update: Ban on Carriage of Non-compliant Fuels' 'US Sanctions - US Department of the Treasury Action on Venezuela'. Britannia P&I � has issued two news alerts: 'Indonesia: Polio Vaccine Compulsory for Arrivals from the Philippines' 'IFC Shipping Advisory 1/20 � Sea Theft Involving Tug and Barge in Phillip Channel'. North � has updated their summary of the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on shipping, as well as issuing issued two news alerts: 'North Publishes Cargo Care Checklists' 'Venezuela Sanctions Update'. .The Standard Club � has published seven news alerts: 'Turkey � misdeclaration of fuel and potential consequences'. 'Coronavirus Update - MPA to give port dues concession to passenger vessels in Singapore' 'Novel Coronavirus - Strike and Delay class' 'Standard Club Rule Books 2020/21' 'Novel Coronavirus update - Reinforcement of additional precautionary measures' 'Contingency planning onboard ships in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)' 'Increased pollution fines in Greece'. GARD � has released an alert entitled 'Protect your hands and fingers against injury'. SKULD � has issued a new document entitled 'Case study: Manual handling causes back injury'. The Swedish Club � has released a member alert entitled 'Uruguay has implemented the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code'. West � has issued a news alert entitled 'Venezuelan Sanctions - designation of Rosneft Trading S.A.'. UK P&I � has released an article entitled 'Samples and sampling in the carriage of liquid bulk cargoes - 2020'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News USCG � has announced the release of the Winter 2020 'Cruise Ship National Center of Expertise' newsletter. GARD � has issued an article entitled 'Regional sulphur emission limits at a glance'. IG P&I � has released a video explaining the Group's primary functions in a user-friendly way. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the collision of the RoRo passenger ferry 'Red Falcon' with the moored yacht 'Graylag' in Cowes Harbour, Isle of Wight. Visibility had become poor as the ferry entered the harbour, resulting in the Master attempting to manoeuvre using the instruments alone, which he was not practiced in doing. This in turn resulted in him becoming disoriented and steering the ferry in the wrong direction. Canada � The TSBC has released an accident investigation report on the failure of a lifeboat release hook during operational testing on the passenger ferry 'Northern Ranger'. It was found that the forward release hook had not been reset according to the instructions in the operator's manual, so although it appeared to be locked, it was actually unsecured. Bahamas � The BMA has released an investigation report into a heavy weather incident involving the passenger ship 'Anthem of the Seas'. The ship was caught in severe heavy weather, which resulted in the temporary failure of the propulsion system and damage to the ship. It was found that the forecast available to the bridge team had underestimated the severity of the weather. Recent IMO Circulars PSLS.6/Circ.86 � 13/02/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974. View Circular. LLMC.1/CIRC.62 � 13/02/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. III.3/Circ.7 � 30/01/20 � CASUALTY ANALYSIS AND STATISTICS. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.92 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LLMC.1/Circ.61 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.42 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.49 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. BWM.2/Circ.72 � 17/01/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. HKSRC.1/Circ.15 � 09/01/20 � HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND RECYCLING OF SHIPS, 2009. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO 17-21 February: Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) � 7th Session 2-6 March: Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) � 7th Session 11-13 March: IOPC Funds 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 7 Friday 14th February 2020
Friday 14th February 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 7, 2020 � Friday 14th February Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates Australia � has released a new shipping notice entitled 'Fatal accidents caused by moving elevators on ships'. USA � has issued a new marine safety information bulletin entitled 'Resources for Voluntarily Establishing a Safety Management System' and a safety alert entitled 'Potential for Positive Drug Test Result from Use of Hemp-Plant Products'. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Conducting Surveys and Certificates for Private Yachts'. Panama � has published a new marine notice entitled 'Coronavirus and Seafarers employment agreement', and updated two circulars: 'Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear' 'List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers � MLC'. Bahamas � has issued a revised version of the bulletin entitled 'BMA Fees Schedule'. Singapore � has released two new circulars a shipping circular entitled 'Amendment of Frequency Range(s) in Ship Station Licence' a port marine circular entitled 'DORSCON Orange Precautionary Measures for Shipping Community'. Hong Kong � has published a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'Amendments to the Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Air Pollution) Regulation (Cap. 413P)'. Our Technical Director, Johan Machtelinckx, talks about cyber security and the need for the shipping industry to wake up fast to the issues of cyber security: Hackers see the shipping industry as 'low hanging fruit'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released two new guidance documents: 'Guide for Use of Lithium Batteries in the Marine and Offshore Industries' 'Guide for Certification of Offshore Containers'. DNV GL � has issued two news alerts: 'IMO Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction' 'Sulphur Cap 2020 � HSFO carriage ban only weeks away'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released a new technical circular entitled 'Freefall Lifeboat Release System Modification'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has issued three new member alerts: 'Outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV): USCG Marine Safety Information Bulletin of February 2, 2020' 'Outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus - Managers' Shanghai and Hong Kong Offices' 'The 2019 Novel Coronavirus: Impact on Maritime Operations in the People's Republic of China (PRC)'. GARD � has released a new alert entitled 'Keep an eye out for slip, trip and fall hazards onboard'. Britannia P&I � has issued two news alerts: 'Panama Canal Water Conservation Strategies' 'Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment Regulations (SCMTR)'. North � has issued an update on the impact of the Coronavirus on shipping, and three news alerts: 'Alarming Trends Found on Fixed Gas Detection Systems' '2020 IMSBC Code Amendments' 'Turkish Customs Demanding Debunkering of Misdeclared Fuel'. Shipowners' Club � has released an article entitled 'Fatigue at Sea: Wearable technology'. The Standard Club � has published eight new documents: five news alerts: 'Novel coronavirus update' 'IMO-2020 sulphur cap - issues to consider prior to the implementation of the carriage ban on 1 March 2020' 'Novel Coronavirus update - number of confirmed cases passes 42,000' 'Coronavirus - the club's offices' 'New workbook on cyber security onboard ships' three articles 'West Africa maritime security update' 'Venezuelan maritime authority to require port payments in sanctioned Petro currency' 'The threat of Malaria'. The Swedish Club � has released two member alerts: 'Measures implemented at main Chinese ports due to outbreak of Novel Coronavirus' 'Focus: Collisions'. West � has issued a news alert entitled 'Carriage of Bauxite which may Liquefy � Update'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News EMSA � has released the February 2020 issue of their Newsletter. London P&I Club � has published an updated guide on the safe operation and maintenance of ship holds and hatch covers. GARD � has issued an article entitled 'COVID-19 - the effect of this public health emergency on charterparty terms'. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the collision of the bulk carrier 'Gnak' with the bulk carrier 'Cape Mathilde', which was moored alongside the Redcar bulk terminal in Teesport, England. Control of the 'Gnak's heading was lost during a turn, which then could not be arrested and so the collision could not be avoided. No direct cause for the incident could be identified, as the rudder angle and engine speed information was not recorded by the 'Gnak's voyage data recorder. Australia � The ATSB has released an accident investigation report into the loss of containers overboard from the container ship 'YM Efficiency', en route to Sydney, New South Wales. The vessel had been steaming slowly into strong gale force winds and very rough seas when it rolled heavily. It was found that the weights and distribution of the containers exceeded the vessel's allowable force limits, and that this had not been checked prior to loading the cargo. Further, the vessel's officers had not used the ship's cargo loading computer system to check whether the stowage arrangement was compliant. Recent IMO Circulars III.3/Circ.7 � 30/01/20 � CASUALTY ANALYSIS AND STATISTICS. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.92 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LLMC.1/Circ.61 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.42 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.49 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. BWM.2/Circ.72 � 17/01/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. HKSRC.1/Circ.15 � 09/01/20 � HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND RECYCLING OF SHIPS, 2009. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO 17-21 February: Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) � 7th Session 2-6 March: Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) � 7th Session 11-13 March: IOPC Funds 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 6 Friday 7th February 2020
Friday 7th February 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 6, 2020 � Friday 7th February Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates Novel Coronavirus USA Marshall Islands Panama Bahamas Isle of Man Singapore Hong Kong Cyprus UK � has published six amended merchant shipping notices: 'Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) (Chemical Agents) Regulations 2010 as Amended' 'Marine Equipment - United Kingdom conformity assessment procedures for marine equipment, Other Approval and Standards' 'The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997 and the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Labour Convention) (Medical Certification) Regulations 2010: New and Expectant Mothers' 'Directive (EU) 2016/1629 � Laying Down Technical Requirements for Inland Waterway Vessels' 'Directive (EU) 2016/1629 � Laying Down Technical Requirements for Inland Waterway Vessels � Technical Requirements of Annex II' 'Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) (Biological Agents) Regulations 2010 as Amended'. USA � has released three new safety alerts: 'Check Your Lifeboat Cables: Damaged Control Cables Can Contribute to the Unintended Opening of a Hook' 'Alarming Trends Found on Fixed Gas Detection Systems' 'Danger! Improper Bonding During Gas Freeing Can Have Explosive Results!'. Cyprus � has released a new circular entitled 'Cyprus Tonnage Tax System (Law 44(I)/2010): Calculation of the Global Share for the Owners of Foreign Ships, Charterers and Ship Managers � applied for the fiscal year 2020'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released four new guidance documents: 'Guide for LNG Fuel Ready Vessels' 'Guide for Use of Lithium Batteries in the Marine and Offshore Industries' 'Guide for Portable Accommodation Modules' 'Guide for Dynamic Positioning Systems'. Recent P&I Club Guidance Novel Coronavirus The American Club GARD SKULD Japan P&I Club North The Standard Club West The American Club � has issued a new alert entitled 'Ban of Single Use Plastics: India'. GARD � has released a new alert entitled 'Ventilation records � a defence against expensive cargo claims for moisture damage'. Japan P&I Club � has published two news alerts: 'Stownet fishing season in Bisan Seto 2020 � The expected navigable water area in the traffic lane during the peak season' 'Nigeria � New Measure to Reduce Congestion in Lagos Ports'. North � has issued an update on the ballast water sampling situation in Ukraine. Shipowners' Club � has released a news alert entitled 'Turkey: Revised pollution fines'. The Standard Club � has published six new documents: three press articles: 'Safety at Sea - Safety focus 2020' 'Marine sector should confront the rising cyber threat it faces' 'Why P&I insurance is more vital today than ever before' three news alerts: 'Lost anchor incidents in the Mississippi River' 'Scrubber installation delays in China due to novel coronavirus (nCoV) outbreak' 'IG Annual Review 2018/19'. The Swedish Club � has released a member alert entitled 'MSS Case February: Heavy weather causes grounding in archipelago'. West � has issued a news alert entitled 'Iran Sanctions - COSCO Shipping Tanker (Dalian) Co. removed from SDN list'. UK P&I � has issued a circular entitled 'War Risks P&I Excess Cover - 2020', and a news alert entitled 'Panama Canal - New Water Conservation Strategies effective 15 February, 2020'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News MCA � is seeking responses to consultations on two new draft merchant shipping regulations: 'Consultation on the draft merchant shipping (prevention of pollution by garbage from ships) regulations 2020' 'Consultation on the draft Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships) Regulations 2020' OCIMF � has released the January issue of their Newsletter. ICS � has issued a press release expressing 'concern at increasing attacks on ships crews'. Tokyo MOU � has released a safety bulletin entitled 'Safety of pilots boarding ships with pilot transfer arrangements that use non-approved methods to secure pilot ladders'. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the Ro-Ro freight ferry 'Seatruck Performance' while transiting the Greenore Channel in Carlingford Lough, Northern Ireland. The ferry was turning into a narrow channel at the time of the incident. It was found that the ferry's passage had not been sufficiently planned, the electronic navigation system was not being used effectively, and the Master, who was new, was not being effectively supported by the rest of the bridge team. Germany � The BSU has released an accident investigation report into the outbreak of fire in the deck cargo area of the container ship 'Yantian Express'. The cause of the fire could not be identified, but it was found that the vessel's fire and safety plan had a number of inaccuracies. Recent IMO Circulars III.3/Circ.7 � 30/01/20 � CASUALTY ANALYSIS AND STATISTICS. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.92 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LLMC.1/Circ.61 � 30/01/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.42 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.49 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. BWM.2/Circ.72 � 17/01/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. HKSRC.1/Circ.15 � 09/01/20 � HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND RECYCLING OF SHIPS, 2009. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO 3-7 February: Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) � 7th Session 17-21 February: Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) � 7th Session 2-6 March: Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) � 7th Session 11-13 March: IOPC Funds 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 51 Friday 18th December 2020
Friday 18th December 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 51, 2020 � Friday 18th December Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has issued three amended documents: a marine guidance note entitled 'Guidance on the Maintenance of Lists of Crew Ashore' a merchant shipping notice entitled 'ILO Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 � List of Crew' a marine information note entitled 'Update on Online Oral Exams and the Future Issue of Notice of Eligibilities During the COVID-19 Lockdown Period'. Liberia � has released three new marine advisories: 'Compliance with Amendments of 2018 to Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)' 'Harmonized approach towards enforcement of the European Union Ship Recycling Regulation (EU SRR) as a result of COVID-19' 'Explanation of difference between the ILO minimum monthly basic wage for an AB seafarer and the IBF minimum monthly basis wage for an AB seafarer'. Panama � has issued a new marine notice entitled 'Suez Canal, Gulf of Oman and Yemen', and has updated three circulars: 'Samples of certificates and seafarers� documentation implemented and approved by the Panama Maritime Authority' 'EPIRB Programming and Registration' 'Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear'. Isle of Man � has published a new technical advisory notice entitled 'Maritime Cyber Risk Management'. Singapore � has released a new port marine circular entitled 'Road Transportation of Controlled Hazardous Substances in Port'. Hong Kong � has issued a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'Port State Control'. Cyprus � has released three new circulars: 'Launch of a European Open Tender Procedure for the Establishment of a Passenger Maritime Link between Cyprus and Greece' 'Cyprus Tonnage Tax System (Law 44(I)/2010 as amended): Indicative directions of the Shipping Deputy Minister for the imposition of administrative fines' 'Electronic Log Books (Deck Logbook) on Cyprus flagged vessels'. Malta � has published a new merchant shipping notice entitled 'Extension of Sea Service Beyond the Seafarer Employment Agreement Period'. Recent Class Society Guidance CCS � has issued two new guidance documents: 'Guidelines for Preparation and Implementation of Survey Programme on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys (ESP) 2020' 'Guidelines for Application of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) System Onboard Ships, 2020'. DNV GL � has published an article entitled 'Transport of liquid chemicals in bulk for Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs)'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released three new technical circulars: 'Belize � Seafarers with invalid/ expired Contracts or Seafarers Employment Agreement (SEA)' 'Panama Maritime Authority - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006' 'Kiribati - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'Cyber security management'. Recent P&I Club Guidance GARD � has released a new alert entitled 'Loading soya beans in Brazil � practical guidance'. SKULD � has published two new articles: 'Crew changes during COVID-19 - a new flashpoint for charterparty disputes?' 'Indian law: Personal injury / disability claims'. Britannia P&I � has issued six news alerts: 'Azov Sea � Ice Condition Regulations' 'Baltic Sea � Ice Condition Update' 'Shipping Industry Aims to Cut Single-Use Plastics' 'Philippines Opens Various Ports as Crew Change Hubs' 'Change in Brazilian Immigration Regulations for Foreign Crew' 'China Implements a Complete Ban of Import of Solid Waste from 1 January 2021'. North � has issued two new documents: a circular entitled 'The Carriage of Steel Cargoes' a news alert entitled 'Nickel Ore Mine Uncertainty Raises Tensions in New Caledonia'. The Standard Club � has published three new documents: an article entitled 'Enclosed spaces - How to change behaviour' two news alerts: 'Third quarter piracy and armed robbery reports' 'Amendments to the IBC code and MARPOL Annex II'. The West of England P&I Club � has released two news alerts: 'Loss Prevention: Team going from strength to strength with appointment of Emma MacCarthy' 'West of England Bunker Fuel Quality Advisory Service'. UK P&I Club � has published four new articles: 'Turkey � New Covid-19 precautionary measures on pilotage services' 'California Marine Invasive Species Program � Amendment effective 01.01.21' 'Prolonged waiting periods of vessels carrying Australian coal to China' 'The carriage of seed cake cargoes under the IMSBC Code 2020 Edition'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News OCIMF � has released the November 2020 issue of their Newsletter. NTSB � has issued 'Safer Seas Digest 2019: Lessons Learned from Marine Accident Investigations'. EMSA � has published the December 2020 issue of their Newsletter. Recent Accident Reports Germany � The BSU has published two new reports: a summary investigation report into the allision of the RoPax ferry 'Berlin' with the fender system in the port of Gedser, resulting in water ingress. This was found to be the result of human error, as the checklist for the berthing manoeuvre had not been adhered to. an investigation report into an accident in which a canal helmsman fell from the multi-purpose vessel 'Marfaam' while boarding using a pilot ladder and was seriously injured. It was found that the 'Marfaam' was lacking in suitable handholds at the embarkation point. The Netherlands � The Dutch Safety Board has published an investigation report on the collision of the river cruise ship 'Viking Idun' with the chemical tanker 'Chemical Marketer' on the Western Scheldt. It was found that the 'Viking Idun' had strayed out of their specified shipping route and crossed into the course of the 'Chemical Marketer'. The bridge crew of the 'Viking Idun' were found to be lacking in understanding of the English language, and had an outdated knowledge of the navigation zone for the area. Recent IMO Circulars MSC.1/Circ.1625 � 17/12/20 � UNIFIED INTERPRETATIONS OF THE IGC CODE (AS AMENDED BY RESOLUTION MSC.370(93)). View Circular. MSC-MEPC.5/Circ.7/Rev.1 � 15/12/20 � GUIDANCE ON THE TIMING OF REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING CERTIFICATES BY REVISED CERTIFICATES AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE ENTRY INTO FORCE OF AMENDMENTS TO CHAPTERS 17 AND 18 OF THE IBC CODE. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.19 � 15/12/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1353/Rev.2 � 15/12/20 � REVISED GUIDELINES FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE CARGO SECURING MANUAL. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1624 � 15/12/20 � AMENDMENTS TO THE CODE OF SAFE PRACTICE FOR SHIPS CARRYING TIMBER DECK CARGOES, 2011 (2011 TDC CODE). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1623 � 15/12/20 � AMENDMENTS TO THE CODE OF SAFE PRACTICE FOR CARGO STOWAGE AND SECURING (CSS CODE). View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1626 � 15/12/20 � UNIFIED INTERPRETATION OF THE IMDG CODE. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1621 � 15/12/20 � INTERIM GUIDELINES FOR THE SAFETY OF SHIPS USING METHYL/ETHYL ALCOHOL AS FUEL. View Circular. BWM.2/Circ.42/Rev.2 � 15/12/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.17 � 15/12/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.18 � 15/12/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a programme of meetings for 2021. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. 11-15 January � IMSO Assembly � Remote Meeting 18-22 January � 33rd meeting of the Editorial and Technical (E&T) Group (IMSBC Code) � Remote Meeting 1-5 February � Council Open-ended Working Group on Council Reform � Remote Meeting 15-19 February � Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) 7th Session � Remote Meeting 22-26 February � Council Working Group on Applications for Consultative Status of Non-Governmental Organizations � Remote Meeting 8-12 March � IP Code Working Group on the Carriage of More Than 12 Industrial Personnel On Board Vessels Engaged on International Voyages � Remote Meeting 15-19 March � 34th meeting of the Editorial and Technical (E&T) Group (IMDG Code) � Remote Meeting 22-26 March � Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) 8th Session � Remote Meeting 29 March - 2 April � IOPC Funds � Remote Meeting 7-13 April � Communications Working Group on the Revision of SOLAS Chapters III and IV for Modernization of the GMDSS � Remote Meeting 8 April � Council � 33rd Extraordinary Session � Remote Meeting 12-16 April � 44th meeting of the LC Scientific Group � 15th meeting of the LP Scientific Group � Remote Meeting 19-23 April � Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR) 8th Session � Remote Meeting 26-29 April � IMSO Advisory Committee (IMSO AC) 45th session � Remote Meeting 5-14 May � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) 103rd Session � Remote Meeting 24-28 May � 8th meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on the Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships � Remote Meeting 1-7 June � Facilitation Committee (FAL) 45th Session � Remote Meeting 9-15 June � 4th meeting of the Expert Group on Data Harmonization � Remote Meeting 10-17 June � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 76th Session � Remote Meeting 28 June - 2 July � Council � 125th Session � Remote Meeting 5-9 July � 17th meeting of the Joint IMO/ITU Experts Group on Maritime Radiocommunication Matter � Remote Meeting 12-16 July � Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III) 7th Session � Remote Meeting 19-21 July � IMSO SES Conference � Remote Meeting 26-30 July �Legal Committee (LEG) 108th Session � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. 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Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 50 Friday 11th December 2020
Friday 11th December 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 50, 2020 � Friday 11th December Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates � UK � has issued two marine guidance notes: � 'Alternative to the IMO MARPOL Annex VI tier III standard engine' � 'Engine emission standards applicable to inland waterway vessels'. � Singapore � has released a port marine circular entitled 'Extension of MaritimeSG Together Package for Maritime Companies, Individuals and Seafarers'. Forward this email to a friend Recent Class Society Guidance � Bureau Veritas � has published a whitepaper on 'Bunkering for a More Sustainable Future'. � Class NK � has released two new technical information documents: � 'Compliance with the EU Ship Recycling Regulation-For Japanese flagged vessel' � 'Amendments to the IBC/BCH Code & MARPOL 73/78 Annex II which will enter into force on 1 January 2021 (For Japanese flag ships)'. � CCS � has issued two updates: � 'Bulk Carriers - Guidelines for Survey, Assessment and Repair of Hull Structure' � 'Survey Guidelines for Oil Tankers in Service'. � Korean Register of Shipping � has published an update on the 'Status of port and shipyard of KR Branch office'. Recent P&I Club Guidance � US Oil Pollution California � Increased criminal penalties for oil spill related offences � Update: � International Group of P&I Clubs � Britannia P&I � North � The Shipowners' Club � The Standard Club � Steamship Mutual � The Swedish Club � West of England P&I Club � UK P&I Club � International Group of P&I Clubs � has published two news articles: � '107th session of the IMO Legal Committee (remote) � International Group attendance' � 'Meetings (remote) of the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds - International Group attendance'. � The American Club � has issued a member alert entitled 'Amendments to California Marine Invasive Species Program (MISP)'. � GARD � has released two articles: � 'New immigration controls for seafarers entering Brazil' � 'The dangerous practice of stowaways hiding in a vessel�s rudder trunk'. � Skuld � has published an article entitled 'ASBAGASVOY 2020 � a new voyage charter for the gas trade'. � North � has issued six news alerts: � 'Local Guidance on Loading Soya Bean Cargo in Brazil' � 'USCG Alert on Ro-Ro Fires' � 'Nickel Ore loaded in Philippines � Problems Persist' � 'COVID-19: Coronavirus Outbreak � Impact on Shipping *Update*' � 'VPS Bunker Alerts 2020' � 'Ukraine: Customs Fines at the Port of Nikolayev'. � The Shipowners' Club � has released four updates: � 'Podcast: Yacht electrical fires' � 'Limitation of liability for marinas � the importance of having a well thought out mooring plan' � 'Offshore Liability Insurance Policy 2021 � Basic: changes with explanations' � 'Offshore Liability Insurance Policy 2021 � Enhanced: changes with explanations'. � The Standard Club � has published five news articles: � 'Regulatory risks posed by green shipping are an issue for insurers' � 'Is vessel size a factor in collapsed container stacks?' � 'Practical guidance for loading soya beans in Brazil' � 'Amendments in California�s Marine Invasive Species Program (MISP) to enter in force from 1 January 2021' � 'New Argentinian Hold and Tank Inspection Requirements'. � The Swedish Club � has issued a member alert entitled 'EU Guidelines on the enforcement of obligations under the EU Ship Recycling Regulation'. � The West of England P&I Club � has released a news article entitled 'Canada - Regulations Regarding Protecting Killer Whale in Southern British Columbia'. � UK P&I Club � has published five updates: � 'EUSRR - Qualified extension to deadline of 31.12.20 to have IHM onboard' � 'Ask an Expert: Cyber Security' � 'UK Club Live Webinar (Series 9): LNG, the bridge to cleaner fuel' � 'UK Club launches Global Crew Change Advice manual' � 'Loading Soya Beans in Brazil � Practical Guidance'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News � Korean Register of Shipping � has released their 'Maritime Cyber Security Newsletter' for December 2020. � EMSA � has published its 'Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2020'. Ballast Water Management � Compliance Update Witherbys has produced a guidance article for subscribers to Shipping Regulations and Guidance. This article explains the current situation with regards to the Ballast Water Management Convention and the requirements for Ballast Water Management Systems following the 28th October 2020 installation deadline. View Article Recent Accident Reports � UK � The UK MAIB has published an accident report into the enclosed space entry accident on board the fishing trawler 'Sunbeam'. The second engineer had entered the tank to sweep away residual water. When he was found collapsed inside the tank, three of his crewmates attempted to assist him, they all suffered breathing difficulties and one also collapsed. Two crew members then donned breathing apparatus and rescued their crewmates, but the second engineer sadly could not be resuscitated. The incident occurred because the second engineer had entered the tank without proper PPE (this had become standard procedure on board the trawler) unaware of the fact that there had been a leak of freon gas from the vessel's refrigeration plant. � Germany � The BSU has published a summary investigation report into the deflagration of pure ethanol on board the sailing ship 'Danmark'. The ethanol was being applied as part of an enhanced Corona disinfection routine on board and caught fire when a cadet ignited a lighter near to the cleaning products, causing a crew member to suffer severe burns. The incident was found to have been caused by a lack of understanding of the properties of ethanol and of the safety measures that should be applied during its use, due to the fact that it had not been adequately incorporated into the ship's SMS. Recent IMO Circulars � MEPC.1/Circ.889 � 10/12/20 � 2020 GUIDELINES FOR ON BOARD SAMPLING OF FUEL OIL INTENDED TO BE USED OR CARRIED FOR USE ON BOARD A SHIP. View Circular. � NCSR 8/10 � 10/12/20 � DEVELOPMENT OF GLOBAL MARITIME SAR SERVICES, INCLUDING HARMONIZATION OF MARITIME AND AERONAUTICAL PROCEDURES. View Circular. � MSC-LEG-MEPC-TCC-FAL.1/Circ.1 � 09/12/20 � INTERIM GUIDANCE TO FACILITATE REMOTE SESSIONS OF THE COMMITTEES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. � MSC 103/14 � 09/12/20 � NAVIGATION, COMMUNICATIONS AND SEARCH AND RESCUE. View Circular. � MSC.1/Circ.1634 � 08/12/20 � UNIFIED INTERPRETATIONS OF SOLAS CHAPTER II-2. View Circular. � MSC.1/Circ.1636 � 08/12/20 � INDUSTRY RECOMMENDED FRAMEWORK OF PROTOCOLS FOR ENSURING SAFE SHIP CREW CHANGES AND TRAVEL DURING THE CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) PANDEMIC. View Circular. � NCSR 8/7/Add.4 � 08/12/20 � RESPONSE TO MATTERS RELATED TO THE ITU-R STUDY GROUPS AND ITU WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE. View Circular. � NCSR 8/7/Add.3 � 08/12/20 � RESPONSE TO MATTERS RELATED TO THE ITU-R STUDY GROUPS AND ITU WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE. View Circular. � NCSR 8/7/Add.2 � 08/12/20 � RESPONSE TO MATTERS RELATED TO THE ITU-R STUDY GROUPS AND ITU WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE. View Circular. � NCSR 8/7/Add.1 � 08/12/20 � RESPONSE TO MATTERS RELATED TO THE ITU-R STUDY GROUPS AND ITU WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE. View Circular. � NCSR 8/7 � 07/12/20 � RESPONSE TO MATTERS RELATED TO THE ITU-R STUDY GROUPS AND ITU WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE. View Circular. � NCSR 8/7/1 � 07/12/20 � RESPONSE TO MATTERS RELATED TO THE ITU-R STUDY GROUPS AND ITU WORLD RADIOCOMMUNICATION CONFERENCE. View Circular. � NCSR 8/1/1 � 07/12/20 � ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. View Circular. � MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.15 � 04/12/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. � MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.14 � 03/12/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. � PPR 8/1 � 02/12/20 � PROVISIONAL AGENDA for the eighth session of the Sub-Committee to be held remotely from Monday, 22 to Friday, 26 March 2021. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: � Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 � Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 � Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020, and a preliminary programme of meetings for 20201. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. � 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting � 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting � 11-15 January � IMSO � Remote Meeting � 15-19 February � HTW 7 � Remote Meeting � 22-26 March � PPR 8 � Remote Meeting � 29 March - 2 April � IOPC � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 5 Friday 31st January 2020
Friday 31st January 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 5, 2020 � Friday 31st January Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates USA � has published a new marine safety information bulletin entitled 'Novel Coronavirus Precautions'. Marshall Islands � has released two new marine safety advisories: 'United States Coast Guard � Subchapter O Endorsements' 'Fire-Fighting Outfits � Fire Proximity Suits'. Panama � has issued a new circular entitled 'Announcement of Resolution entry in force January 1st 2020 for Amendments to the International CODE for Fire Safety System (FSS CODE)', and has updated two circulars: 'List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers' 'Use of Electronic Certificates onboard' Bahamas � has updated a bulletin entitled 'Countries Recognised by the Bahamas in accordance with STCW Regulation I/10'. Cyprus � has released a new circular entitled 'Prolongation of The Merchant Shipping (Fees and Taxing Provisions) Law of 2010 (Law 44 (I)/2010)'. Malta � has published a new merchant shipping notice entitled 'Precautionary Measures Against Novel Coronavirus'. Recent Class Society Guidance DNV GL � has released an article entitled 'IMO Sub-Committee on navigation, communications and search and rescue'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued a new technical circular entitled 'DG Shipping India Addendum No.1 DGS Order 05 of 2019 - Prohibition on Use of Single Use Plastics Onboard Merchant Ships'. Recent P&I Club Guidance Novel Coronavirus 2019 The American Club Managers� Shanghai and Hong Kong Offices USCG Marine Safety Information Bulletin North GARD Britannia P&I Update Shipowners' Club The Standard Club Update 2 Update 3 The Swedish Club West UK P&I The American Club � has issued a new alert entitled 'Cover for War and Terrorism Risks for 2020'. GARD � has released a new alert entitled 'Do we know enough about the cargoes we carry?' SKULD � has published an article entitled 'Electronic navigation aids: The radar'. Britannia P&I � has released three news alerts: 'Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM)' 'Britannia Hong Kong Staff: Working Remotely' 'List of Jurisdictions Restricting or Banning Scrubber Wash Water Discharges'. Japan P&I Club � has published three news alerts: 'Turkey � Pollution Fines (2020)' 'US and Canada-Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM)-2020 Flying Season Starts' 'Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters No.88'. North � has issued two new circulars: 'Introducing MyGlobeView' 'IG P&I Qualification: P&IQ Registration Now Open to All'. Shipowners' Club � has released two news alerts: 'Improvement in connectivity at sea, but less satisfaction overall, latest Happiness Report shows' 'Greece: Increased pollution fines'. The Standard Club � has published seven news alerts: 'Focusing on Seafarer Wellbeing - Socialisation' 'POEA issues deployment ban to Iraq and Kuwait' 'Incidents involving ships underway in the eastbound lane of Singapore Strait' 'Introduction of voluntary speed limits and ECA in South Korea' 'Reminder of requirements for complying with the California Ocean-Going Vessel Fuel Regulation' 'Update on marine pollution fines in Turkey as of 1 January 2020' 'Indonesia - uncertainty over availability of LSFO'. West � has released a news alert entitled 'USA - California Ocean Going Vessel Fuel Rule - Reminder'. UK P&I � has issued a news alert entitled 'US: California Fuel Regulations Remain in Force'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News MCA � has released a new edition of their guidance document entitled 'Good Practice Guide: Cyber Security for Ports and Port Systems'. IACS � has announced the launch the 2020 edition of their 'Blue Book' and the accompanying 'Green Book'. IMO � has released a video showcasing their 'long-term strategy on mobilising resources for technical cooperation activities'. Recent Accident Reports Japan � The JTSB has released an accident investigation report into the collision between the cargo vessel 'SM3' and the oil tanker 'Koutoku Maru' in the Kanmon Passage. It was found that the bridge team in charge of each vessel had expected the other vessel to alter course and speed to avoid them, and so both vessels maintained course and speed and collided. Recent IMO Circulars SUA.4/Circ.42 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.49 � 24/01/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. BWM.2/Circ.72 � 17/01/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. HKSRC.1/Circ.15 � 09/01/20 � HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND RECYCLING OF SHIPS, 2009. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO 3-7 February: Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) � 7th Session 17-21 February: Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) � 7th Session 2-6 March: Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) � 7th Session 11-13 March: IOPC Funds 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 49 Friday 4th December 2020
Friday 4th December 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 49, 2020 � Friday 4th December Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has issued a new marine information note entitled 'Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seafarers: Amendment 2020'. USA � has released two new safety alerts: 'Air Contaminants and Paint Coatings Can Lead to Dangerous Static Discharges!' 'Recognizing Fire Hazards & Proper Cargo Stowage on Ro-Ro Vessels'. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Electronic Documents and Certificates'. Panama � has released nine new or updated documents: two new marine notices: 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended. Amendments to the MLC Code relating to Standard A2.1 � Seafarers� employment agreements, Standard A2.2 � Wages and Guideline B2.5.1 � Entitlement' 'Application of Cyber Risk Management to Vessels Calling at United States Coast Guard' seven updated circulars: 'Maritime Labour Convention (MLC, 2006). Amendments Regulations 2.5 (Repatriation) And 4.2 (Shipowner�s Liability)' 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC) � Certification Process' 'Recognized Organizations authorized for the issuance of the Polar Ship Certificate under the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and the International Convention for the Prevention of Maritime Pollution' 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), Employment Agreements of Seafarers' 'List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers � MLC' 'U.S. Pre-Ports Arrival Checklist for Panama Flagged Vessels' 'Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT)'. Singapore � has issued two new documents: a shipping circular entitled '2018 Amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006' a port marine circular entitled 'Shore Leave for Crew Working Onboard Vessels in Port of Singapore'. Recent Class Society Guidance ABS � has published a new guidance document entitled 'Guide for Sustainability Notations'. Indian Register of Shipping � has published three new technical circulars: 'GOI, DGS Circular No. 35 of 2020 reg Implementation of the 2018 amendments to MLC, 2006 on Indian ships' 'Addendum to Merchant Shipping Notice No.9 of 2017 - Conduct of MLC Intermediate Inspection on Indian coastal vessels (DGS Order 01 of 2014), RSVs and vessels with Gross Tonnage less than 500' 'Liberia - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006'. Class NK � has released a technical news alert entitled 'AMSA's approach to maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers'. Recent P&I Club Guidance US Oil Pollution California � Increased criminal penalties for oil spill related offences � Update The American Club GARD SKULD Japan P&I Club. Britannia P&I � has issued eight news alerts: 'USCG: Cyber Risk Management Compliance Included in PSC Inspections' 'Colombia: New Conditions of Navigation at the Port of Barranquilla' 'Brazil: New Draft in the Port of Rio Grande' 'Brazil: COVID-19 Update � Ban on Entry of Foreigners' 'India: Standard Operating Procedure / Protocol (SOP) For Sign-On of Foreign Seafarers' 'Australia: End of Seafarer MLC Contract Exemption' 'Britannia Members� Forum 2020' 'Loss Prevention Webinar � BSafe Campaign'. Japan P&I Club � has released their latest 'Navigation Warnings of China Waters', and also two new circulars: 'Offices Closed' 'Report on the 605th Meeting of the Board of Directors'. North � has issued two news alerts: 'Spike in Attacks on Ships Transiting Singapore Straits' 'IBIA Calls for Early Adoption of Marine Fuel Sulphur Verification Procedure'. The Standard Club � has published six news alerts: 'UK Chamber of Shipping - Bridge Resource Management Guidance Launch' 'Import ban of solid wastes in China from 1 January 2021' 'The Sea newspaper - Q4 2020' 'Supporting and celebrating seafarers through the festive season' 'Standard Club upgrades data and insight capabilities' 'Increased piracy and kidnap threat in the Gulf of Guinea'. West of England P&I Club � has released a notice entitled 'Amendment of the Constitution' UK P&I Club � has published five articles: 'Crew Changes - A Comprehensive Guide' 'Loading Soya Beans in Brazil � Practical Guidance' 'China implements complete ban on import of solid waste from 1 January 2021' 'Ship to Shore Communication' 'COVID-19 Prevention Guidelines for Operators of Oceangoing Passenger Ships in Japan'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News OCIMF � has published a new document entitled 'SIRE/EBIS Transition checklist'. GARD � has released an insight article entitled 'Contractual allocation of risk for drug smuggling in commercial shipping'. USCG � has published the Autumn 2020 Issue of their newsletter 'The Gas Gauge'. Ballast Water Management � Compliance Update Witherbys has produced a guidance article for subscribers to Shipping Regulations and Guidance. This article explains the current situation with regards to the Ballast Water Management Convention and the requirements for Ballast Water Management Systems following the 28th October 2020 installation deadline. View Article Recent Accident Reports Japan � The JTSB has published an accident investigation report into the collision of the oil and chemical tanker 'Eos' with the cargo ship 'Aisho No. 8' in the Nagoya Port North Passage. It was found that the Masters on both vessels had made incorrect assumptions about the intended course of the other vessel, and so were unable to prevent the accident despite both Masters taking steps to attempt to avoid it. It was also found that course signals made using international signal flags were not checked, and that there was no communication between the vessels - by VHF or other means �prior to the accident. Recent IMO Circulars MEPC.2/Circ.26 � 01/12/20 � PROVISIONAL CATEGORIZATION OF LIQUID SUBSTANCES IN ACCORDANCE WITH MARPOL ANNEX II AND THE IBC CODE. View Circular. IMSO.1/Circ.99 � 30/11/20 � CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION, 1976. View Circular. LC-LP.2/Circ.13 � 30/11/20 � 1996 PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972. View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.74 � 30/11/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.13 � 27/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.12 � 27/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.11 � 25/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1364/Rev.2 � 24/11/20 � INTERNATIONAL SAFETYNET SERVICES MANUAL. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020, and a preliminary programme of meetings for 20201. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting 11-15 January � IMSO � Remote Meeting 15-19 February � HTW 7 � Remote Meeting 22-26 March � PPR 8 � Remote Meeting 29 March - 2 April � IOPC � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 48 Friday 27th November 2020
Friday 27th November 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 48, 2020 � Friday 27th November Click Here to view this email as a PDF. IMO MEPC 75 Witherbys has produced a guidance article providing an overview of the events at MEPC 75, which ran virtually from 16-20 November. The primary items on the agenda for MEPC 75 were the adoption of mandatory instruments to the MARPOL and BWM Conventions and the approval of mandatory instruments for subsequent adoption at MEPC 76. Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates � UK � has issued three new documents: � 'Amendment 1: Ships captains medical guide 23rd edition' � 'MLC Food catering recognised qualifications' � 'Amendment 5: Equivalent medical certificates'. � USA � has released a marine safety information bulletin entitled 'Effect of the IMO OSV Chemical Code on the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk on U.S. Forward this email to a friend View Article Flagged Offshore Supply Vessels'. � Hong Kong � has published two new merchant shipping information notes: � 'United Nations Sanctions (Mali) Regulation 2019 (Amendment) Regulation 2020' � 'United Nations Sanctions (Central African Republic) Regulation 2020 (Amendment) Regulation 2020'. � Malta � has issued two merchant shipping notices: � 'Revision of the Commercial Yacht Code' � 'Training and Certification of Crew Engaged on Yachts and Workboats (International Voyages)'. Recent Class Society Guidance � ABS � has published a summary of MEPC 75. � Bureau Veritas � has issued three updates: � 'Norwegian Maritime Authority Safety Notice No 01/2018' � 'Report of MEPC 75 Meeting' � 'Report of MSC 102'. � DNV GL � has released an article entitled 'New GHG regulations for ships approved during IMO MEPC 75 meeting'. � Indian Register of Shipping � has published a technical circular on 'DGS M.S.Notice No. 15 of 2020 Reg. - Comprehensive Inspection Program (CIP) for Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers Services License (RPSL)'. � Korean Register of Shipping � has issued a summary of MEPC 75. � Class NK � has released technical information on the 'Amendments of 2018 to the code of the MLC, 2006 (effective on and after 26 Dec. 2020) (for non-Japanese flag vessels)'. Recent P&I Club Guidance � American Club � has published two circulars: � 'Pre-Employment Medical Examinations (PEME) and COVID-19: An Update' � 'Background To The 2021 American Club Renewal'. � GARD � has released an insight article entitled 'NAABSA: Licence to sit on ground?'. � Skuld � has published an article entitled 'Passage Planning in a nutshell'. � North � has issued five updates: � 'Trading Between UAE and Israel' � 'China: Fuel Sulphur Cap and Emission Control Areas' � 'New Argentinian Hold and Tank Inspection Requirements' � 'COVID-19: Coronavirus Outbreak � Impact on Shipping *Update*' � 'Financial Review and Renewal 2021'. � The Standard Club � has published two articles: � 'Recent changes to Egyptian Customs Law' � 'IHM Certification for UK flag ships subject to PSC inspection at EU ports'. � The Swedish Club � has issued a member alert on 'Egyptian customs law amendments and the effects'. � West of England P&I Club � has released an article entitled 'EU give breathing room on the IHM obligations until the 30th June 2021'. � UK P&I Club � has published a summary of MEPC 75. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News � INTERCARGO, DNV GL, Standard Club � have launched a new bulk carrier ventilation guide. � UK P&I Club � has launched their 'Ask an Expert' video series. Recent Accident Reports � UK � The UK MAIB has published an accident report into the fatal crush incident on board the general cargo vessel 'Karina C'. The second officer was fatally injured during post-cargo loading operations, when attempting to pass between the hatch covers and the stationary crane. It was found that the second officer's judgement may have been adversely affected by alcohol and that he was unaware of the crane operations taking place. The investigation also concluded that the safety culture on board was weak; company procedures were not followed and several unsafe working practices were observed. � The Bahamas � The BMA has issued a marine safety investigation report into the fatal cargo fumigant poisoning on board the 'Fri Dolphin'. After the ship had unloaded its cargo (corn), aluminium phosphide was placed in the holds to fumigate the cargo in transit. After a period of heavy weather, hydrogen phosphide gas (PH3) entered the crew accommodation, resulting in the death of one crew member and the evacuation of several others. It was found that the fumigant was able to enter the accommodation space due to a failure in the ventilation system and the fact that the cargo hold was not sufficiently gas-tight. � Malta � The MSIU has published a safety investigation report into a fatal fall from the accommodation stairway on board 'MV Alma'. The ship was experiencing heavy weather conditions while in the Atlantic Ocean and the resultant pitching and rolling motions of the ship are believed to have contributed to the accident, which resulted in the death of the electrical engineer. � Malta � The MSIU has also released a marine safety investigation report into the engine room fire on board the RoRo 'Eurocargo Trieste'. The fire is believed to have been caused by an accidental fuel spill onto a hot surface. No crew members were injured and no pollution occurred, but the engine room sustained heavy damage. Recent IMO Circulars � MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.11 � 25/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. � MSC.1/Circ.1364/Rev.2 � 24/11/20 � INTERNATIONAL SAFETYNET SERVICES MANUAL. View Circular. � HTW 7/1/1/Rev.1 � 23/11/20 � ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. View Circular. � E&T 33/Rev.1 � 20/11/20 � PROVISIONAL AGENDA for the thirty-third meeting of the Editorial and Technical Group (IMSBC Code) to be held remotely from Monday, 18 January, to Friday, 22 January 2020 (Meeting commences at 11 a.m. (GMT) on Monday, 18 January 2021). View Circular. � Circular Letter No.4237/Add.16 � 20/11/20 � Communication from the Government of the Republic of the Philippines. View Circular. � MSC 102/INF.1 � 20/11/20 � LIST OF PARTICIPANTS. View Circular. � Circular Letter No.4204/Add.34 � 20/11/20 � Coronavirus (COVID 19) � WHO e-learning courses on Promoting public health measures in response to COVID-19 on cargo ships and fishing vessels and Operational considerations for managing COVID-19 cases and outbreaks on board ships. View Circular. � MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.10 � 20/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. � NCSR 8/1 � 19/11/20 � PROVISIONAL AGENDA for the eighth session of the Sub-Committee to be held remotely from Monday, 19 April, to Friday, 23 April 2021. View Circular. � SN.1/Circ.243/Rev.2/Corr.1 � 19/11/20 � GUIDELINES FOR THE PRESENTATION OF NAVIGATION-RELATED SYMBOLS, TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. View Circular. � COLREG.2/Circ.75 � 19/11/20 � TRAFFIC SEPARATION SCHEMES AND ASSOCIATED ROUTEING MEASURES. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: � Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 � Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 � Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. � 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting � 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting � 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 47 Friday 20th November 2020
Friday 20th November 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 47, 2020 � Friday 20th November Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend IMO MSC 102 Witherbys has produced a guidance article providing an overview of the events at MSC 102, which ran virtually from 4-11 November. The primary items on the agenda for MSC 102 were the adoption of mandatory instruments and the approval of mandatory instruments for adoption at MSC 103. The impact of COVID-19 was also discussed extensively. View Article Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released an amended marine information note: 'Inventory of Hazardous Materials Certification for UK Ships Subject to Port State Control at EU Ports'. Norway � has issued four new circulars: 'Accidental release of liferafts' 'COVID-19 - Extension of certificates and vessel instructions' 'Instructions to class: Further extensions of statutory surveys and completion of renewal surveys by means of alternative methods due to COVID-19' 'Inflatable liferafts with venturi valve'. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Requirements on Carriage of Publications on Board Ships'. Panama � has updated two circulars: 'Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) for ships calling at EU ports' 'High Risk Areas (HRA) and precautionary zones'. Recent Class Society Guidance Bureau Veritas � has published a Class news alert entitled 'New Zealand - MARPOL Annex VI - Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released a new technical circular entitled 'AMSA Notice 10 / 2020 Reg. Temporary arrangements for the maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during COVID-19 pandemic'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'Ship Recycling: The enforcement of the EU Ship Recycling Regulation relating to the IHM in European waters'. Class NK � has published three technical news alerts: 'Medical Oxygen Cylinder onboard Liberian flagged ships' 'Application of Cyber Risk Management to U.S. vessels and vessels calling at U.S. ports' 'Type Approval by the Japanese Government for the exhaust gas monitoring systems and discharge water monitoring systems of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems installed on Japanese-flagged ships (Revision)'. Recent P&I Club Guidance SKULD � has published an article entitled 'Ship to ship transfer safety'. Britannia P&I � has released six news alerts: 'BSafe � A New Britannia Initiative for Seafarers' 'Recent Trade Circulars/Notices Issued by Port Authorities' 'Commission to Monitor Oil Spill Pollution' 'Cyber Security Workbook' 'BSafe Incident Case Study 01: Death of Third Engineer due to Burn Injuries' 'Stowaways: The Master is Not Alone'. North � has published a circular entitled 'Annual General Meeting 2020 - Registration'. The Shipowners' Club � has released two news alerts: 'IG Circular: Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream � Update on new U.S. sanctions' 'Offing Marine & Offshore Consultants: Inspection and maintenance guidance for ship cranes'. The Standard Club � has issued seven new documents: a circular entitled '17 November 2020, Strike and Delay class circular - Financial Position and Renewal 2020/21' four articles: 'Threat to seafarers in enclosed spaces rises in Covid-19 crisis' 'US Court of Appeals holds the reasonable value determined by the jury as the appropriate measure of medical damages for a maritime tort' 'Guidelines for topping-up of fumigant by crew during the voyage' 'P&I clubs resist cyber exclusions despite rise in attacks' two news alerts: 'USCG guidance on Cyber Risk Management' 'Increased stowaway activity in Northern Spanish Ports'. UK P&I � has published four new documents: two circulars: 'SGM and proposed name change' 'General Meeting Reports' two news alerts: 'IMO Resolution on Maritime Cyber Risk Management - Compliance date 1 January 2021' 'USCG � Reminder of Revisions to MARPOL Annex II & IBC Code'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News OCIMF � has published two news articles: 'EBIS Transition Update � November 2020' 'SIRE 2.0, updates on the role of inspectors and on reporting'. GARD � has issued two insight articles: 'Coping with diabetes at sea' 'Careful drafting of LOI invocation clauses in charterparties avoids later surprises'. Recent Accident Reports Malta � The MSIU has published a safety investigation report into an occurrence of fire in a container full of dried cinnamon leaves on board the container ship 'Filia T'. The investigation could not absolutely determine the cause of the fire, but the probable cause was found to be either friction during recent rough weather, or self-heating. Recent IMO Circulars SN.1/Circ.340 � 19/11/20 � RECOGNITION OF THE INDIAN REGIONAL NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM (IRNSS) AS A COMPONENT OF THE WORLDWIDE RADIONAVIGATION SYSTEM. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1635 � 18/11/20 � IMO ENHANCED GROUP CALL COORDINATING PANEL. View Circular. SN.1/Circ.339 � 18/11/20 � ROUTEING MEASURES OTHER THAN TRAFFIC SEPARATION SCHEMES. View Circular. LC-LP.2/Circ.12 � 13/11/20 � 1996 PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 PROVISIONAL APPLICATION OF THE 2009 AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 6 OF THE LONDON PROTOCOL RESOLUTION LP.5(14). View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.9 � 12/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.92 � 09/11/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.8 � 06/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.7 � 02/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.6 � 29/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.5/Circ.43 � 28/10/20 � REVISED IMO COMPENDIUM ON FACILITATION AND ELECTRONIC BUSINESS. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.5 � 28/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 46 Friday 13th November 2020
Friday 13th November 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 46, 2020 � Friday 13th November Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released two new marine information notes: 'Incorporation of Cyber Security Measures within Safety Management Systems' 'Inventory of Hazardous Materials Certification for UK Ships Subject to Port State Control at EU Ports'. Australia � has published a new marine notice entitled 'Updated: Temporary arrangements for the maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during COVID-19 pandemic'. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Electronic Record Books and Logbook Systems' Panama � has updated two circulars: 'Authorized Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) transiting High Risk Areas (online application)' 'Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear'. Singapore � has released a new port marine circular entitled 'Further Enhancements to Crew Change for Cargo Ships in the Port of Singapore'. Recent Class Society Guidance Bureau Veritas � has published a new guidance document entitled 'Guidelines for Fatigue Assessment of Ships and Offshore Units'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released two new technical circulars: 'DGS MS Notice No. 14 of 2020 Reg Issuance of Statement of Compliance (SOC) towards Hong Kong Convention and EU-SRR' 'DGS, Order No. 34 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of Ship�s Statutory Certificates, Periodical Surveys and Audits in view of COVID-19 pandemic'. Class NK � has issued a new technical news alert entitled 'Special requirements for asbestos regarding Isle of Man flagged vessels'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has issued a new member alert entitled 'Catalog of COVID-19 Best Management Practices for the US Maritime Industry'. GARD � has released two new member circulars: 'New premium policy' 'Status report as at 20 August 2020'. Japan P&I � has released a news alert entitled 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Enhanced Quarantine Measures in Korea (No.3)'. North � has published a news alert entitled 'Heightened Threat of Kidnap in Gulf of Guinea'. The Standard Club � has issued six new documents: a press article entitled 'Increased enclosed space casualties call for more investment in training' five news alerts: 'Wash Damage and Speed Regulation in Parana River' 'Singapore MPA announces further enhancements to crew change procedures and Chinese Ports issue specific crew change measures' 'Committee on Marine Transportation publishes COVID-19 reference guides' 'Increasing piracy attacks at Guayaquil, Ecuador' 'EU sanctions against Turkey'. The Swedish Club � has published a member alert entitled 'West Africa - Increased piracy activity'. West � has released a news alert entitled 'USCG issue Cyber Risk Management Guidelines'. UK P&I � has published four new documents: a circular entitled 'Autumn Update and 2021 Renewal' three news alerts: 'Maritime Cyber Risk' 'Bunker issues post 2020 shake-up' 'Asian Gypsy Moth: New regulation in Argentina'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News OCIMF � has issued a new information paper entitled 'Recommendations on Usage of ECDIS and Preventing Incidents'. EMSA � has released the November 2020 issue of their Newsletter . ICS � has published a new report entitled 'Catalysing the fourth propulsion revolution'. GARD � has issued an insight article entitled 'Are we all in the same boat? Crew changes in the time of pandemic'. Recent Accident Reports Canada � The TSB has published an investigation report into an incident in which the container vessel 'Ever Summit', while berthing under the conduct of a pilot at the Port of Vancouver, struck the berth and a nearby shore gantry crane. It was found that the pilot had given the tugs, which were assisting with the berthing, the wrong instructions, resulting in the vessel's stern rapidly sheering towards the berth. Recent IMO Circulars BUNKERS.1/Circ.92 � 09/11/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.8 � 06/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.7 � 02/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.6 � 29/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.5/Circ.43 � 28/10/20 � REVISED IMO COMPENDIUM ON FACILITATION AND ELECTRONIC BUSINESS. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.5 � 28/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.3/Circ.218 � 27/10/20 � CONVENTION ON FACILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC, 1965. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.95 � 27/10/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.4 � 21/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.3/Circ.217 � 20/10/20 � ORGANIZATION AND METHOD OF WORK OF THE FACILITATION COMMITTEE. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.3 � 15/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. 16-20 November � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) � Remote Meeting 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 45 Friday 6th November 2020
Friday 6th November 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 45, 2020 � Friday 6th November Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates Liberia � has released a new marine advisory entitled 'Compliance with Amendments of 2018 to Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)'. Marshall Islands � has released three new or updated documents: an updated marine guideline entitled 'Maritime Cyber Risk Management' two new safety advisories: 'Lifeboat Hook Release Cable Connectors' 'Cadet Working Hours and Training Records'. Panama � has updated a circular entitled 'List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers'. Isle of Man � has released five new shipping notices: 'MARPOL Protocol I' 'MARPOL Annex VI' 'MARPOL Annex V' 'MARPOL Annex IV' 'MARPOL Annex III'. Cyprus � has issued a new circular entitled 'Use of Electronic Record Books (ERB) under MARPOL Convention'. Malta � has released a revised technical notice entitled 'International Ship and Port Facility Security Code'. Recent Class Society Guidance China Classification Society � has released a new guidance document entitled 'Guidelines for Polar Water Operational Manual 2017'. DNV GL � has issued a news alert entitled 'DNV GL Rules for Ships - October 2020 edition'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released two new technical circulars: 'Panama MMC- 200 reg. Revision of IBC/BCH Code and MARPOL Annex II' 'Concentrated Inspection Campaign on ISPS Code by Panama Maritime Authority'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'Panama Flagged Vessels � Inventory of Hazardous Materials for ships calling at EU ports'. Class NK � has released two new technical news alerts: 'Corrosion of distance pieces associated with SOx scrubber discharge waterlines (Part 2)' 'Portable Radios for Fire Fighting Parties onboard Liberian flagged ships'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has issued two new member alerts: 'Crew Changes at Ports in the People's Republic of China (PRC): An Update on COVID-19' 'American Club Loss Prevention Tool: Chemical Tank - Plug & Play System Update'. SKULD � has released a new article entitled 'Containers lost at sea'. Britannia P&I � has issued two news alerts: 'Busan Takes Steps to Prevent Crew Desertion' 'Wash Damage and Speed Regulation in River Plate and Parana River'. Japan P&I � has released their latest 'Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters'. North � has published a news alert entitled '2021 Regulations � Big Changes for Vessels Carrying Chemicals'. The Standard Club � has issued two new documents: a circular entitled 'Financial Position, Open Policy Years and Renewal 2021' a news alert entitled 'California Workers Compensation Programme Legislation'. The Swedish Club � has published a member alert entitled 'MSS Case November: Contact with a crane during berthing'. West � has released a news alert entitled 'Iran sanctions: Designation of Strait Shipbrokers, Singapore'. UK P&I � has published three news alerts: 'Sri Lanka: Covid-19 regulations for oil tankers discharging at the SPBM' 'Ballast Water Management - UK MCA FAQs' 'Chinese Ports Update - Development on Foreign Crew Change and Disembarkation'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News OCIMF � has released the October issue of their Newsletter, and also an information paper entitled 'F(P)SO Heading Control Guidelines'. USCG � has announced the release of a new Work Instruction entitled 'Vessel Cyber Risk Management'. ICS � has announced the release of the first 'ICS Diversity Tracker', which analyses the 'state of diversity and inclusion' in the global shipping workforce. GARD � has issued two insight articles: 'Company and Employee Rights During a U.S. Coast Guard MARPOL Investigation' 'Containership fires - keeping up the pressure for change'. Recent Accident Reports The Netherlands � The Dutch Safety Board has published an investigation report into the death of a crew member on board the chemical tanker 'RN Privodino' in the Noordersluis lock at IJmuiden. A mooring line which unexpectedly came under severe tension parted, recoiled, and struck the crew member. It was found there was a lack of clarity between the bridge team and the pilot as to exactly when the vessel should slow down and where the final position in the lock should be. Also, there were no procedures on board to guarantee that the mooring line would only be put under tension once the ship was totally stationary. Recent IMO Circulars MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.7 � 02/11/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.6 � 29/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.5/Circ.43 � 28/10/20 � REVISED IMO COMPENDIUM ON FACILITATION AND ELECTRONIC BUSINESS. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.5 � 28/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.3/Circ.218 � 27/10/20 � CONVENTION ON FACILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC, 1965. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.95 � 27/10/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.4 � 21/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.3/Circ.217 � 20/10/20 � ORGANIZATION AND METHOD OF WORK OF THE FACILITATION COMMITTEE. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.3 � 15/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.2 � 09/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. C 124/10/30 � 08/10/20 � SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA ITEMS. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. 4-11 November � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 102) � Remote Meeting 16-20 November � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) � Remote Meeting 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 44 Friday 30th October 2020
Friday 30th October 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 44, 2020 � Friday 30th October Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published two new documents: a marine guidance note entitled 'Navigation: Long-Range Identification and Tracking � Survey, Certification and Compliance' a marine information note entitled 'Approval and Acceptance of Electronic Record Books and Recording Requirements under MARPOL'. USA � has released two new marine safety information bulletins: 'VRP-ACP Relationships in Pacific Northwest Region Changes to Area Contingency Planning Construct' 'FRP-ACP Relationships in Pacific Northwest Region Changes to Area Contingency Planning Construct'. Marshall Islands � has issued a new marine safety advisory entitled 'European Union Enforcement of Inventory of Hazardous Materials'. Panama � has updated a circular entitled 'Instructions for Payments to CSR and ISSC'. Singapore � has released two new port marine circulars: 'VHF Radio Telephone Reporting Procedures for Vessel Manoeuvring Within the Traffic Information Area (TIA) in the East Johor Strait' 'Oil Spill Response Equipment and Vessel Rates in Singapore'. Bermuda � has issued two new guidance notices 'Cyber Security on Board Ships' 'Carriage of Publications on Board Bermuda Registered Ships'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released three new guidance documents: 'Guide for Mitigation of Infectious Disease Transmission on Board Marine and Offshore Assets' 'Guide for Hybrid Electric Power Systems for Marine and Offshore Applications' 'Guide for Subsea Mining'. Bureau Veritas � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'Guidelines on the Enforcement of Obligations Under the EU Ship Recycling Regulation Relating to the Inventory of Hazardous Materials of Vessels Operating in European Waters'. China Classification Society � has released a new guidance document entitled 'Guidelines for Compliance Survey of Construction and Equipment of Ships Transiting Canals 2020'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released five new technical circulars: 'Barbados Bulletin reg. Ship Security Alert Systems (SSAS)' 'EU Commission Notice providing Guidelines on the enforcement of obligations under the EU Ship Recycling Regulation relating to the Inventory of Hazardous Materials of vessels operating in European waters' 'Sri Lanka MSN 07/2020 Reg. Extraordinary measures relating to seafarer�s certification resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic' 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines � Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic' 'Marshall Islands - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006'. Class NK � has issued a technical news alert entitled 'Safety Radio (SR) survey of Japanese flag ships (Revision)'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has issued two new member alerts: 'United States Coast Guard (USCG) Recommendations for Pilot Transfer Arrangements' 'Piracy and Armed Robbery: Potentially Growing Threats to Vessels Operating in the Gulf of Guinea'. GARD � has released a news alert entitled 'Increased security threats to vessels operating in the Gulf of Guinea'. Japan P&I � has issued two news alerts: 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Enhanced Quarantine Measures in Korea (No.2)' '2020-Result of the Safety Measure for Navigation During the Peak Season of Stownet-fishing in Bisan-Seto, JAPAN'. North � has published three new circulars: 'Annual General Meeting 2020' 'Renewal 2021/2022 � Outstanding Claims Review on NorthOnline' 'Introducing Route Risk Advice'. The Shipowners' Club � has released a news alert entitled '�Life During Covid is a Living Nightmare�: Ongoing impact revealed in latest Seafarers Happiness Index'. The Standard Club � has issued six new documents: three articles: 'Marine insurance sector faces turbulence from climate change' 'Covid-19 accelerates P&I market's digital transformation' 'Stowaway threat to shipping' three news alerts: 'COVID-19 - the club's offices' 'European Commission (EC) urges PSC leniency on IHM compliance' 'China to allow crew change for foreign seafarers'. The Swedish Club � has published a member alert entitled 'Argentina enacts new regulation in relation to Gypsy Moth'. West � has released a notice to members entitled 'No.14 2020/2021 - Class 1 (P&I) and Class 2 (FD&D) Policy Year Balances, Financial Position and Renewals'. UK P&I � has released four new documents: 'IMO � New short-term measures to implement Green House Gas (GHG) strategy' 'The UK Club�s Video Series - An Introduction' 'International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage 2001' 'Nairobi - The Wreck Removal Convention'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News OCIMF � has published an article entitled 'Highlighting the threats to vessels operating in the Gulf of Guinea (GOG)'. IMarEST � has released an article entitled 'Lost containers: a very solvable issue'. GARD � has issued an article entitled 'Company and Employee Rights During a U.S. Coast Guard MARPOL Investigation'. Recent Accident Reports Malta � Transport Malta has recently published a marine safety investigation report into an incident on board the oil/chemical tanker 'Ruby-T' in which a crew member was seriously injured while resetting the rescue boat crane's limit switches. It was found that the crew member was using the controls in a non-standard way: one of the joysticks had broken and was being operated with an adjustable wrench instead, which allowed a safety barrier to be bypassed. No symbolic barriers were present in the crane to encourage its safe use, and no detailed guidance for the testing of the switches was provided. Recent IMO Circulars MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.6 � 29/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.5/Circ.43 � 28/10/20 � REVISED IMO COMPENDIUM ON FACILITATION AND ELECTRONIC BUSINESS. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.5 � 28/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.3/Circ.218 � 27/10/20 � CONVENTION ON FACILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC, 1965. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.95 � 27/10/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.4 � 21/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.3/Circ.217 � 20/10/20 � ORGANIZATION AND METHOD OF WORK OF THE FACILITATION COMMITTEE. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.3 � 15/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.2 � 09/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. C 124/10/30 � 08/10/20 � SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA ITEMS. View Circular. TC 70/1/Rev.1 � 07/10/20 � PROVISIONAL AGENDA. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. 4-11 November � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 102) � Remote Meeting 16-20 November � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) � Remote Meeting 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 43 Friday 23rd October 2020
Friday 23rd October 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 43, 2020 � Friday 23rd October Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published three new or amended documents: two marine guidance notes: 'Fishing Vessels, Small Commercial Vessels and Workboats - Decked and Open Vessel - Interpretation on Positive Freeboard and Decked or Open Vessel' 'Emergency Information and arrangements for Passengers on Passenger Ships of Classes Ill, IV, V, VI and VI(A)' a marine information note entitled 'The Extended Support for Maritime training (SMarT) Fund During the COVID-19 Period � Extension Amendment 1'. USA � has released two new marine safety information bulletins: 'Recommendation for Pilot Transfer Arrangements' 'Performing a VHF Marine Radio Check'. Marshall Islands � has issued two new or updated documents: a marine notice entitled 'Magnetic Compasses Adjustment' a marine safety advisory entitled 'MARPOL Electronic Record Books'. Panama � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Coronavirus and Seafarers employment agreement and certificates'. Recent Class Society Guidance DNV-GL � has issued a news alert entitled 'PSC inspections during COVID-19: Are we back to normal?'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released four new technical circulars: 'DGS Order No. 30 of 2020 Reg Extension of the validity of ship sanitation certificate for all Indian registered vessels operating on the coast of India in view of COVID-19 outbreak' 'USCG Advisory providing Guidance to Address Illicit Shipping and Sanctions Evasion Practices' 'DGS Circular No. 32 of 2020 Reg Ballast Water Convention' 'Carriage of Seed Cake in Bulk as per IMSBC Code'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'Urgent survey requests outside of normal business hours'. Recent P&I Club Guidance International Group � Press release regarding the crew change issues arising from COVID-19 IG P&I Japan P&I Club The Shipowners' Club West UK P&I. The American Club � has issued three new documents: a circular entitled 'Pre-employment Medical Examination (PEME) Program: Changes in Kaliningrad, Russian Federation' two member alerts: 'Crew Changes at Ports in the People's Republic of China (PRC): COVID-19' 'Argentina: New Regulations Regarding the Gypsy Moth'. GARD � has released two new alerts: 'Argentina introduces new regulations in respect of Asian gypsy moth' 'Do not switch off the AIS in Nigerian waters'. Britannia P&I � has released four news alerts: 'Argentina: New Gypsy Moth Regulations' 'New Developments Affecting the IMSBC Code � Bauxite Cargoes' 'MARPOL 73/78 Electronic Record Books' 'India: Guidelines on Compliance with MARPOL Annex VI / GAC India'. North � has issued a news alert entitled 'Tanker Attacked off Southern Yemen'. The Standard Club � has issued six new documents an article entitled 'Ship Recycling: Guidelines for devising a strategy in compliance with complex regulatory framework' five news alerts: 'Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - vessel discharge standards' 'Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM) regulations in Argentina' 'ICS crew change report form - Crew change information for Asian ports' 'Argentine Parana River at historically low level' 'US CBP (Port of New Orleans) Notice: AGM Arriving Vessel Protocols / AGM Free Certificate Inspections'. Steamship Mutual � has released a new circular entitled 'Steamship Mutual Financial Update and 2021 Renewal'. The Swedish Club � has published a member alert entitled 'Turkish Straits salvage claims concerns'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO, INTERTANKO and OCIMF � have released a warning entitled 'Increased Security Threats for vessels operating in the Gulf of Guinea'. IMO � has issued a press release entitled 'Two Brazilian pilots and officer from the Philippines will receive the 2020 IMO Award'. GARD � has issued an insight article entitled 'Biodiesel � new fuels, new challenges'. Recent Accident Reports Malta � Transport Malta has published a marine safety investigation report into an incident on board the oil/chemical tanker 'Ruby-T' in which a crew member was seriously injured while resetting the rescue boat crane's limit switches. It was found that the crew member was using the controls in a non-standard way: one of the joysticks had broken and was being operated with an adjustable wrench instead, which allowed a safety barrier to be bypassed. No symbolic barriers were present in the crane to encourage its safe use, and no detailed guidance for the testing of the switches was provided. Recent IMO Circulars MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.4 � 21/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. FAL.3/Circ.217 � 20/10/20 � ORGANIZATION AND METHOD OF WORK OF THE FACILITATION COMMITTEE. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.3 � 15/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.2 � 09/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. C 124/10/30 � 08/10/20 � SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA ITEMS. View Circular. TC 70/1/Rev.1 � 07/10/20 � PROVISIONAL AGENDA. View Circular. LC 42/7/2 � 02/10/20 � COMPLIANCE ISSUES. View Circular. LC 42/7/1 � 02/10/20 � COMPLIANCE ISSUES. View Circular. LC 42/4/1 � 02/10/20 � CONSIDERATION OF THE REPORT OF THE SCIENTIFIC GROUPS. View Circular. MEPC 75/10/3 � 02/10/20 � POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. View Circular. LC 42/4 � 02/10/20 � CONSIDERATION OF THE REPORT OF THE SCIENTIFIC GROUPS. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. Please see the IMO's 'Meeting Summaries' webpage for more information. 19-23 October � 7th meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships � Remote Meeting 4-11 November � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 102) � Remote Meeting 16-20 November � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) � Remote Meeting 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 42 Friday 16th October 2020
Friday 16th October 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 42, 2020 � Friday 16th October Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published two new marine information notes: 'Construction Standards for Fishing Vessels of Less Than 15m LOA - Outfitting of Fishing Vessels of Less Than 7m LOA' 'Navigation: Port Marine Safety Code Compliance Submission for 2021-2024'. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Intact Stability Damage Stability and Strength Vessels'. Panama � has released five new or amended documents: a new marine notice entitled 'USCG Ballast Water Management New Reporting Form' four new or updated circulars: 'Companies Representing the Flag State Inspectors' 'Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear' 'Mandatory Implementation of the Amendments to the 2011 ESP Code' 'Use of Electronic Certificates onboard'. Singapore � has published a new port marine circular 'Extension of Assistance to Singaporean Seafarers Under the Seafarers Relief Package'. Recent Class Society Guidance ABS � has published a new guidance document entitled 'Guidance Notes on Response Measures to COVID-19 for the Marine and Offshore Industries'. Bureau Veritas � has released two new guidance documents: 'Rules for the Classification of Naval Ships' 'Propeller in composite materials'. DNV-GL � has issued a news alert entitled 'Using biodiesel in marine diesel engines: new fuels, new challenges'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released three new technical circulars: 'St. Vincent & the Grenadines - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006' 'Cyprus - Amendments of 2018 to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006' 'Use of EGCS (Scrubbers) in New Zealand Territorial Waters'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'Maritime Labour Convention 2006: Amendments 2018'. Recent P&I Club Guidance US Oil Pollution California � Increased criminal penalties for oil spill related offences IG P&I The American Club GARD SKULD Japan P&I Club London P&I North The Shipowners' Club The Standard Club Steamship Mutual The Swedish Club West UK P&I. GARD � has released an alert entitled 'US EPA proposes new vessel discharge standards'. SKULD � has released an article entitled 'Turkish Straits - increase in the number of salvage cases'. The Standard Club � has issued five new documents: two articles: 'MARPOL fines for oil pollution and operational best practice' 'Typhoon Season in Korea - How to deal with typhoons getting stronger' two news alerts: 'US adopts MARPOL amendments regarding electronic recordkeeping' 'Standard Club acknowledges World Mental Health Day 2020' a circular entitled 'Standard Ireland - London Class circular, To Ships with a Community Inland Vessel Certificate'. The Swedish Club � has published a member alert entitled 'MSS Case October: Machinery lubrication oil failure'. West � has released a news alert entitled 'Alert on the PCR certificate quarantine requirements set by KDCA'. UK P&I Club � has released five new documents: 'China opens up 10 ports for foreign crew change and implements circuit-breaker mechanism' 'ECM Client Alert 17-2020 � VIDA & EPA Proposed Rule' 'Crew Health Advice: Living with Lockdown at Sea' 'UK P&I Club Webinar (Series 7) - Liquefaction Risks IMSBC Group A Cargo' 'Guide to Nickel Ore Cargo Philippines 2020'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMO � has issued a new video entitled 'Digitalization key to facilitate international maritime traffic'. EMSA � has released the October 2020 issue of their Newsletter. IMB � has published their latest report on piracy and armed robbery at sea. OCIMF � has released the September 2020 issue of their Newsletter. Recent Accident Reports Malta � Transport Malta has published a marine safety investigation report into the grounding of the LPG tanker 'Seasurfer' in the Port of Praia, Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde. The vessel was manoeuvering in the port's turning basin with a local pilot and the assistance of a harbour tug. It was found that the passage plan contained no specific directions on the use of a tug at the port and, that as the situation developed, the Master and pilot did not share a common understanding of the situation and their goals to resolve the issue. Recent IMO Circulars MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.3 � 15/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.2 � 09/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. C 124/10/30 � 08/10/20 � SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA ITEMS. View Circular. TC 70/1/Rev.1 � 07/10/20 � PROVISIONAL AGENDA. View Circular. LC 42/7/2 � 02/10/20 � COMPLIANCE ISSUES. View Circular. LC 42/7/1 � 02/10/20 � COMPLIANCE ISSUES. View Circular. LC 42/4/1 � 02/10/20 � CONSIDERATION OF THE REPORT OF THE SCIENTIFIC GROUPS. View Circular. MEPC 75/10/3 � 02/10/20 � POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. View Circular. LC 42/4 � 02/10/20 � CONSIDERATION OF THE REPORT OF THE SCIENTIFIC GROUPS. View Circular. MEPC 75/INF.28 � 02/10/20 � AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION. View Circular. MEPC 75/7/17 � 02/10/20 � REDUCTION OF GHG EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. The Programme of Meetings can be downloaded here. 19-23 October � 7th meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships � Remote Meeting 4-11 November � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 102) � Remote Meeting 16-20 November � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) � Remote Meeting 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting 16-18 December � IMSO � 46th session � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 41 Friday 9th October 2020
Friday 9th October 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 41, 2020 � Friday 9th October Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates � UK � has published four new or amended documents: � 'MSN 1815 Amendment 4: Countries whose seafarer medical certificates have been assessed as meeting international requirements and are acceptable for use on UK ships' � 'MGN 640: Medical fitness requirements for Those Employed on Boats Certificated under MCA Codes of Practice, Crew of Seagoing Local Passenger Vessels and Non-seagoing Boatmasters' � 'MIN 590 Amendment 3: United Kingdom conformity assessment procedures for marine equipment following the transition period' � 'MIN 554 Amendment 3: VTS V103 and local port services course dates 2020 - 2021'. � Norway � has issued a new circular entitled 'Status of NIS/NOR Circulars and Instructions to Class (IC) rev .3'. � USA � has released a marine safety information bulletin on 'Malicious Email Spoofing Incidents'. � Cyprus � has published a new circular on 'Amendments of 2018 to the Code of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. Entry into force on 26 December 2020'. � Malta � has issued a new technical notice entitled 'Electronic record books for MARPOL Forward this email to a friend related record keeping'. � Bermuda � has published two guidance notices: � 'Ship Recycling and Inventory of Hazardous Materials' � 'MLC 2018 Amendments'. Recent Class Society Guidance � ABS � has published three new sets of rules and guides: � 'Guide for Smart Functions for Marine Vessels and Offshore Units' � 'Guide for Bridge Design and Navigational Equipment/Systems' � 'Rules for Building and Classing Floating Production Installations'. � DNV-GL � has issued two statutory news updates: � 'ISM cyber security is coming soon - check your preparedness' � 'IHM compliance only three months away � how to meet the deadline by going digital'. � Class NK � has released two technical information documents: � 'AMSA's approach to maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers' � 'Compliance with the EU Ship Recycling Regulation � For Panamanian flagged vessels'. Recent P&I Club Guidance � The American Club � has issued three documents: � 'American Club and American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) collaborate to produce new e-learning module: Chemical Tank' � 'American Club and ABSG Consulting Inc. (ABS Consulting), a subsidiary of ABS, jointly publish Managing Cyber Risks and the Role of the P&I Club: An Overview' � 'Pre-Employment Medical Examinations (PEME) and COVID-19: An Update'. � GARD � has updated its 'COVID-19 guidance for shipping'. � SKULD � has released an article entitled 'Early redelivery under the CP'. � Britannia P&I � has published seven updates this week: � 'COVID-19 Updates on the Britannia Website' � 'USA: CBP issues detention order on palm oil produced with forced labour' � 'Korea: Central quarantine office has declared stricter regulations in relation to COVID-19' � 'Philadelphia: New draft reporting requirements' � 'China: New prevention and control measures for ships entering China' � 'Singapore: Crew change update' � 'Loss Prevention Webinar - Link to recording'. � North � has released two industry news updates: � 'No Scrubs: More Ports Declare Ban on EGCS Discharges *Update*' � 'COVID-19: Coronavirus Outbreak � Impact on Shipping *Update*'. � The Standard Club � has issued four updates: � 'Delays at ports in China' � 'The 'Giant Ace' � English High Court refuses application to extend time bar on the basis that proceedings were knowingly issued against the wrong defendant' � 'As bans on open-loop scrubber use rise, so do shipowners� costs' � 'Crew issues during the Covid-19 pandemic'. � The Swedish Club � has published two member alerts: � 'The October 2020 issue of CCI now on SCOL' � 'Latest IMB Bulletin no 19 2020 now on SCOL'. � UK P&I Club � has released a news article entitled 'USCG to begin accepting ERBs'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News � UK Chamber of Shipping � has published a new COVID-19 framework for cruise ship operators. � EMSA � has issued (in conjunction with ECDC) similar guidance on the gradual and safe resumption of operations of cruise ships in the European Union in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. � ReCAAP � has released its weekly report on piracy and armed robbery against ships in Asia. Recent Accident Reports � Germany � The BSU has recently released a summary investigation report into the MV 'Rimini''s allision with a lock gate in the Alte Nordschleuse at Brunsb�ttel. No injuries were reported, but the incident resulted in considerable damage to the inner lock gate, as well as minor damage to the ship's bow section above the waterline and on the forecastle deck. The incident is believed to have been caused by a technical problem (a loose contact), which resulted in a temporary astern signal loss. � Malta � Transport Malta has published a marine safety investigation report into an accident on board the RoRo vessel 'Euroferry Malta'. The incident occurred just after the vessel had left the port of Cagliari, Italy. The vessel experienced inclement weather and when members of the crew proceeded to the deck to inspect the cargo securing arrangements, they were struck by a wave, which pushed them against the structures and fittings on the forecastle deck, resulting in several serious injuries to the crew and one loss of life. In response to the incident, a safety meeting was conducted to ensure that the Company�s procedures and checklists for heavy weather were being strictly complied with and that no tasks were to be initiated in heavy weather conditions without the Master�s consent. Recent IMO Circulars � C 124/10/30 � 08/10/20 � SUPPLEMENTARY AGENDA ITEMS. View Circular. � TC 70/1/Rev.1 � 07/10/20 � PROVISIONAL AGENDA. View Circular. � LC 42/7/2 � 02/10/20 � COMPLIANCE ISSUES. View Circular. � LC 42/7/1 � 02/10/20 � COMPLIANCE ISSUES. View Circular. � LC 42/4/1 � 02/10/20 � CONSIDERATION OF THE REPORT OF THE SCIENTIFIC GROUPS. View Circular. � MEPC 75/10/3 � 02/10/20 � POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. View Circular. � LC 42/4 � 02/10/20 � CONSIDERATION OF THE REPORT OF THE SCIENTIFIC GROUPS. View Circular. � MEPC 75/INF.28 � 02/10/20 � AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION. View Circular. � MEPC 75/7/17 � 02/10/20 � REDUCTION OF GHG EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS. View Circular. � MSC 102/1/1/Rev.1 � 02/10/20 � ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA; REPORT ON CREDENTIALS. View Circular. � LC 42/14/1 � 01/10/20 � ADMINISTRATIVE ARRANGEMENTS AND FUTURE WORK. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: � Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 � Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 � Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. The Programme of Meetings can be downloaded here. � 12-14 October � Council (C 124) � Remote Meeting � 19-23 October � 7th meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships � Remote Meeting � 4-11 November � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 102) � Remote Meeting � 16-20 November � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) � Remote Meeting � 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting � 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting � 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 40 Friday 2nd October 2020
Friday 2nd October 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 40, 2020 � Friday 2nd October Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates � UK � has published three amended documents: � a marine information note entitled 'COVID-19: Guidance on the reporting of occupational diseases' � two marine guidance notes: � 'Implementation of EC Directive 90/269/EC: The Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Manual Handling Operations) Regulations 1998' � 'Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997' � Liberia � has issued a new marine advisory entitled 'Requirements for crew change for cargo ships in the port of Singapore and for ship�s crew visiting Singapore waters to minimize the risk of community spread of COVID-19 in Singapore'. � Singapore � has released a shipping circular of 'Amendments to the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea Regulations'. � Hong Kong � has published a new merchant shipping information notice entitled 'A fitter was crushed to his death by an exhaust valve in engine room'. � Cyprus � has issued a new shipping information note concerning 'Coastal passenger vessels that navigate near the coast of Cyprus'. Recent Class Society Guidance � Korean Register of Shipping � has published an 'Issuance of Statement of Compliance on IHM for Panamanian flagged ships'. � Lloyd's Register � has issued a statutory alert on 'Use of MARPOL Electronic Record Books'. Recent P&I Club Guidance � The American Club � has published two documents: � 'California: Increased Criminal Penalties for Oil Spill-Related Offenses' � 'The International Chamber of Shipping issues updated health guidance on COVID-19'. � GARD � has issued three documents: � 'Does beach cleaning make a dent in the plastic pollution problem?' � 'ReCAAP ISC warns of heightened risk of sea robbery in the Philippines' � 'GPS interference and jamming on the increase'. � SKULD � has released an update to a document on 'Coronavirus disease'. � Britannia � has published three updates: � 'Korea Quarantine Office New COVID-19 Regulations' � 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) Focus Page' � 'Britannia Part VII Transfer'. � Japan P&I Club � has published two documents: � 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Singapore updated requirements for crew change for cargo ships (No.2)' � 'Status of Maritime Conventions (as of 1 October 2020)'. � North � has issued a new circular on 'Class 3 War Risks - Additional Premium Areas', as well as an update to its 'COVID-19: Coronavirus Outbreak � Impact on Shipping' document. � The Standard Club � has released three news articles: � 'The Eternal Bliss - The High Court confirms that owners can seek damages in addition to demurrage' � 'IMO-2020 and beyond: club�s operational experience on the transition to compliant fuel blends' � 'COVID-19 � China announces strengthening of measures to prevent and control the spread of covid-19 epidemic for seafarers on international sea-going vessels'. � The Swedish Club � has published a press release entitled 'Container losses: The Swedish Club identifies the catalysts'. � West � has released a news article entitled 'Canada - North Atlantic Right Whale - Gulf of St Lawrence'. � UK P&I Club � has issued four updates: � 'China � Covid-19 nucleic acid tests compulsory for crew joining vessels calling at Chinese ports' � 'Supreme Court of China published Judicial Interpretation on Crew Issues Arising During Trials' � 'Strict regulations for vessels arriving at South Korea' � 'Singapore Crew Changes Guidebook - Version 5'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News � International Chamber of Shipping � has released its Annual Review for 2020, as well as an update to health guidance on COVID-19. � EMSA � has published the latest in a series of updates on the coronavirus outbreak and its impact on shipping. � RINA � has published the October version of Rinautic Magazine. � SIGTTO � has released its Autumn 2020 Newsletter. Recent Accident Reports � Australia � The ATSB has recently released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the bulk carrier 'Bulk India' during departure from Dampier, Western Australia. The grounding occurred because the vessel experienced an electrical blackout, which resulted in a loss of propulsion and steering control. It was found that the cooling water temperature controller in the auxiliary diesel generator engines malfunctioned, and that this problem was not reported to the pilots for some time. Furthermore, the 'Bulk India''s emergency generator was not fit for service. � Bahamas � The BMA has recently released an accident investigation report into the collision of the chemical tanker 'Cathinka Spirit' with the fish transportation vessel 'Zhe Ling Yu Yun 60007'. It was found that both vessels were aware of the presence of the other and it could not be ascertained why neither took action to avoid the collision in ample time. � Ireland � The MCIB has recently released an accident investigation report into the collision between the tanker 'Varkan Ege' and the sailing vessel 'Medi Mode'. It was found that the 'Medi Mode' misunderstood the 'Varkan Ege''s course from the appearance of their lights and that the 'Varkan Ege' did not spot the 'Medi Mode's lights until it was too late to avoid the collision. Recent IMO Circulars � MSC.7/Circ.1/Rev.1 � 01/10/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. � MEPC 75/4/13 � 01/10/20 � HARMFUL AQUATIC ORGANISMS IN BALLAST WATER. View Circular. � MEPC 75/10/4 � 01/10/20 � POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. View Circular. � MEPC 75/10/5 � 01/10/20 � POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. View Circular. � MEPC 75/10/6 � 01/10/20 � POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. View Circular. � MEPC 75/10/7 � 01/10/20 � POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. View Circular. � MEPC 75/7/16 � 29/0920 � REDUCTION OF GHG EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS. View Circular. � EGDH 2/4/1 � 28/09/20 � IMO DATA SET RELATED TO INFORMATION OF SHIP CERTIFICATES (ACCORDING TO FAL.2/CIRC.131). View Circular. � MSC.7/Circ.1 � 28/09/20 � RESOLUTION MSC.473(ES.2) � RECOMMENDED ACTION TO FACILITATE SHIP CREW CHANGE, ACCESS TO MEDICAL CARE AND SEAFARER TRAVEL DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. View Circular. � COLREG.1/Circ.162 � 28/09/20 � CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS FOR PREVENTING COLLISIONS AT SEA, 1972. View Circular. � LEG 107/1/Rev.1 � 25/09/20 � PROVISIONAL AGENDA for the 107th session of the Legal Committee to be held remotely. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: � Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 � Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 � Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. The Programme of Meetings can be downloaded here. � 28 September - 2 October � Facilitation Committee (FAL 44) � Remote Meeting � 12-14 October � Council (C 124) � Remote Meeting � 19-23 October � 7th meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships � Remote Meeting � 4-11 November � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 102) � Remote Meeting � 16-20 November � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) � Remote Meeting � 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting � 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting � 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. 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Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 4 Friday 24th January 2020
Friday 24th January 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 4, 2020 � Friday 24th January Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published a new marine guidance note entitled 'International Labour Organization Work in Fishing Convention (ILO 188) - Safe Manning'. Liberia � has released a new marine advisory note entitled 'Advisory on Sanctions with Respect to the Construction, Mining, Manufacturing, and Textile Sector of Iran'. Panama � has issued a new marine notice entitled 'IUU List'. Bahamas � has updated the information bulletin 'Guidance for Ships Operating in or Near the Gulf of Oman, Strait of Hormuz and Persian Gulf', and released a new technical alert entitled 'US Coast Guard Enforcement of Regulation 14 of MARPOL Annex VI and the 2020 Sulphur Cap'. Our Technical Director, Johan Machtelinckx, talks about cyber security and the need for the shipping industry to wake up fast to the issues of cyber security: Hackers see the shipping industry as 'low hanging fruit'. Recent Class Society Guidance Bureau Veritas � has published a new guidance document entitled 'Gas Fuelled Ships'. Korean Register of Shipping � has released a technical information document entitled 'Designation of SOX Emission Control Area in Republic of Korea'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'Safety notice issued: GEPA freefall lifeboat release systems'. Recent P&I Club Guidance New Industry Guidelines for the Carriage of Seed Cake in Containers International Group of P&I Clubs GARD Japan P&I Club North The Standard Club Outbreak of Coronavirus SKULD Japan P&I Club North The Standard Club The American Club � has issued two new documents a circular entitled 'Authorization Issued Providing for 90-day Wind-down Period for Pre-January 10, 2020 Contracts with Iran' a member alert entitled 'Guidelines for Supervision and Management of Air Pollutant Emissions in the People's Republic of China (PRC)'. GARD � has released two member alerts: 'First lines ashore! Do we understand the risk?' '2019 in review: Piracy and armed robbery at sea'. Britannia P&I � has released four new documents: two news alerts: 'Libya: Current Situation' 'China: Guidelines for Supervision and Management of Air Pollutant Emissions'. two circulars: 'P&I Endorsements to 2020 Policy Year Certificates of Entry' 'War Risks P&I Cover � Biological and Bio-Chemical Weapons'. Japan P&I Club � has published a new circular entitled 'Alterations to the Rules of the Association ', and four news alerts: 'International Group of P&I Clubs Annual Review 2018/19' 'China � Guidelines for Supervision and Management of Air Pollutant Emissions from Ship (issued by China MSA in December 2019)' 'Greece-Increased Fines for Marine Pollution' 'Amendments (05-19) to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code (on 1 January 2021)'. London P&I Club � has issued a circular entitled 'Proposed Rule Changes - Class 5'. North � has issued three news alerts: 'No Scrubs: More Ports Declare Ban on EGCS Discharges *Update*' 'Status of Libyan Ports - *Update*' 'China Issues Guidelines on 2020 Sulphur Cap Enforcement'. Shipowners' Club � has released two news alerts: 'Back to basics guide: CGL insurance & Offshore' 'Increased limits of liability in Singapore effective 29 December 2019'. The Standard Club � has published an article entitled 'Eleventh Circuit decision reaffirms narrow turnover duty of owners' and 12 news alerts: 'Port security at Douala, Cameroon' 'Prohibition on discharge of wash-water from open-loop scrubbers in Port of Karachi, Pakistan' 'BIMCO releases new sanctions clauses for time and voyage charter parties' 'US issues new security advisories to commercial shipping' 'Panama Canal new fresh water surcharge' 'USCG revised guidance on the Implementation of MARPOL Annex VI' 'Bahrain Marine Notice for use of Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS)' 'Suez Canal Authority clarifies position on open-loop scrubbers' 'Ship detentions in Indonesia for violating territorial waters' 'Incident reported near to Port of Aden, Yemen' 'UAE instructions to vessels for oil sulphur limit' 'China MSA publishes Guidance for Supervision and Management of Air Emissions from Ships'. The Swedish Club � has issued two new member alerts: 'Focus: Auxiliary engine damage' 'Guidelines for supervision and management of air pollutant emissions from ships'. West � has released two news alerts: 'Yemen - outbreak of dengue fever and chikungunya viruses' 'Iran sanctions - Wind-down period announced for recent measures'. UK P&I � has issued a new guide entitled 'Book it right and pack it tight - 2020 edition'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News MCA � is seeking responses to a consultation on 'revised marine guidance notes and methodology for offshore renewable energy installations'. IMO � has released a press briefing on the progress of the sulphur limit implementation. BIMCO � has issued an update on the tensions in the Persian Gulf and the new sanctions clauses. ICS � has published a new guidance document entitled 'Guidelines for Shipowners to Avoid Age Discrimination On Board Ships'. Recent Accident Reports UK � The UK MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the shifting of cargo on board the Ro-Ro ferry 'European Causeway' which resulted in damage to 22 vehicles. The vessel had rolled heavily in very rough seas and high winds. It was found that the route followed by the vessel had not been adjusted to mitigate the effects of the conditions, and that the cargo lashings were insufficient for the forecasted conditions. Germany � The BSU has released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the Ro-Ro dry cargo carrier 'Bore Bank' following the failure of the vessel's steering gear. The investigation could not establish any reason for the failure. Recent IMO Circulars BWM.2/Circ.72 � 17/01/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. HKSRC.1/Circ.15 � 09/01/20 � HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND RECYCLING OF SHIPS, 2009. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO 13-24 January: Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR) � 7th Session 3-7 February: Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) � 7th Session 17-21 February: Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) � 7th Session 2-6 March: Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) � 7th Session 11-13 March: IOPC Funds 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 39 Friday 25th September 2020
Friday 25th September 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 39, 2020 � Friday 25th September Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published three new or amended documents: two marine guidance notes: 'Human Element Guidance - Part 3 - Distraction - the fatal dangers of mobile phones and other personal devices when working' 'The Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships) Regulations 2020' a marine information note entitled 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) � UK Ship Register approach to registration services for UK Vessels'. Norway � has issued a new circular entitled 'Asbestos on board Norwegian ships'. Australia � has released a new marine notice entitled 'STCW seafarer certificates and certificates of medical fitness�further arrangements for COVID-19'. Marshall Islands � has published two documents: an updated marine notice entitled 'International Safety Management (ISM) Code' a new marine safety advisory entitled '2018 Amendments to MLC, 2006'. Panama � has updated a circular entitled 'Payment to SEGUMAR'. Singapore � has released three new documents: a shipping circular entitled 'Further Extension of STCW Certificates Issued by Singapore' two port marine circulars: 'Further Enhancements to Crew Change for Cargo Ships in the Port of Singapore' 'Revision to the Number of Persons Onboard Pleasure Craft in the Port of Singapore'. Hong Kong � has issued six new merchant shipping information notes: 'Collision between an oil tanker and two fishing vessels in Japan Sea' 'Double Taxation' 'United Nations Sanctions (South Sudan) Regulation 2019 (Amendment) Regulation 2020' 'United Nations Sanctions (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Regulation 2019 (Amendment) Regulation 2020' 'Lists of Solid Bulk Cargoes for which a Fixed Gas Fire-extinguishing System may be exempted or for which a Fixed Gas Fire-extinguishing System is Ineffective' 'Amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code'. Recent Class Society Guidance Bureau Veritas � has issued two new documents: a guidance document entitled 'Rules on cyber security for the classification of marine units' a Class news alert entitled 'EU/2020/1040 and Update of the FAQ Document Regarding the NRMM Regulation EU 2016/1628'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released a new technical circular entitled 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines � Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic'. Recent P&I Club Guidance Nord Stream 2 and Turkstream - Update on New US Sanctions: The American Club GARD SKULD Japan P&I Club The London P&I Club North The Shipowners' Club The Standard Club Steamship Mutual The Swedish Club West UK P&I Club. The American Club � has released two new member alerts: 'GPS Interference: Recent MARAD Communication' 'Vessels Transiting, and Calling at Ports, in Areas Affected by Hurricanes Typhoons and Cyclones: Safety Considerations'. GARD � has published an alert entitled 'The stink bug season is here!'. Britannia P&I � has issued two news alerts: 'China: Ports Update' 'Santos Port Authority: New Berthing and Mooring Rules'. Japan P&I Club � has released a news alert entitled 'US-Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM)-Detected AGM egg masses on four Pure Car Carrier by Baltimore CBP'. North � has issued four news alerts: 'US Warns on GPS Interference' 'Japan Signs Up to Bunker and Wreck Removal Conventions' 'Joint Industry Group Publishes �CTU Code � a Quick Guide� to Tackle Poor Packing of Containers' 'Record Low Water Levels in Parana River Lead to Groundings, Draught Restrictions and Reduced Loadings'. The Standard Club � has published six new documents: a circular entitled '23 September 2020, War Risks Class circular - Additional Premium Areas' a press article entitled 'Renewables driving offshore market' four news alerts: 'Singapore MPA announces further enhancements to crew change procedures. ITF, IMEC contribute to the SG-STAR Fund' 'Revised draft reporting requirements in Philadelphia' 'California Air Resources Board updates 'At Berth' regulation' 'COVID-19 - the club's offices'. West � has released a news alert entitled 'LNG - Floating Storage Regasification Units'. UK P&I � has issued a news alert entitled 'Marine Fuel Alert: Jet and automotive fuels now being used for blending marine fuels' and a video entitled 'The importance of taking proper samples during bunkering operations'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMB � has published an article entitled 'Somali piracy: Last three hostages freed but threat still exists'. IMO � has issued three press releases: 'Facilitate crew changes to resolve crisis - IMO resolution calls for Government action' 'NextGEN shipping decarbonization concept mooted for green and efficient navigation' 'Keep trade moving safely to ensure COVID-19 recovery, say UN organizations'. MCA � is seeking responses to a consultation on the 'proposals to amend the requirements for Passenger Ships on Domestic Voyages'. Recent Accident Reports Australia � The ATSB has recently released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the bulk carrier 'Bulk India' during departure from Dampier, Western Australia. The grounding occurred because the vessel experienced an electrical blackout, which resulted in a loss of propulsion and steering control. It was found that the cooling water temperature controller in the auxiliary diesel generator engines malfunctioned, and that this problem was not reported to the pilots for some time. Furthermore, the 'Bulk India''s emergency generator was not fit for service. Bahamas � The BMA has recently released an accident investigation report into the collision of the chemical tanker 'Cathinka Spirit' with the fish transportation vessel 'Zhe Ling Yu Yun 60007'. It was found that both vessels were aware of the presence of the other and it could not be ascertained why neither took action to avoid the collision in ample time. Ireland � The MCIB has recently released an accident investigation report into the collision between the tanker 'Varkan Ege' and the sailing vessel 'Medi Mode'. It was found that the 'Medi Mode' misunderstood the 'Varkan Ege''s course from the appearance of their lights and that the 'Varkan Ege' did not spot the 'Medi Mode's lights until it was too late to avoid the collision. Recent IMO Circulars AFS.1/Circ.81 � 17/09/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE CONTROL OF HARMFUL ANTI-FOULING SYSTEMS ON SHIPS, 2001. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.67 � 17/09/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888/Rev.1 � 28/08/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. IMSO.7/Circ.16 � 24/08/20 � AMENDMENTS ADOPTED ON 2 OCTOBER 2008 TO THE CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION. View Circular. SALVAGE.1/Circ.66 � 04/08/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON SALVAGE, 1989. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.9 � 24/07/20 � REVISED CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR METHYL ACRYLATE AND METHYL METHACRYLATE. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888 � 23/07/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.222 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.73 � 23/07/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.91 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. The Programme of Meetings can be downloaded here. 28 September -2 October � Facilitation Committee (FAL 44) � Remote Meeting 12-14 October � Council (C 124) � Remote Meeting 19-23 October � 7th meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships � Remote Meeting 4-11 November � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 102) � Remote Meeting 16-20 November � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) � Remote Meeting 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 38 Friday 18th September 2020
Friday 18th September 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 38, 2020 � Friday 18th September Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published four new marine information notes: 'Written Examination Dates 2020/21: Deck Officers (Fishing Vessels)' 'Written Examination Dates 2020/21: Deck and Engineer Officers (Merchant Navy)' 'Written Examination Dates 2020/21: Engineer Officers (Yachts, Sail Training and Small Vessels)' 'Wellbeing at Sea Publications'. Australia � has issued a new marine notice entitled 'Working at height'. Marshall Islands � has published a new marine safety advisory entitled 'Coronavirus Disease Updates'. Panama � has updated a circular entitled 'Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear'. Bahamas � has issued two new technical alerts: 'United States Coast Guard QUALSHIP 21 & E-Zero Program' 'United States of America Executive Order on Venezuela'. Malta � has issued two new documents: a merchant shipping notice entitled 'Marine Equipment Directive 2014/90/EU � Market Surveillance and Reporting' a technical notice entitled 'Entry into Force of the Ballast Water Management Code'. Recent Class Society Guidance DNV GL � has released a news alert entitled 'A guide to remote radio surveys � a cost-effective way to stay compliant'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released three new technical circulars: 'Marshall Islands � Marine Safety Advisory No. 27-20 on Extension of the validity period of Seafarer�s Certificates/ SEA due to COVID-19' 'Comoros Maritime Circular Ref No. 20/01855/COM3 on COVID-19 � Guidance relating to the postponement /extension of statutory certification & services' 'Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Extension of Seafarers Employment Agreement and Certificates due to outbreak of COVID-19'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a new Class news alert entitled 'Approval of Service Suppliers for Commissioning Testing of Ballast Water Management Systems'. Class NK � has published a new technical alert entitled 'Amendments to the IBC/BCH Code & MARPOL 73/78 Annex II which will enter into force on 1 January 2021 (For non-Japanese flag ships)'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has released a member alert entitled 'Sanctions Compliance: The New Norm in Shipping VLOG'. SKULD � has issued a news article entitled 'Claiming damages in addition to demurrage following delay'. Britannia P&I � has issued two news alerts: 'Japan Accedes to the Bunker Convention and the Wreck Removal Convention' 'Australia and New Zealand: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) Seasonal Precautions'. The Shipowners' Club � has released three news alerts: 'A guide to Member�s cyber risk cover' 'The Shipowners� Club pledges stability for Membership with encouraging half year results' 'Half Year Report 2020'. The Standard Club � has published five new documents: a press article entitled 'Navigating stormy waters: Key loss prevention tips' four news alerts: 'New deck fitting requirement for capesize vessels calling at Port Hedland, Australia (as of 1 February 2021)' 'Pre-arrival reporting and COVID-19 in Canada' 'MARPOL violations trigger increased fines in Ghana' 'COVID-19 US civil trial issues'. UK P&I � has issued a news alert entitled 'Parana River Low Waters - Update'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News GARD � has published an insight article entitled 'COVID-19 tests may give false sense of security'. IMO � has issued a press release entitled 'A humanitarian crisis at sea: all United Nations Member States must resolve the crew change crisis'. INTERTANKO � has published a press release entitled 'EU Parliament decision could undermine a global GHG solution'. Recent Accident Reports Australia � The ATSB has released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the bulk carrier 'Bulk India' during departure from Dampier, Western Australia. The grounding occurred because the vessel experienced an electrical blackout which resulted in loss of propulsion and steering control. It was found that the cooling water temperature controller in the auxiliary diesel generator engines malfunctioned, and that this problem was not reported to the pilots for some time. Furthermore, the 'Bulk India's emergency generator was not fit for service. Bahamas � The BMA has released an accident investigation report into the collision of the chemical tanker 'Cathinka Spirit' with the fish transportation vessel 'Zhe Ling Yu Yun 60007'. It was found that both vessels were aware of the presence of the other, and it could not be ascertained why neither took action to avoid the collision in ample time. Ireland � The MCIB has released an accident investigation report into the collision of the tanker 'Varkan Ege' with the sailing vessel 'Medi Mode'. It was found that the 'Medi Mode' misunderstood the 'Varkan Ege's course from the appearance of their lights, and that the 'Varkan Ege' did not spot the 'Medi Mode's lights until it was too late to avoid the collision. Recent IMO Circulars AFS.1/Circ.81 � 17/09/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE CONTROL OF HARMFUL ANTI-FOULING SYSTEMS ON SHIPS, 2001. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.67 � 17/09/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888/Rev.1 � 28/08/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. IMSO.7/Circ.16 � 24/08/20 � AMENDMENTS ADOPTED ON 2 OCTOBER 2008 TO THE CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION. View Circular. SALVAGE.1/Circ.66 � 04/08/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON SALVAGE, 1989. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.9 � 24/07/20 � REVISED CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR METHYL ACRYLATE AND METHYL METHACRYLATE. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888 � 23/07/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.222 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.73 � 23/07/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.91 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. The Programme of Meetings can be downloaded here. 16-18 September � Extraordinary Session of All Committees (ALCOM) � Remote Meeting 28 September -2 October � Facilitation Committee (FAL 44) � Remote Meeting 12-14 October � Council (C 124) � Remote Meeting 19-23 October � 7th meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships � Remote Meeting 4-11 November � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 102) � Remote Meeting 16-20 November � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) � Remote Meeting 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting 14-15 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. 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Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 37 Friday 11th September 2020
Friday 11th September 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 37, 2020 � Friday 11th September Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published two new or amended documents: a marine guidance note entitled 'Training in the Maintenance of Electronic Navigational Equipment'. a marine information note entitled 'Instruments of Appointments � Fees'. Panama � has released a new marine notice entitled 'Repatriation Modalities Due COVID-19'. Hong Kong � has issued a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'Service for Collection of Certificate of Registry Envelope'. Recent Class Society Guidance Bureau Veritas � has issued two new documents: a guidance document entitled 'Risk-based verification of floating offshore units' a Class news alert entitled 'IACS � COVID-19 - Temporary Update of PR1C'. DNV GL � has released a news alert entitled 'MARPOL Electronic record books � option available from 1 October 2020'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released two new technical circulars: 'Panama Merchant Marine Notice No. MMN-07-2020 Reg Request for Postponement/ Extension of Statutory Certification and Services due to outbreak of COVID-19' 'Discharge of washwater from Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems'. Class NK � has issued a new technical news alert entitled 'Applicability, procedure, etc. for flag change from non-Japanese to Japanese without drydocking'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has released a member alert entitled 'People's Republic of China (PRC): Restrictions on Vessels Making Port Calls within 14 Days of Crew Changes'. Britannia P&I � has issued four news alerts: 'Philippines: Armed Robbery' 'China: Temporary Navigation Ban' 'Ghanaian Ports: Port State Control Fines' 'International Radio Medical Centre Based in Rome (CIRM)'. The Standard Club � has published four news alerts: 'Beirut port update' 'Sign up to our upcoming webinar 'Standard Club Seafarer Wellbeing Series: A discussion with Stella Maris and Capt. Artur Olbromski - What is the new normal?' 'The Sea newspaper - Q3 2020' 'COVID-19 � Singapore crew change guidebook (new version 4.0)'. West � has released a news alert entitled 'Enhancements to Crew Change for Cargo Ships in the Port of Singapore'. UK P&I � has issued three news alerts: 'COVID-19 control measures at Chinese ports' 'Crew Health Advice: Burns' 'Signing on and off procedures for Crew'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News GARD � has published an insight article entitled 'IMO 2020: A review of the transition to VLSFOs'. EMSA � has released the September issue of their Newsletter. IMO � has issued a press release entitled 'Allow crew changes to resolve humanitarian crisis, insists IMO Secretary-General'. OCIMF � has published the August issue of their Newsletter. London P&I � has released a new guidance document entitled 'Reducing the Risk of Liquefaction'. Recent Accident Reports Malta � The MSIU has released an accident investigation report into the collision of the oil tanker 'Kanala' with the fishing vessel 'Liaodanyu' in the Bohai Sea, China. It was found that the 'Liaodanyu' crossed the bow of the 'Kanala' with the trawling gear trailing behind her, which the 'Kanala' snagged as she passed. Recent IMO Circulars MEPC.1/Circ.888/Rev.1 � 28/08/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. IMSO.7/Circ.16 � 24/08/20 � AMENDMENTS ADOPTED ON 2 OCTOBER 2008 TO THE CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION. View Circular. SALVAGE.1/Circ.66 � 04/08/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON SALVAGE, 1989. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.9 � 24/07/20 � REVISED CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR METHYL ACRYLATE AND METHYL METHACRYLATE. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888 � 23/07/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.222 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.73 � 23/07/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.91 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.66 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.94 � 15/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. The Programme of Meetings can be downloaded here. 16-18 September � Extraordinary Session of All Committees (ALCOM) � Remote Meeting 28 September -2 October � Facilitation Committee (FAL 44) � Remote Meeting 12-14 October � Council (C 124) � Remote Meeting 19-23 October � 7th meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships � Remote Meeting 4-11 November � Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 102) � Remote Meeting 16-20 November � Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 75) � Remote Meeting 27 November - 1 December � Legal Committee (LEG 107) � Remote Meeting 7-11 December � Technical Cooperation Committee (TC 70) � Remote Meeting 14-18 December � Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) � Remote Meeting Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. 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Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 36 Friday 4th September 2020
Friday 4th September 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 36, 2020 � Friday 4th September Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published two new or amended documents: a marine guidance note entitled 'Radio Communications: GMDSS � Shore-Based Maintenance' a marine information note entitled 'Iridium GMDSS Recognised Mobile Satellite Service'. Liberia � has released two new marine advisories: 'Requirements for crew change for cargo ships in the port of Singapore and for ship�s crew visiting Singapore waters to minimize the risk of community spread of COVID-19 in Singapore' 'Revised Combined Publications Folder (CPF) /RLM-300 and CPF/RLM-300 CD� ROM'. Singapore � has issued a new port marine circular entitled 'Enhancements to Crew Change for Cargo Ships in the Port of Singapore'. Malta � has published a new merchant shipping notice entitled 'Discharge of Washwater from Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems'. Recent Class Society Guidance Indian Register of Shipping � has released four new technical circulars: 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines � Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic' 'Cyprus Maritime Administration Circular No. 08/2020 as amended by Circular No. 18/2020 Reg Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ships during the COVID-19 outbreak' 'Cook Islands � Guidance relating to extension of Seafarers Certificates, SEA, surveys, audits, inspections due to outbreak of COVID-19' 'DGS, Order No. 23 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of Ship�s Statutory Certificates, Periodical Surveys and Audits in view of COVID-19 pandemic'. Class NK � has issued a new technical news alert entitled 'Compliance with the EU Ship Recycling Regulation - Non-EU flagged vessels'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has released three new alerts: 'COVID-19 - Working Arrangements for the Managers' Global Offices' 'Continued Security Vigilance Recommended for Vessels Transiting Arabian Gulf, (AG) Straits of Hormuz (SOH), Gulf of Oman (GOO), Red Sea,Gulf of Aden (GOA), and Indian Ocean' 'Cyber Awareness Updates'. Japan P&I Club � has issued a news alert entitled 'China � Adjustment of Annual Summer Fishing Ban Regime'. North � has released a news alert entitled 'Nickel Ore Liquefaction Risks Remain in Philippines'. The Shipowners' Club � has issued a news alert entitled 'Bunker Operations Risk Assessment'. The Standard Club � has published two new documents: a news alert entitled 'ICS issues new protocols to mitigate COVID-19 onboard. Singapore MPA enhances crew change procedure' an article entitled 'Tackling piracy in Nigeria'. Steamship Mutual � has released a new circular entitled 'Steamship Mutual helping seafarers maintain mental well-being'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News GARD � has published an insight article entitled 'Indian Supreme Court: Ports are not entitled to levy storage/demurrage charges for abandoned cargo against shipowners and agents'. OCIMF � has issued a news article entitled 'OCIMF Covid-19 Update Bulletin #12 � OCIMF extends temporary remote inspection option to Offshore Vessel Inspection Database (OVID)'. Guidance on Methanol Bunkering � Lloyd's Register and Methanol Institute have released a new guidance document on methanol bunkering. Recent Accident Reports Denmark � The DMAIB has released an accident investigation report into the loss of a rescue boat, and the serious injury of three crew members on board the boat, from the crude oil tanker 'Torm Maren'. It was found that the wire lifting rope was seriously corroded, causing it to part during retrieval of the rescue boat. Recent IMO Circulars MEPC.1/Circ.888/Rev.1 � 28/08/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. IMSO.7/Circ.16 � 24/08/20 � AMENDMENTS ADOPTED ON 2 OCTOBER 2008 TO THE CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION. View Circular. SALVAGE.1/Circ.66 � 04/08/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON SALVAGE, 1989. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.9 � 24/07/20 � REVISED CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR METHYL ACRYLATE AND METHYL METHACRYLATE. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888 � 23/07/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.222 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.73 � 23/07/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.91 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.66 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.94 � 15/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. For more information, please see Circular Letter No.4213/Add.6. 16-18 September � MSC, LEG, MEPC, TCC, FAL/ES (if requested) 28 September -2 October � FAL 44 12-14 October � C 124 19-23 October � ISWG-GHG 7 4-11 November � MSC 102 16-20 November � MEPC 75 27 November - 4 December � LEG 107/IOPC FUNDS 7-11 December � TC 70 14-18 December � LC/LP/IMSO. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 35 Friday 28th August 2020
Friday 28th August 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 35, 2020 � Friday 28th August Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates Norway � has released a new regulation entitled 'Regulations on violation fines pursuant to the Ship Safety and Security Act, the Ship Labour Act and the NIS Act'. Liberia � has issued 64 new or updated documents: three marine advisory notes: 'South Korea�s Designation of Emission Control Areas' 'Non-payment of wages in accordance with Seafarers� Employment Agreements (SEA)' 'Requirements for renewal of Certification Issued by Approved Training Centers during COVID disruptions' 61 marine notices, including: 'Services of Liberian Consular Officers' 'Familiarization with Liberian National Maritime Legislation' 'IMO Unique Company and Registered Owner Identification Number Scheme'. Please see the Liberian Registry website to view all new or revised marine notices. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine guideline entitled 'Reference List to Aid in International Safety Management Code Compliance'. Panama � has updated a circular entitled 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC) � Certification Process'. Singapore � has issued a new port marine circular entitled 'Advisory on Marine Service Providers Attending to Vessels at Anchorages and Terminals in the Port of Singapore'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released a new guidance document entitled 'Guide for Nondestructive Inspection'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has released five new documents: two circulars: 'Pre-employment Medical Examinations (PEME) and COVID-19: An Update' 'American Club and ABSG Consulting Inc. (ABS Consulting), a Subsidiary of ABS, Jointly Publish a Primer on IMO Cyber Risk Management Guidelines. Cyber Security Readiness Review Available to Members' three alerts: 'EU Requirements for EU- and Non-EU-flagged Ships Regarding Inventories of Hazardous Materials (IHM) in the Context of the EU Ship Recycling Regulation (EUSRR) ' 'Pilot Ladder Safety' 'Joint Industry Report: 2020 Fuel Oil Quality and Safety Survey'. SKULD � has issued a news alert entitled 'Ghana: MARPOL Annex IV violations pertaining to discharge of wastewater'. Britannia P&I � has published five news alerts: 'Application for Laid-Up Return' 'Guidance on Ship Lay-Up' 'China: Vessels Arriving with Crew Members Testing Positive for COVID-19' 'Lebanon: Port of Beirut � Update' 'Benin: Revised Requirement for Armed Guards'. Japan P&I Club � has issued a news alert entitled 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Request for notification of conducting marine service activities'. North � has released a news alert entitled 'Vessel Lay-up and Fuel Storage'. The Standard Club � has published two news alerts: 'Singapore MPA issues new advisory for Ships and service providers' 'All trials suspended until 1 January 2021 in Eastern District of Louisiana'. Steamship Mutual � has released a new circular entitled 'Impact of US Sanctions on Trade Involving Venezuela and P&I'. The Swedish Club � has issued a new member alert entitled 'Singapore adopts new rules for the boarding of shore-based personnel'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News GARD � has published an insight article entitled 'Defective passage planning: unseaworthiness or a navigational decision? The CMA CGM LIBRA question sails on to the UK Supreme Court'. OCIMF � has issued a news article entitled 'OCIMF/EBIS Transition Update � Taskforce Formed'. ICS � together with IMHA and INTERTANKO, has announced the release of a new document entitled 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) Protocols to Mitigate the Risks of Cases On Board Ships'. Recent Accident Reports Bahamas � The BMA has released an accident investigation report into the death of the Fire Officer and the serious injury of an able seaman on board the Ro-Ro passenger ferry 'GRYF' while the vessel was moored at the port of Swinoujscie, Poland. The two crew members had been working with a forklift truck, which had been driven through a security barrier while reversing and fallen to the deck below. It was found that no work activity had been planned which required these two crew members to be using the forklift truck, the truck was being driven by the AB with the Fire Officer in the basket, with the basket raised to the top of the truck's mast, and the AB did not have a forklift truck licence. Japan � The JTSB has released an accident investigation report into the collision of the container vessel 'OOCL Nagoya' with a gantry crane while berthing at Yokkaichi Port. It was found that communication between the Master and the Pilot was not sufficient, resulting in the Master losing confidence in the Pilot's maneuvers and taking control. However in doing so, he caused the vessel to lose forward movement and attitude control, leading to the collision. Recent IMO Circulars IMSO.7/Circ.16 � 24/08/20 � AMENDMENTS ADOPTED ON 2 OCTOBER 2008 TO THE CONVENTION ON THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILE SATELLITE ORGANIZATION. View Circular. SALVAGE.1/Circ.66 � 04/08/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON SALVAGE, 1989. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.9 � 24/07/20 � REVISED CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR METHYL ACRYLATE AND METHYL METHACRYLATE. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888 � 23/07/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.222 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.73 � 23/07/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.91 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.66 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.94 � 15/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.94 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972, AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. For more information, please see Circular Letter No.4213/Add.6. 16-18 September � MSC, LEG, MEPC, TCC, FAL/ES (if requested) 28 September -2 October � FAL 44 12-14 October � C 124 19-23 October � ISWG-GHG 7 4-11 November � MSC 102 16-20 November � MEPC 75 27 November - 4 December � LEG 107/IOPC FUNDS 7-11 December � TC 70 14-18 December � LC/LP/IMSO. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 34 Friday 21st August 2020
Friday 21st August 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 34, 2020 � Friday 21st August Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released a new marine information note entitled 'COVID-19 � Extension of Seafarer Employment Agreements'. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code)'. Panama � has released four new or updated documents: two marine notices: 'Routeing Measures Other Than Traffic Separation Schemes' 'Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) Focused Inspection Campaign Proper Stowage and Securing of Cargo Containers' two circulars: 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, amended (MLC). Exemption Certificate and Dispensation Letter. Title 3, Regulation 3.1, Standard A3.1 and Part B of the Code, Regarding accommodation and Recreational Facilities' 'Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) for ships calling at EU ports'. Cyprus � has issued two new circulars: 'Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ships during the Covid� 19 outbreak' 'Revised procedure for facilitating crew changes within the framework of the gradual relaxation of the Restrictive Measures applicable during the COVID- 19 Pandemic'. Recent Class Society Guidance Indian Register of Shipping � has issued a new technical circular entitled 'Amendments to the IBC/BCH Code & MARPOL 73/78 Annex II entering into force on 1 January 2021'. Lloyd's Register � has released a Class news alert entitled 'LR start the rollout of IMO Compliant Electronic Certificates'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has released three member alerts: 'United States Maritime Administration (MARAD) - Advisory Concerning Waters OffLibya' 'Advisory on Navigation in Fishing Areas in and Around the Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan' 'New United States Coast Guard (USCG) Ballast Water Management Report Form'. GARD � has issued a new alert entitled 'Expected rise in the number of fishing vessels in Chinese waters - Update'. Britannia P&I � has published a news alert entitled 'China: Chinese Waters � Annual Fishing Bans are Lifted'. Japan P&I Club � has issued a news alert entitled 'Sudan � Alert to the vessels calling at the Port Sudan'. North � has released two news alerts: 'China � Be on the Lookout for Fishing Vessels' 'USA: New Ballast Water Reporting Form Now in Use'. The Shipowners' Club � has published a news alert entitled 'IG Circular � New revised People�s Republic of China (PRC) law on the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid wastes � effective 1 September 2020'. The Standard Club � has published nine new documents: an article entitled 'Guidance to members after Beirut explosion' eight news alerts: 'New ballast water management reporting form' 'Increased risk of hull fouling due to COVID-19' 'The Government of Canada has established speed restriction measures in the Gulf of St Lawrence' 'California suspends requirements that ships use shore power while at berth out of concerns for state's electricity grid' 'Beirut port update' 'Standard Club is proud to contribute a seafarer wellbeing focus within four upcoming issues of Offing Echoes magazine' 'Korea requires a document confirming negative COVID-19 PCR test result for crew coming from Russia, Philippines releases new procedures for crew change' 'South Korea - COVID-19 entry requirements for ships departing from Russia and COVID-19 high-risk countries'. UK P&I � has released a new circular entitled 'Notice of a Special General Meeting of the United Kingdom Mutual Steam Ship Assurance Association (Europe) Limited'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMO � has published a press release entitled 'IMO helping to mitigate the impacts of MV Wakashio oil spill in Mauritius'. OCIMF � has issued two new documents: a news alert entitled 'OCIMF Covid-19 Update Bulletin #11 � OCIMF announces temporary remote inspection option for SIRE programme' an information paper entitled 'Recommendations on the Proactive Use of Voyage Data Recorder Information'. 2020 Fuel Oil Quality and Safety Survey Report.� BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO and INTERTANKO have announced the release of this report. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has recently released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the container feeder vessel 'Thea II' and the tug 'Svitzer Josephine' on approach to the Humber estuary. It was found that the 'Thea II' initially lost propulsion due to the irreparable failure of the main engine governor, and although the Master anchored the vessel, severe weather conditions caused 'Thea II' to drag anchor. It was also found that the Master of 'Svitzer Josephine' lost positional awareness while attempting to assist and did not realise that both vessels had drifted so close to the shoal on which they grounded. Bahamas � The BMA has recently released an accident investigation report into the collision of the LNG tanker 'Polar Spirit' with the fishing vessel 'Zhe Xiang Yu', which resulted in the deaths of all eight crew members on board. It was found that the bridge team of the 'Polar Spirit' did not follow minimum passing distance requirements, and did not take appropriate action to avoid the collision. Recent IMO Circulars SALVAGE.1/Circ.66 � 04/08/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON SALVAGE, 1989. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.9 � 24/07/20 � REVISED CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR METHYL ACRYLATE AND METHYL METHACRYLATE. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888 � 23/07/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.222 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.73 � 23/07/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.91 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.66 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.94 � 15/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.94 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972, AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. FAL.1/Circ.116 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON FACILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC, 1965, AS AMENDED. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. For more information, please see Circular Letter No.4213/Add.6. 16-18 September � MSC, LEG, MEPC, TCC, FAL/ES (if requested) 28 September -2 October � FAL 44 12-14 October � C 124 19-23 October � ISWG-GHG 7 4-11 November � MSC 102 16-20 November � MEPC 75 27 November - 4 December � LEG 107/IOPC FUNDS 7-11 December � TC 70 14-18 December � LC/LP/IMSO. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 33 Friday 14th August 2020
Friday 14th August 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 33, 2020 � Friday 14th August Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates Marshall Islands � has updated a marine guideline entitled 'Guidance on Seafarer Employment Agreements'. Panama � has updated a circular entitled 'Authorized Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) transiting High Risk Areas (online application)'. Singapore � has issued two new documents: a shipping circular entitled 'Maritime Cyber Risk Management' a port marine circular entitled 'Guidelines for Safe Transfer of Persons Between Vessels at Anchorages'. Recent Class Society Guidance CCS � has issued a new guidance document entitled 'Guidelines for Assessment of Sloshing Loads and Structural Scantling of Tanks 2020'. Recent P&I Club Guidance New revised People�s Republic of China (PRC) Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes The American Club (Mandarin Translations) GARD SKULD Britannia P&I Japan P&I Club North The Standard Club Steamship Mutual The Swedish Club West UK P&I. GARD � has issued two new alerts: 'USCG releases new ballast water management reporting form' 'Reducing the risk of collisions at sea'. Britannia P&I � has published a new alert entitled 'Benin: Armed Guard Requirements'. Japan P&I Club � has issued two new documents: a circular entitled 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) � Additional cover for cargo liabilities arising from deviations for crew changes' a news alert entitled 'China-off-spec cases for Phenol and MEG (Mono EthyleneGlycol)'. The Standard Club � has published four new documents: two press articles: 'Pandemic means sharper focus needed on crew on physical and mental health' 'The dangers of enclosed spaces' two news alerts: 'Guidelines for the use of electronic record books (ERBs) under MARPOL' 'Piracy - Benin security requirements'. The Swedish Club � has issued a member alert entitled 'Increasing pirate attacks in the Gulf of Guinea'. West � has published two news alerts: 'Hull Coatings - A Slippery Subject' 'Beirut explosion'. UK P&I � has released two new articles: 'EU Ship Recycling Regulation: Update and reminder for all EU flagged ships' 'Crew Health Advice: Kidney Stones'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News EMSA � has published the August issue of their Newsletter. UK Chamber of Shipping � has announced the release of a guidance document for UK passenger ferry operations during COVID-19. IMO � has published a new document entitled 'Just In Time Arrival Guide'. Paris MoU � The 2019 Paris MoU Annual Report has been published. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the container feeder vessel 'Thea II' and the tug 'Svitzer Josephine' on approach to the Humber estuary. It was found that the 'Thea II' initially lost propulsion due to the irreparable failure of the main engine governor, and although the Master anchored the vessel, severe weather conditions caused 'Thea II' to drag anchor. It was also found that the Master of 'Svitzer Josephine' lost positional awareness while attempting to assist and did not realise that both vessels had drifted so close to the shoal on which they grounded. Bahamas � The BMA has released an accident investigation report into the collision of the LNG tanker 'Polar Spirit' with the fishing vessel 'Zhe Xiang Yu', which resulted in the deaths of all eight crew members on board. It was found that the bridge team of the 'Polar Spirit' did not follow minimum passing distance requirements, and did not take appropriate action to avoid the collision. Recent IMO Circulars SALVAGE.1/Circ.66 � 04/08/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON SALVAGE, 1989. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.9 � 24/07/20 � REVISED CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR METHYL ACRYLATE AND METHYL METHACRYLATE. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888 � 23/07/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.222 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.73 � 23/07/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.91 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.66 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.94 � 15/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.94 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972, AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. FAL.1/Circ.116 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON FACILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC, 1965, AS AMENDED. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO has released a revised meeting calendar for 2020. For more information, please see Circular Letter No.4213/Add.6. 16-18 September � MSC, LEG, MEPC, TCC, FAL/ES (if requested) 28 September -2 October � FAL 44 12-14 October � C 124 19-23 October � ISWG-GHG 7 4-11 November � MSC 102 16-20 November � MEPC 75 27 November - 4 December � LEG 107/IOPC FUNDS 7-11 December � TC 70 14-18 December � LC/LP/IMSO. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 32 Friday 7th August 2020
Friday 7th August 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 32, 2020 � Friday 7th August Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published two new documents: a marine guidance note entitled 'Ship Recycling: Requirements in relation to Hazardous Materials on Ships (Amendment etc.) Regulations 2018' a marine information note entitled 'The Bureau International des Containers et du Transport Intermodal Global Container Database and Approved Continuous Examination Programme Database'. Norway � has released a new circular entitled 'Instructions to class: Further extensions of statutory surveys and completion of renewal surveys by means of alternative methods due to COVID-19'. Australia � has issued two new marine notices: 'Closure of the Inmarsat Fleet 77 service' 'Reducing the risk of collisions at sea'. Liberia � has published three new documents: two marine advisory notes: 'Requirements for crew change for cargo ships in the port of Hong Kong and for ship�s crew visiting Hong Kong waters to minimize the risk of community spread of COVID-19 in Hong Kong' 'Requirements for crew change for cargo ships in the port of Singapore and for ship�s crew visiting Singapore waters to minimize the risk of community spread of COVID-19 in Singapore' a marine operations note entitled 'Authorization to Conduct Ship to Ship Transfer Operations at Sea'. Panama � has updated two circulars: 'List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers � MLC' 'Ballast Water Management Convention 2004, Panama Policy'. Singapore � has issued a new port marine circular entitled 'Chek Jawa Wetlands'. Hong Kong � has released a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'Collision between a ro-ro cargo ship and a fishing vessel in the Yellow Sea'. Recent Class Society Guidance DNV GL � has issued a new alert entitled 'AMSA focused inspection campaign -Proper stowage and securing of cargo containers'. Recent P&I Club Guidance GARD � has issued a news alert entitled 'Beirut - port situation'. SKULD � has published an article entitled 'Inter-Club Agreement: Validity of written notification'. Japan P&I � has issued the latest version of their 'Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters'. The Standard Club � has published six documents: a circular entitled '31 July 2020, Standard Club circular - Notice of meeting' a press article entitled 'Practicing humanity is the only way our seafarers can survive COVID-19' four news alerts: 'Beirut incident' 'UK publishes Guidance on financial sanctions for Maritime Industry' 'Singapore Crew Change Guidebook (SCCG)' 'Oman bans the use of open loop scrubbers'. The Swedish Club � has issued two member alerts: 'Vessels operating in the SOx Emission Control Area in Republic of Korea' 'MSS Case August: Maintenance job lead to injuries'. UK P&I � has released two news alerts: 'Tackling container ship issues: �Container casualties - the sum of the parts�' 'Korea New ECA Rule'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News OCIMF � has published the July issue of their Newsletter. USCG � has released the Summer 2020 issue of their 'Cruise Ship National Center of Expertise Newsletter'. GARD � has published an insight article entitled 'Casualty response and sustainable solutions amidst a pandemic'. Recent Accident Reports Japan � The JTSB has released an accident investigation report into a collision between the car carrier 'Glovis Companion' and the fishing vessel 'Higashida Maru' in the Akashi-Kaikyo Traffic Route. It was found that the pilot of the 'Glovis Companion' and the Master of the 'Higashida Maru' did not notice each other until it was too late to avoid the collision. Recent IMO Circulars SALVAGE.1/Circ.66 � 04/08/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON SALVAGE, 1989. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.9 � 24/07/20 � REVISED CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR METHYL ACRYLATE AND METHYL METHACRYLATE. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888 � 23/07/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.222 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.73 � 23/07/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.91 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.66 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.94 � 15/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.94 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972, AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. FAL.1/Circ.116 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON FACILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC, 1965, AS AMENDED. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/03/2020 Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) � effective from 01/07/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) � effective from 01/07/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO Council is currently considering the reconstruction of the schedule of meetings for 2020, including the possibilities for virtual meetings. For more details please see the IMO's website, and Circular Letter No.4213/Add.5. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 31 Friday 31st July 2020
Friday 31st July 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 31, 2020 � Friday 31st July Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published a new marine guidance note entitled 'Navigation: SOLAS Chapter V - Guidance on the Merchant Shipping (Safety of Navigation) Regulations 2020'. USA � has released a new marine safety information bulletin entitled 'Urgent Need to Protect Operational Technologies and Control Systems'. Liberia � has published a new marine security advisory entitled 'Human Trafficking in the Andaman Sea, Northern Part of Straits of Malacca, Including Coastal Areas Off Bangladesh/Off Myanmar'. Panama � has updated a circular entitled 'High Risk Areas (HRA) and precautionary zones'. Singapore � has released three new documents: a shipping circular entitled 'Best Practices for Singapore-Registered Ships to Minimise Risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Board' two port marine circulars: 'Advisory for Shore Personnel and Ship Crew Visiting or Working Onboard Vessels Alongside Wharves, in Shipyards and at Anchorages' 'Revisions to Crew Change for Cargo Ships Under Special Circumstances in the Port of Singapore, to Minimise Risk of Community Spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Singapore (Supplementary to PMC Nos 26 and 27 of 2020)'. Hong Kong � has issued a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'Implementation of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Requirements'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released three new or updated guidance documents: two new documents: 'Guide for Vessels Intended to Carry Compressed Natural Gases in Bulk' 'Guidance Notes on Ice Loads on Azimuthing Propulsion Units' an updated collection of documents entitled 'Generic Rules for Classification, Materials and Welding and Survey After Construction'. Bureau Veritas � has released a Class news alert entitled 'IMO Circular Letter No.4204/Add.19 - Coronavirus (COVID-19)'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued two new technical circulars: 'Barbados Maritime Bulletin No. 329 on COVID-19 Guidance' 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines � Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has released two member alerts: 'INTERCARGO and Vistrato Release a COVID-19 Related Guide to Ship/ Shore Interactions During Solid Bulk Operations' 'American Club Partners with KnowBe4 to Offer Members Discounted Cyber Awareness Training'. GARD � has published two member alerts: 'AMSA inspection campaign to focus on stowage and securing of containers' 'The importance of manifold and first foot samples at load ports'. Japan P&I � has issued a circular entitled 'The 70th Ordinary General Meeting of the Members of the Association' The Shipowner's Club � has released a news alert entitled 'Latest Seafarers Happiness Index report reveals seafarer welfare crisis at tipping point'. The Standard Club � has published five news alerts: 'AMSA focused inspection campaign (FIC) on cargo securing arrangements (1 Aug - 31 Oct 2020)' 'COVID-19 � INTERCARGO supports safety guide for ship/shore interface; Hong Kong tightens crew change requirements' 'ILO issues a revised information note, Singapore MPA issues new requirements for crew change' 'India announces repatriation of foreign seafarers from Indian ports' 'US CDC issues updated interim guidance for ships managing suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases'. Steamship Mutual � has issued a new circular entitled 'US Sanctions in Respect of Nord Stream 2 / Turk Stream Gas Projects'. West � has released three news alerts: 'Senegal - Intensification of Border Controls and Customs Regulations at Dakar' 'Sanctions - UK Governments Maritime Guidance' 'New BIMCO clause to permit deviation for crew changes'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News EMSA � has published a report entitled 'Seafarer Statistics in the EU - Statistical review (2018 data STCW-IS)'. INTERCARGO � has published a new video entitled 'Dry Bulk Shipping: Sustainably serving the world�s essential needs'. Recent Accident Reports Germany � The BSU has released an accident investigation report into a fire in the vicinity of the combined boiler of the tanker 'Weichselstern' which injured two crew members. It was found that the boiler's burner door was held shut with an insufficiently welded joint, which failed during the ignition process and allowed the burner door to fly open and flame to escape. Canada� The TSB has released an accident investigation report into the outbreak of fire in the engine room of the container vessel 'MOL Prestige' which resulted in serious injury to five crew members. Several safety deficiencies were identified as contributing to the incident, including that the high-temperature alarm on the settling tank was set at 30�C above the safe maximum temperature, and that the blind flange had been left off the level indicator pipe for the tank. Recent IMO Circulars PPR.1/Circ.9 � 24/07/20 � REVISED CARRIAGE REQUIREMENTS FOR METHYL ACRYLATE AND METHYL METHACRYLATE. View Circular. MEPC.1/Circ.888 � 23/07/20 � SUMMARY REPORTS AND ANALYSIS OF MANDATORY REPORTS UNDER MARPOL FOR THE PERIOD 2013 TO 2018. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.222 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.73 � 23/07/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.91 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.66 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.94 � 15/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.94 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972, AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. FAL.1/Circ.116 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON FACILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC, 1965, AS AMENDED. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.65 � 14/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO Council is currently considering the reconstruction of the schedule of meetings for 2020, including the possibilities for virtual meetings. For more details please see the IMO's website, and Circular Letter No.4213/Add.5. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 30 Friday 24th July 2020
Friday 24th July 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 30, 2020 � Friday 24th July Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published an amended marine information note entitled 'Guidance and Information to Follow in the Event of COVID-19 Outbreak Impacting UK Seafarer Services'. Australia � has released a new marine notice entitled 'Focused inspection campaign � Proper stowage and securing of cargo containers'. Liberia � has published a new marine advisory entitled 'Postponement of annual leave with pay and maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic'. Marshall Islands � has released three updated documents: two marine notices: 'Ballast Water Management' 'List of Office and Service Locations' a marine guideline entitled 'Guidelines on Modifications to Instrument Recordation, Acknowledgement, and Other Requirements Pursuant to Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Act, ��103-106, �108, and �203(h) in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic'. Panama � has issued a new marine notice entitled 'Marine Safety Alert', and has updated five circulars: 'Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear' 'Issue of the Certificate of Inspection of Crew Accommodation (CICA)' 'Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management' 'Instructions for Payments to CSR and ISSC' 'Amendments to the Ship Security Plans (SSP) for Recognized Security Organization (RSO) duly cancelled'. Bahamas � has published a new technical alert entitled 'MARPOL VI, Reg.22A - IMO List Of Ships Expected To Submit Fuel Report For 2020'. Hong Kong � has issued a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'Collision between an oil/chemical carrier and a vessel at the eastern end of the Singapore Strait'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has updated parts of the guidance document 'Guide for Building and Classing International Naval Ships'. Bureau Veritas � has released a class news alert entitled 'COVID-19 - Guidance for Flag States Regarding Surveys and Renewals of Certificates During the COVID-19 Pandemic'. China Classification Society � has issued two new guidance documents entitled: 'Rules for Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk Amendments' 'Rules for Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Liquid Chemicals in Bulk V. 2020. RCN No.1'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued two new technical circulars: 'DGS, Order No. 19 of 2020 Reg Extension of the validity of Recruitment & Placement of Seafarers License (RPSL) and Inspection of RPSL in view of COVID-19 outbreak' 'DGS Order No. 18 of 2020 Reg Extension of the validity of ship sanitation certificate for all Indian registered vessels operating on the coast of India in view of COVID-19 outbreak'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has released an alert entitled 'CDC: Interim Guidance for Ships on Managing Suspected or Confirmed Cases of COVID-19: Updates'. North � has issued a news alert entitled 'Bumper Brazilian Harvests Could Mean Soya Bean Sorrow for Shipowners'. The Standard Club � has published a news alert entitled 'Quarantine & Testing Requirements for seafarers, crew changes in Dubai'. West � has released a news alert entitled 'Proposed changes to IMO requirements on safe mooring'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News OCIMF � has released a news article entitled 'Reporting Guidance for vessels transiting the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden (GOO), Arabian Sea (AG), Gulf of Oman (GOO), Straits of Hormuz (SoH) and the Arabian Gulf (AG)'. GARD � has published an article entitled 'An expert�s view on the carriage of soya bean cargoes from Brazil to China'. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the loss of containers from the container ship 'Ever Smart' in the North Pacific Ocean. The accident was caused by a combination of factors including container weight distribution, container lashing arrangements, and the ship's motion. Germany � The BSU has released an accident investigation report into an incident on board the car carrier 'Baltic Breeze', in which the main engine's turbocharger was destroyed and a fire broke out in the engine room. Several possible causes for the destruction of the turbocharger were identified, including a sizable change in speed in the main engine in a short period of time, and the obstruction of the charging air cooler. Canada � The TSB has released an accident investigation report into an incident on board the passenger ship 'Amadea', which resulted in serious injury to a crew member. The crew member was stowing a lifeboat after a drill when he was struck in the head by a crank handle. It was found that the electromagnetic brake for the winching system was disengaged due to the use of a lever-type tool to make manual winching easier, and so when the crew members lost their grip on the crank handle it spun backwards, striking one of the crew members on the head. The Netherlands � The Dutch Safety Board has released an accident investigation report into a fatal fall from height on board the cargo vessel 'Fortunagracht'. It was found that the deckhand who fell was carrying out unplanned, unsupervised work and had entered an unlit compartment with only a torch. Furthermore, there were no additional barriers in place to prevent a person falling through a door behind which there was no tweendeck. Recent IMO Circulars PMP.7/Circ.73 � 23/07/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.91 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.66 � 23/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.94 � 15/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.94 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972, AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. FAL.1/Circ.116 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON FACILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC, 1965, AS AMENDED. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.65 � 14/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.49 � 13/07/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.93 � 10/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.92 � 07/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO Council is currently considering the reconstruction of the schedule of meetings for 2020, including the possibilities for virtual meetings. For more details please see the IMO's website, and Circular Letter No.4213/Add.5. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 3 Friday 17th January 2020
Friday 17th January 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 3, 2020 � Friday 17th January Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published two new documents: a merchant shipping notice entitled 'Vessel Traffic Monitoring Notification and Reporting Requirements for Ships and Ports' a marine information note 'Notification of suspension for some UK Certification of Competency holders'. Panama � has updated two circulars: 'List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers � MLC' 'Ship Implementation Plan for the Consistent Implementation of the 0.50% Sulphur Limit under MARPOL Annex VI'. Our Technical Director, Johan Machtelinckx, talks about cyber security and the need for the shipping industry to wake up fast to the issues of cyber security: Hackers see the shipping industry as 'low hanging fruit'. Recent Class Society Guidance Bureau Veritas � has published three new guidance documents: 'Approval of Service Suppliers' 'Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships' 'Structural Rules for Container Ships'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'Update to new requirements for service suppliers in China'. Recent P&I Club Guidance International Group of P&I Clubs � has released a news announcement entitled '2019 International Group Regional Seminar for P&I Correspondents'. The American Club � has issued an alert entitled 'Piracy & Armed Robbery Report', and two new circulars: 'The International Group of P&I Clubs: 2018/19 Annual Review' 'Additional US Economic Sanctions Imposed Against Iran'. GARD � has published a circular entitled 'Reinsurance arrangements for the 2020 policy year arranged through the International Group of P&I Clubs � special P&I war risks cover' and two member alerts: 'Are you snap-safe?' 'New implementation strategy for India�s single-use plastic ban'. SKULD � has issued an alert entitled 'Iran: US issues new sanctions against four sectors of the Iranian economy'. Britannia P&I � has released four news alerts: 'Panama Canal Water Conservation Strategies' 'International Group (IG) Annual Review 2018/19' 'India: Update on Ban of Single Use Plastics in Indian Waters' 'Sea Robbery and Sea Theft Incidents in the Singapore Strait and Approaches Spike'. Japan P&I Club � has published a news alert entitled 'Recent Ports Information of Iran and Surrounding Countries'. North � has issued six new documents: three circulars: 'Policy Year 2020/21' 'SureNav Remote Navigational Audits' 'Cyber Security: Kick Start - New Member Benefit for Cyber Security Compliance'. three news alerts 'India Provides Guidance on Ban on Single-Use Plastics' 'Douala Port Provides Armed Security at Anchor' 'No Scrubs: More Ports Declare Ban on EGCS Discharges *Update*'. Shipowners' Club � has released a news alert entitled 'U.S. sanctions imposed on Nord Stream 2 and Turkstream pipelines'. The Standard Club � has published five news alerts: 'IMB 2019 Piracy and Armed Robbery Report shows decrease in overall reported incidents but unprecedented rise of crew kidnappings' 'Compliant fuel availability issues' 'SOLAS amendments entering into force 1 January 2020' 'Update on single-use plastics ban in Indian waters' 'IMO 2020 enforcement actions in China'. The Swedish Club � has issued a new member alert entitled 'IMO Sulphur Cap status from Suez Canal Authority'. West � has released two news alerts: 'International Group of P&I Clubs Annual Review 2018/19' 'Iran sanctions - the U.S. imposes further measures'. UK P&I � has issued an advice document entitled 'Crew Health Advice: Supporting crew suffering from Back Pain'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMB � has released their annual piracy report for 2019. EMSA � has released the January 2020 issue of their Newsletter. USCG � has published a series of blog posts on Waste Reception Facilities: 'Part 1: Documentation' 'Part 2: Services provided by 3rd party contractors' 'Part 3: Waivers and alternatives'. OCIMF � has published the December 2019 issue of their Newsletter. Recent Accident Reports UK � The UK MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the loss of 137 containers from the container ship 'CMA CGM G. Washington'. It was found that the vessel had rolled 20 degrees to starboard and then to port, and during these rolls three container bays had collapsed. Although the risk of this rolling had been identified by the 'ship�s motion monitoring decision support tool', the Master and his bridge team had not appreciated the risk as they did not fully understand the functionality of the tool. The investigation also found 'reduced structural strength of non-standard 53ft containers, inaccurate container weight declarations, mis-stowed containers and loose lashings'. Recent IMO Circulars HKSRC.1/Circ.15 � 09/01/20 � HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND RECYCLING OF SHIPS, 2009. View Circular. SSE 7/5/2 � REVISION OF SOLAS CHAPTER III AND THE LSA CODE � 09/01/20. SSE 7/12 � AMENDMENTS TO PARAGRAPH OF THE LSA CODE CONCERNING SINGLE FALL AND HOOK SYSTEMS WITH ON-LOAD RELEASE CAPABILITY � 09/01/20. SSE 7/5/1 � REVISION OF SOLAS CHAPTER III AND THE LSA CODE � 09/01/20. SSE 7/16/6 � UNIFIED INTERPRETATION OF PROVISIONS OF IMO SAFETY, SECURITY, AND ENVIRONMENT-RELATED CONVENTIONS � 09/01/20. LEG 107/8 � REGULATORY SCOPING EXERCISE AND GAP ANALYSIS OF CONVENTIONS EMANATING FROM THE LEGAL COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO MARITIME AUTONOMOUS SURFACE SHIPS (MASS) � 09/01/20. LEG 107/13 � REVIEW OF THE STATUS OF CONVENTIONS AND OTHER TREATY INSTRUMENTS EMANATING FROM THE LEGAL COMMITTEE � 09/01/20. LEG 107/14 � WORK PROGRAMME � 09/01/20. SSE 7/17/1 � REVISION OF THE GUIDELINES FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONS OF FIXED CARBON DIOXIDE FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS (MSC.1/CIRC.1318) � 09/01/20. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 �effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO 13-24 January: Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR) � 7th Session 3-7 February: Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) � 7th Session 17-21 February: Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) � 7th Session 2-6 March: Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) � 7th Session 11-13 March: IOPC Funds 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 29 Friday 17th July 2020
Friday 17th July 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 29, 2020 � Friday 17th July Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published 13 new or amended documents: a merchant shipping notice entitled 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 Work in Fishing Convention, 2007 (ILO No. 188) Medical Examination System: Appointment of Approved Doctors and Medical and Eyesight Standards' four marine guidance notes: 'Fishing Vessels: Pre-Registration surveys for Fishing vessels of less than 15m Length Overall built before 16 July 2007 and existing vessels of 15m Length overall to less than 24m Registered Length wishing to join the UK Register' 'The Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships) Regulations 2020' 'The Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships) Regulations 2020' 'Guidance on the Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Port Waste Reception Facilities) Regulations 2003 and amendments' eight marine information notes: 'Construction Standards for Fishing Vessels of Less than 15m LOA - Carbon Monoxide Detection' 'Construction Standards for Fishing Vessels of Less than 15m LOA - Hatch Drains' 'Construction Standards for Fishing Vessels of Less than 15m LOA - Freeing Ports' 'Construction Standards for Fishing Vessels of Less than 15m LOA -Reboarding Ladders' 'Construction and Outfit Standards for Fishing Vessels of 15m Length Overall to Less than 24m Registered Length - Bilge Pumping Systems' 'Construction Standards for Fishing Vessels of Less than 15m LOA - Deck Equipment Emergency Stops' 'Construction and Outfit Standards for Fishing Vessels of Less than 15m Length Overall to Less than 24m Registered Length - Use of Scantling Tables' 'Guidance and Information to Follow in the Event of COVID-19 Outbreak Impacting UK Seafarer Services'. Liberia � has published a new marine advisory note entitled 'Regulations of the People�s Republic of China (PRC) on the Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution from Ships'. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Repatriation'. Panama � has released three documents: a marine notice entitled 'Gulf of Mexico - Bay of Campeche � Tabasco, Republic of Mexico' a new circular entitled 'Chief Cook Dispensation Letter - (MLC 2006)'. an updated circular entitled 'Authorized Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) transiting High Risk Areas (online application)'. Isle of Man � has published three technical advisory notices: 'Mobile Devices and Other Distractions in The Workplace' 'Inventory of Hazardous Materials - Asbestos' '2018 MLC Amendments � Piracy and Armed Robbery'. Singapore � has issued a new port marine circular entitled 'Requirements for Proper Disposal of Radioactive Waste'. Cyprus � has released a new circular entitled 'The Merchant Shipping (Medical Examination of Seafarers and Issue of Certificates) (List of Approved Doctors) Notification of 2020 (P.I. 201/2020)'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has issued 6 new or updated guidance documents: 'Guide for Hull Condition Monitoring Systems' 'Guide for Smart Functions for Marine Vessels and Offshore Units' 'Guide for Building and Classing Yachts' 'Rules for Building and Classing High-Speed Craft' 'Guide for Slamming Loads and Strength Assessment for Vessels' 'Guide for Application of Higher-Strength Hull Structural Thick Steel Plates in Container Carriers'. China Classification Society � has issued a new guidance document entitled 'Rules for Construction and Classification of Yachts 2020'. DNV GL � has released a news alert entitled 'Ballast water management - new type approval standard applicable from 28 October 2020'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued three new technical circulars: 'Vanuatu flag Administration on extension of Seafarers Employment Agreement (SEA) due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic' 'Marshall Islands � Marine Safety Advisory No. 25-20 on Handling ISM, ISPS, and MLC, 2006 due to the exceptional circumstances of Novel Coronavirus, COVID� 19' 'Marshall Islands � Marine Safety Advisory No. 24-20 on handling the validity of ship certificates due to COVID-19'. Class NK � has released a technical news alert entitled 'Ship Construction File (SCF) for ships to which GBS requirements are applicable'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has released two new documents: a circular entitled 'Management News' an alert entitled 'Recommended Guidance for COVID-19 Testing & Quarantine Requirements for Seafarers Joining Ships'. GARD � has published a member alert entitled 'Emergency preparedness on the PSC agenda'. Britannia P&I � has issued six news alerts: 'Britannia Loss Prevention Webinar Wednesday 29 July 2020, 0900 to 1000 (BST)' 'Risk Watch � Out Now' 'Crew Watch � Burns Edition Now Translated' 'Loss Prevention Webinar � 29 July 2020' 'Panama Maritime Authority � Pre-Arrival Checklist for US Ports' 'CHIRP MFB 59'. Japan P&I Club � has published a news alert entitled 'New Zealand-Biofouling-Craft Risk Management Standard (No.2)'. The Shipowners' Club � has released a news alert entitled 'Electronic Record Books under MARPOL'. The Standard Club � has published an article entitled 'Australian court considers whether a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) can be considered a ship under Australian law'. West � has released three news alerts: 'West�s strategic partnership with Nordic Marine Insurance approved' 'LNG as fuel - A developing industry' 'COVID-19: ICS Publish Coronavirus Guidelines (Update)'. UK P&I Club � has published three news alerts: 'Panama Canal � Increase of maximum authorized draft for vessels transiting the Neopanamax locks � from 8 July 2020' 'International summit on impact of COVID-19 on crew changes � 13 countries pledged action' 'Lessons Learnt: Burn Injury to Engineer'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News EMSA � has released theJuly 2019 issue of their Newsletter. ICS � has published an article entitled 'ICS represents global shipowners at ministerial summit on crew change'. IMB � has issued their latest report on Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships. Incidents of piracy and armed robbery have increased in 2020, with 98 recorded incidents in the first half of 2020, up from 78 in the same period in 2019. IMO � has published a press release entitled 'Governments pledge action forseafarers at crucial crew change summit'. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the near miss between the ro-ro ferry 'Stena Superfast VII' and a submerged Royal Navy submarine in the North Channel. It was found that the submarine's control room team had 'overestimated the ferry's range, and underestimated its speed', and thus the safety-critical decisions which were made were based on inaccurate information. Malta � The MSIU has released an accident investigation report into the allision of the bulk carrier 'Klima' with the bulk carrier 'Spring Snow' and the bunker barge 'Libra' in the Eastern Special Purpose Anchorage in Singapore. It was found that the 'Klima' had dragged her anchor because of severe yaw and surge on her cable, and the subsequent attempt to reposition the vessel was unsuccessful. Recent IMO Circulars STCW.2/Circ.94 � 15/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.94 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972, AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. FAL.1/Circ.116 � 14/07/20 � CONVENTION ON FACILITATION OF INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRAFFIC, 1965, AS AMENDED. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.65 � 14/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.49 � 13/07/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.93 � 10/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.92 � 07/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.48 � 03/07/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.90 � 02/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. LC-LP.2/Circ.11 � 30/06/20 � 1996 PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 PROVISIONAL APPLICATION OF THE 2009 AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 6 OF THE LONDON PROTOCOL RESOLUTION LP.5(14). View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO The IMO Council is currently considering the reconstruction of the schedule of meetings for 2020, including the possibilities for virtual meetings. For more details please see the IMO's website, and Circular Letter No.4213/Add.5. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 28 Friday 10th July 2020
Friday 10th July 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 28, 2020 � Friday 10th July Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published four new or amended documents: a new marine guidance note entitled 'Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997'. three marine information notes: 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) - MCA approach to survey and certification of UK vessels' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Use of alternative measures for the completion of surveys on internationally trading UK registered ships' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) - MCA approach to a phased return to survey and certification activity' Australia � has updated a marine order entitled 'Offshore Industry Units'. USA � has released a new safety alert entitled 'Electrical Issues Spark Major Concern -Addressing Hazardous Area Electrical Installations Knowledge Gaps'. Marshall Islands � has issued two new marine safety advisories: 'Handling ISM, ISPS, and MLC, 2006 Due to the Exceptional Circumstance of COVID-19' 'Handling the Validity of Ship Certificates Due to COVID-19'. Panama � has released three new or updated circulars: 'Guidelines for appeals process against Port State Control deficiencies/detentions' 'Exemption, Conditional, Interim and Full-Term Certificates' 'Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey and Certification (HSSC), 2019'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has issued 10 new or updated guidance documents: 'Guide for Building and Classing Liftboats' 'Rules for Building and Classing Single Point Moorings' 'Rules for Building and Classing Bulk Carriers for Service on the Great Lakes' 'Rules for Building and Classing Floating Production Installations' 'Mobile Offshore Units (2020)' 'Marine Vessel Rules (2020)' 'Rules for Facilities on Offshore Installations' 'Rules for Building and Classing Steel Barges' 'Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels for Service on Rivers and Intracoastal Waterways' 'Generic Rules for Conditions of Classification, Materials and Welding, and Surveys After Construction'. Bureau Veritas.� has released two new amendments to guidance documents: 'Amendments to the Rules for the Classification of Naval Ships' 'Amendments and Addendum to the Tentative Rules for Structural Assessment of Steel Ships'. China Classification Society � has issued a new guidance document entitled 'Rules for Classification of Sea-Going Steel Ships Amendments 2020'. DNV GL � has released a news alert entitled 'IMO and EU requirements March 2020 to December 2021'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued five new technical circulars: 'Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) Marine Notice 04 of 2020 Reg. Maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during COVID-19 pandemic' 'Panama Merchant Marine Notice No. MMN-07-2020 Reg Request for Postponement/ Extension of Statutory Certification and Services due to outbreak of COVID-19' 'Designation of SOX Emission Control Area (SECA) in Republic of South Korea' 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines � Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic' 'DGS, Order No. 17 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of Seafarer�s Certificates and Ship�s Statutory Certificates, Periodical Surveys and Audits in view of COVID� 19 pandemic'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has released a circular entitled 'Management News'. GARD � has published a member alert entitled 'Turkey � a case of undeclared bunker'. Britannia P&I � has issued two new documents: a poster entitled 'BSafe: Lone Watchkeeping' a document entitled 'Risk Watch � July 2020'. Japan P&I Club � has published three new documents: a circular entitled 'Ratification of the Bunker Convention and Wreck Removal Convention, and Amendment of the Oil Pollution Act in Japan -to be effected on 1 October 2020' two news alerts: 'Prevent Dragging Anchor during Typhoon Seasons � Guide to Harborage in Tokyo Bay During Stormy Weather' 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Request from Singapore Harbour Pilots'. The Standard Club � has published three news alerts: 'IMO issues recommendations for port and coastal states' 'COVID-19 in a Maritime Setting - Chamber of Shipping' 'The current regulatory framework for disposing waste in Portugal is blocking 150 waste containers at Sines and 36 waste containers at Leixoes ports'. Steamship Mutual � has issued a new circular entitled 'Coronavirus Film - Crew Change'. West � has released two news alerts: 'Cyber Resilience - IACS Recommendation 2020' 'West's seafarers on the challenges and rewards of a career at sea'. UK P&I Club � has published a new document entitled 'Crew Health Advice: What is Resilience?'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News BSU � has released their '2019 Annual Report'. GARD � has published an insight article entitled 'Grounding incidents in the Indonesian archipelago'. IMO � has issued a press release entitled 'IMO endorses guidance on ensuring seafarers� access to medical care onshore'. OCIMF � has published two new documents: the June 2020 issue of their Newsletter an article entitled 'New OCIMF Committee Structure'. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has recently released an accident investigation report into the fall of a suspended load which resulted in injuries to two crewmen on board the general cargo vessel 'ZEA Servant'. It was found that the suspended load fell because it became snagged and the tension broke the fibre sling being used to lift it. The crew members were injured because they were standing within the hazardous fall zone at the time. It was found that no formal risk assessment or lifting plan had been carried out for this lifting operation. New Zealand � The TAIC has recently released an accident investigation report into the death of a crew member during a cargo-securing operation on the bulk carrier 'Coresky OL'. The crew member was struck by a part of the securing equipment when a foot wire parted. He had been standing close to the wire in order to monitor its tension. It was found that the 'operator�s safety management system did not include a safety assessment of cargo-securing operations', and so the crew had no guidance on how to work safely during this kind of operation. The Netherlands � The Dutch Safety Board has recently released an investigation report into the loss of containers overboard from the vessel 'MSC Zoe' while sailing north of the Wadden Islands. It was found that in this particular area, northwesterly storm conditions can cause extremely large waves, which can in turn cause violent ship movements in large, wide container ships. This report explores the wider issues for vessels in this area, and the consequences of container loss. Japan � The JTSB has recently released an accident investigation report into the death of a worker on board the cargo ship 'Ishizuchi' while unloading cargo at Niihama Port. The worker was struck by a bulldozer while in the vessel's hold unloading coal. It was found probable that the bulldozer operator thought that nobody was behind him and reversed without looking, striking the worker who was, in fact, behind the bulldozer. Recent IMO Circulars STCW.2/Circ.92 � 07/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.48 � 03/07/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.90 � 02/07/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. LC-LP.2/Circ.11 � 30/06/20 � 1996 PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 PROVISIONAL APPLICATION OF THE 2009 AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 6 OF THE LONDON PROTOCOL RESOLUTION LP.5(14). View Circular. SLS.12/Circ.155 � 18/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.221 � 11/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.8 � 05/06/20 � HAZARD EVALUATION OF SUBSTANCES TRANSPORTED BY SHIPS. View Circular. PMP.5/Circ.87 � 05/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX V. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.220 � 05/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.43 � 05/06/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 6-10 July: Informal preliminary discussion session (virtual meeting) on short-term measures for reduction of GHG emissions from ships. 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 27 Friday 3rd July 2020
Friday 3rd July 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 27, 2020 � Friday 3rd July Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published seven new or amended documents: four marine guidance notes: 'Construction and Outfit Standards for Fishing Vessels of 15m Length Overall to less than 24m Registered Length' 'Construction and Outfit Standards for Fishing Vessels of less than 15m Length Overall' 'Fishing Vessels: Pre-Registration surveys for Fishing vessels of less than 15m Length Overall built before 16 July 2007 and existing vessels of 15m Length overall to less than 24m Registered Length wishing to join the UK Register' 'MCA Requirements for Companies Offering Shore-Based Maintenance of Radio Equipment under the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)' three marine information notes: 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) � UK Ship Register Approach to Registration Services for UK Vessels' 'COVID-19 Extension of Seafarer Employment Agreements' 'The Extended Support for Maritime Training (SMarT) Fund During the COVID� 19 Period � Extension' Australia � has released a new marine notice entitled 'Maximum period of shipboard service for seafarers during COVID-19 pandemic'. Marshall Islands � has issued an updated marine notice entitled 'Medical Care Aboard Ship and Ashore: Medicine Chest Requirements, Recordkeeping, Responsibilities and Training for Medical Care'. Panama � has released five new or updated documents: two new marine notices: 'Ship Sanitation Control Exemption Certificate / Ship Sanitation Control Certificate, International Health Regulations, 2005, (IHR)' 'Guidance to Report Maritime Corruption in Ports' an updated circular entitled 'Use of Electronic Certificates onboard'. two new circulars: 'Panama Policy on Remote Surveys and Remote Inspection Techniques' 'List of Recognized Organizations whose rules have been confirmed as conforming to the GBS'. Cyprus � has issued a new circular entitled 'Entry into force of amendments to IMO & ILO International Conventions and Instruments: October 2020-January 2021'. Bermuda � has released an updated guidance notice entitled 'COVID-19 � Arrangements for Seafarer Documents'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has issued a new guidance document entitled 'Guide for the Classification of Drilling Systems'. Bureau Veritas.� has released a new document containing amendments to the 'Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships'. China Classification Society � has issued a new guidance document entitled 'Rules for Construction of Ocean-going Steel Fishing Vessels 2020 RCN No.1'. DNV GL � has released a news alert entitled 'DNV GL publishes update of ship rules with new fire safety notation for container ships'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued four new technical circulars: 'DGS requirements in respect of Swachh Sagar Portal, Prohibition in respect of Single Use Plastics on board and Payment of Crew Wages' 'Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Extension of Seafarers Employment Agreement and Certificates due to outbreak of COVID-19' 'DGS, Order No. 16 of 2020 Reg Re-validation of Seafarers Certificates of Competency (CoC) / Certificate of Proficiency in view of COVID-19 pandemic' 'Comoros Maritime Circular Ref No. 20/01855/COM on COVID-19 � Guidance relating to the postponement /extension of statutory certification & services'. Korean Register of Shipping � has published a new document entitled 'Convention Today (July 1, 2020)'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has released four new documents: a circular entitled 'Pre-employment Medical Examinations (PEME) and COVID-19:An Update' three member alerts: 'COVID-19 - Working Arrangements for the Managers' Global Offices' 'Piracy and Armed Robbery in the Gulf of Mexico' 'New BIMCO COVID-19 Crew Change Clause for Time Charterparties'. GARD � has issued two member alerts: 'Updated guidelines on the carriage of seed cake in containers' 'Be prepared to document carbon emissions during PSC inspections'. SKULD � has released a news alert entitled 'Libya: Port situation'. Britannia P&I � has issued two news alerts: 'New Crew Watch Out Now � Focus on Burn Injuries' 'COVID-19 Crew Watch � Special Edition Now Translated into Japanese and Chinese'. Japan P&I Club � has issued two news alerts: 'Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters No.93' 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)-Singapore updated requirements for crew change forcargo ships'. North � has released four new documents: a circular entitled 'Completion of the Transfer of the Insurance Business of Sunderland Marine Insurance Company Limited to the North of England Protecting and Indemnity Association Limited' three news alerts: 'West African Countries Apply �Traffic Rights� Levy on Shipowners' 'Dutch Safety Board Warns Container Ships of Wadden Islands Route Risks' 'BIMCO Publishes COVID-19 Crew Change Clause for Time Charter Parties 2020'. The Shipowners' Club � has released an article entitled 'Who is liable when property is damaged under offshore contracts?'. The Standard Club � has published seven new documents: three articles: 'English courts clarify parties� obligations in a chain of letters of indemnity' 'Tankers to the rescue again: a solution to storage woes' 'Maritime Security in the wake of COVID-19' four news alerts: 'Reminder - South Korean ECA to take effect from 1 September 2020' 'Australia maximum employment period for seafarers' 'BIMCO publishes COVID-19 Crew Change Clause for Time Charter Parties 2020' 'The Sea newspaper - Q2 2020'. Steamship Mutual � has issued a new circular entitled 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) � Film � �Protection on Board�'. The Swedish Club � has released two member alerts: 'Did you miss our latest TELP webinar?' 'MSS Case July: Rescue boat drill injuries'. West � has released four news alerts: 'New ABS NOx Guidelines Launched' 'Venezuelan sanctions - updated advice on oil trades including cabotage' 'Fixed Cover Guide now available in Spanish' 'Australia - Increased Fines for Polluters'. UK P&I Club � has published two news alerts: 'UK P&I Club webinar (series 3): An Overview of P&I Clubs and Claims (Americas)' 'Australia - Fines increased for marine polluters � 1 July 2020'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News MAIB � has released their 'Annual Report 2019 '. USCG � has announced the discontinuation of the Differential GPS Broadcast. ICS � has issued a press release entitled 'Global shipping fleet to sound horns on 8 July to remind governments over need for urgent crew change'. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has recently released an accident investigation report into the fall of a suspended load which resulted in injuries to two crewmen on board the general cargo vessel 'ZEA Servant'. It was found that the suspended load fell because it became snagged and the tension broke the fibre sling being used to lift it. The crew members were injured because they were standing within the hazardous fall zone at the time. It was found that no formal risk assessment or lifting plan had been carried out for this lifting operation. New Zealand � The TAIC has recently released an accident investigation report into the death of a crew member during a cargo-securing operation on the bulk carrier 'Coresky OL'. The crew member was struck by a part of the securing equipment when a foot wire parted. He had been standing close to the wire in order to monitor its tension. It was found that the 'operator�s safety management system did not include a safety assessment of cargo-securing operations', and so the crew had no guidance on how to work safely during this kind of operation. The Netherlands � The Dutch Safety Board has recently released an investigation report into the loss of containers overboard from the vessel 'MSC Zoe' while sailing north of the Wadden Islands. It was found that in this particular area, northwesterly storm conditions can cause extremely large waves, which can in turn cause violent ship movements in large, wide container ships. This report explores the wider issues for vessels in this area, and the consequences of container loss. Japan � The JTSB has recently released an accident investigation report into the death of a worker on board the cargo ship 'Ishizuchi' while unloading cargo at Niihama Port. The worker was struck by a bulldozer while in the vessel's hold unloading coal. It was found probable that the bulldozer operator thought that nobody was behind him and reversed without looking, striking the worker who was, in fact, behind the bulldozer. Recent IMO Circulars LC-LP.2/Circ.11 � 30/06/20 � 1996 PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 PROVISIONAL APPLICATION OF THE 2009 AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE 6 OF THE LONDON PROTOCOL RESOLUTION LP.5(14). View Circular. SLS.12/Circ.155 � 18/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.221 � 11/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.8 � 05/06/20 � HAZARD EVALUATION OF SUBSTANCES TRANSPORTED BY SHIPS. View Circular. PMP.5/Circ.87 � 05/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX V. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.220 � 05/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.43 � 05/06/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.51 � 29/05/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.64 � 28/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.47 � 19/05/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 6-10 July: Informal preliminary discussion session (virtual meeting) on short-term measures for reduction of GHG emissions from ships. 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 26 Friday 26th June 2020
Friday 26th June 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 26, 2020 � Friday 26th June Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published three amended documents: a marine guidance note: 'Use of GMDSS Equipment in General Communications' two marine information notes: 'COVID-19: Guidance on the Reporting of Occupational Diseases' 'COVID-19: Guidance on Minimising Risk to Ships� Crews and Other Maritime Sector Workers'. Marshall Islands � has released three new or amended documents: two updated marine notices: 'Anti-Fouling Systems Convention' 'List of Office and Service Locations' a new marine safety advisory entitled 'Enclosed Space Entry Incidents'. Panama � has released three updated documents: an updated marine notice entitled 'IUU List' two updated circulars: 'List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers' 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006). Exemption Certificate and Dispensation Letter. Title 3. Regulation 3.1.� Accommodation and Recreational Facilities'. Singapore � has published a new port marine circular entitled 'Revision of Height Restriction in Cruise Bay'. Hong Kong � has released a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'Implementation of the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 to Hong Kong'. Cyprus � has issued a new circular entitled 'Guidance regarding the implementation of international statutory requirements which contain references �to the satisfaction of the Administration� or �to be specified by the Administration� or vaguely worded'. Recent Class Society Guidance Bureau Veritas � has released three new guidance documents: 'Amendments to the Structural Rules for Container Ships' 'Amendments to the Rules on Materials and Welding for the Classification of Marine Units' 'Recognition of non-destructive testing suppliers'. China Classification Society � has issued four new guidance documents: 'Guidelines for Shipboard Vibration Control 2020 RCN No.1' 'Rules for Materials and Welding 2020 RCN No.1' 'Rules for Classification of Sea-Going Steel Ships 2020 RCN No.2' 'RCN No.1 Rules for Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk'. DNV GL � has released a news alert entitled 'Upcoming IMO requirements on safe mooring'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued two new technical circulars: 'Mauritius Merchant Shipping Notice, MSN-18/2020 Reg Vessels and Seafarer�s certificates during the Covid-19 Pandemic' 'Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Extension of Seafarers Employment Agreement and Certificates due to outbreak of COVID-19'. Recent P&I Club Guidance Updated Industry Guidelines on the Carriage of Seed Cake in Containers IG P&I The American Club SKULD Britannia P&I Japan P&I Club North The Standard Club The Swedish Club UK P&I Club The American Club � has released two new documents: a circular entitled 'Board News' a member alert entitled 'Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Guidance for Containers and Bulk Cargoes'. The Standard Club � has published six new documents: five news alerts: 'IMO celebrates 10th anniversary of the annual Day of the Seafarer on 25 June' 'ISWAN - Seafarers' Health Information Programme (SHIP)' 'International Safety Guide for Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT 6) launched' 'Singapore pushes to accelerate Maritime digitalisation and updates crew change requirements' 'Australia introduces increased fines for pollution related incidents' a press article entitled 'Fire in the hold '. West � has released a notice entitled 'West announce strategic partnership with C Solutions to launch Qwest Maritime'. UK P&I Club � has published a new article entitled 'Working Remotely, the NewNorm?'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMO � has issued a press release entitled 'UN Day of the Seafarer highlights sacrifice of key workers at sea during pandemic'. OCIMF � has released three new documents: a news article entitled 'OCIMF � EBIS Transition Announcement � MoU signed' two information papers: 'Dynamic Positioning (DP) Failure Mode Effects Analysis Assurance Framework Risk-based Guidance' 'Guidelines for the Control of Drug and Alcohol Onboard Ship'. GARD � has published an article entitled 'Support key worker status for our seafarers'. MCA � has announced an open consultation on new draft MGNs containing guidance on the provision of emergency information and instructions to passengers. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the fall of a suspended load which resulted in injuries to two crewmen on board the general cargo vessel 'ZEA Servant'. It was found that the suspended load fell because it became snagged and the tension broke the fibre sling being used to lift it. The crew members were injured because they were standing within the hazardous fall zone at the time. It was found that no formal risk assessment or lifting plan had been carried out for this lifting operation. New Zealand � The TAIC has released an accident investigation report into the death of a crew member during a cargo-securing operation on the bulk carrier 'Coresky OL'. The crew member was struck by a part of the securing equipment when a foot wire parted. He had been standing close to the wire in order to monitor its tension. It was found that the 'operator�s safety management system did not include a safety assessment of cargo-securing operations', and so the crew had no guidance on how to work safely during this kind of operation. Denmark � The Dutch Safety Board has released an investigation report into the loss of containers overboard from the vessel 'MSC Zoe' while sailing north of the Wadden Islands. It was found that in this particular area, northwesterly storm conditions can cause extremely large waves, which can in turn cause violent ship movements in large, wide container ships. This report explores the wider issues for vessels in this area, and the consequences of container loss. Japan � The JTSB has released an accident investigation report into the death of a worker on board the cargo ship 'Ishizuchi' while unloading cargo at Niihama Port. The worker was struck by a bulldozer while in the vessel's hold unloading coal. It was found probable that the bulldozer operator thought that nobody was behind him and reversed without looking, striking the worker who was, in fact, behind the bulldozer. Recent IMO Circulars SLS.12/Circ.155 � 18/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.221 � 11/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.8 � 05/06/20 � HAZARD EVALUATION OF SUBSTANCES TRANSPORTED BY SHIPS. View Circular. PMP.5/Circ.87 � 05/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX V. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.220 � 05/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.43 � 05/06/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.51 � 29/05/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.64 � 28/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.47 � 19/05/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.89 � 19/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 6-10 July: Informal preliminary discussion session (virtual meeting) on short-term measures for reduction of GHG emissions from ships. 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 25 Friday 19th June 2020
Friday 19th June 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 25, 2020 � Friday 19th June Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published three amended marine guidance notes: 'Safety Management Code for Domestic Passenger Ships' 'Maritime Safety and the Barring of INMARSAT Ship Earth Station Procedures' 'Radio � Radio Regulations Amendments and GMDSS Radio Equipment Updates'. Norway � has released a new circular entitled 'Carriage of hazardous and noxious liquid substance in bulk on existing offshore support vessels after 31 December 2020'. Australia � has updated two marine orders: 'Safe Management of Vessels' 'Offshore Industry Units'. Marshall Islands � has updated three marine notices: 'Passenger Ships - Underwater Examination/Survey in Lieu of Drydocking' 'Carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes' 'International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code)'. Panama � has released four new or updated documents: an updated marine notice entitled 'Coronavirus and Seafarers employment agreement and certificates' an updated circular entitled 'Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear' two new circulars: 'Measurements to Reduce PSC Detentions on Panamanian Vessels' 'U.S. Pre-Ports Arrival Checklist for Panama Flagged Vessels'. Singapore � has published four new documents: two shipping circulars: 'Measures to Support Seafarers on Board Singapore-Registered Ships in Light of Restrictions Caused by Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)' 'Enhancements to the Maritime Sector Incentive - Shipping Enterprise (Singapore Registry of Ships) (MSI-SRS)' two port marine circulars: 'Pleasure Craft Movements in the Port of Singapore During Phase Two of Post-Circuit Breaker' 'Updated Requirements for Crew Change for Cargo Ships in the Port of Singapore, to Minimise Risk of Community Spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Singapore (Supplementary to PMC No.26 of 2020)'. Hong Kong � has released two new merchant shipping information notes: 'A fatal accident involving lifting of a heavy object in engine room' 'Collision between a fishing vessel and an oil tanker in Dangan Channel'. Cyprus � has issued a new circular entitled 'Revised procedure for facilitating crew changes within the framework of the gradual relaxation of the Restrictive Measures applicable during the COVID-19 Pandemic'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released a new guidance document entitled 'Guidance Notes on Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Marine and Offshore Structures'. Bureau Veritas � has issued a new guidance document entitled 'Guidelines for Management of COVID-19 and Infectious Diseases', and three Class news alerts: 'New Edition Inland Rule NR 544' 'Malta - The Use of VHF Radio Communication and AIS for Collision Avoidance' 'Belize - Intentional Deactivating of the LRIT or AIS'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued two new technical circulars: 'Belize MMN-20-003r1 Reg. Guidance on temporary measures related to Implementation and Enforcement of IMO Instruments due to COVID-19 pandemic' 'DGS, Order No. 15 of 2020 Reg Extension of the validity of Recruitment & Placement of Seafarers License (RPSL) and Inspection of RPSL in view of COVID-19 outbreak'. Lloyd's Register � has released a news alert entitled 'Withdrawal of Inmarsat Fleet 77 Services on 1 December 2020'. The IMarEST Annual Conference 2020 will this year be held as a flexible two-week virtual event. Building on last year�s inaugural event, the 2020 Annual Conference will feature multiple streams covering many of the hottest topics in the marine realm, from the challenges of decarbonisation and a wider shift to greener, more sustainable ways of operating to developments in the naval sector and the outlook for autonomous systems. Over the course of two weeks, this event will utilise a mixture of live formats � webinars, live debates, 1-2-1 talks with experts, and panel discussions - to provide delegates a flexible and unrivalled opportunity to participate in debates, to learn about subjects outside their day-to-day work, and to make new professional connections. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has published two member alerts: 'Bills of Lading and Letters of Indemnity - COVID-19 Precautions' 'INTERTANKO'S New Publication: Crew Welfare Management and Mental Wellness'. GARD � has released a new alert entitled 'South Korea implements emission reduction initiatives in major port areas'. SKULD � has published an article entitled 'Crude and water - part II'. Japan P&I Club � has released a circular entitled 'Report on the 603rd Meeting of the Board of Directors'. The London P&I Club � has issued a circular entitled '2019/20 Financial Year Result and Overview'. North � has published a news alert entitled 'USA: USCG Current List of Ports and Countries for which Conditions of Entry into the USA Exist'. The Shipowners' Club � has released an article entitled 'Limitation of liability: Who is an �Operator� and who is a �Manager� � Stema Barge II [2020] EHWC 1294'. The Standard Club � has published four new documents: two articles: 'Tankers to the rescue again: a solution to storage woes' 'Drug Smuggling Preventative Measures'. two news alerts: 'Industry bodies issue guidance ensuring safe continuation of maritime trade' 'Hong Kong Resumes Crew Changes'. West � has released three news alerts: 'P&I Cover and Cyber risk' 'California Air Resources Board Maintaining at Berth Regulations' 'BIMCO Cyber Clause'. UK P&I Club � has published a new article entitled 'South Korea - Major ports designated as ECAs and as Low Speed Areas'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News MCA � The consultation on the recasting of the Merchant Shipping Life-Saving Appliances Regulations has concluded, and the responses have been released. OCIMF � has released a new information paper entitled 'The Carriage of Methanol in Bulk Onboard Offshore Vessels'. GARD � has published an article entitled 'Why do containership stacks collapse and who is liable?'. IAPH � has released a new white paper on Port Community Cyber Security. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has recently released an accident investigation report into the death of the third officer of the Ro-Ro freight ferry 'Seatruck Progress', who was struck by a freight vehicle that was being pushed down the vessel's stern ramp. It was found that the third officer was on the stern ramp at the same time as moving vehicles, and that he and the driver of the tractor pushing the trailer were unaware of each other. The driver could not see the third officer because his view was blocked by the trailer, and the third officer was on the phone and had his back to the approaching trailer. Recent IMO Circulars PMP.1/Circ.221 � 11/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. PPR.1/Circ.8 � 05/06/20 � HAZARD EVALUATION OF SUBSTANCES TRANSPORTED BY SHIPS. View Circular. PMP.5/Circ.87 � 05/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX V. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.220 � 05/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.43 � 05/06/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.51 � 29/05/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION.View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.64 � 28/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.47 � 19/05/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.89 � 19/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.91 � 05/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 6-10 July: Informal preliminary discussion session (virtual meeting) on short-term measures for reduction of GHG emissions from ships. 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 24 Friday 12th June 2020
Friday 12th June 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 24, 2020 � Friday 12th June Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published three new or amended documents: a merchant shipping notice entitled 'The Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances and Arrangements) Regulations 2020 / The Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances for Ships of Classes III to VI(A)) Regulations 1999' two marine information notes: 'Update on Online Oral Exams and the Future Issue of Notice of Eligibilities During the COVID-19 Lockdown Period' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) - MCA approach to survey and certification of UK vessels'. Liberia � has issued a new marine advisory note entitled 'Guidance to Assist with Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Crew Documentation'. Marshall Islands � has released a marine safety advisory entitled 'Bunker Oil Spills in Singapore'. Panama � has issued a new circular entitled 'Procedure for Port State Control (PSC), 2019'. Singapore � has published a new shipping circular entitled 'Precautions when Navigating through Fishing Vessel Areas in and Around Ningbo-Zhoushan Port, China'. Hong Kong � has released four new merchant shipping information notes: 'United Nations Sanctions (Central African Republic) Regulation 2020' 'United Nations Sanctions (Libya) Regulation 2019 (Amendment) Regulation 2020' 'United Nations Sanctions (Yemen) Regulation 2019 (Amendment) Regulation 2020' 'Voluntary reporting and counter piracy guidelines in the Western Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Guinea and South East Asia'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released six new guidance documents: 'Guide for Ballast Water Exchange' 'Guide for the Environmental Protection Notations for Vessels' 'Guide for Ballast Water Treatment' 'Guide for Building and Classing Aquaculture Service Vessels' 'Guide for the Class Notation Bow or Stern Loading and Unloading (BLU or SLU) for Oil Carriers, Liquefied Gas Carriers or Chemical Carriers' 'Guide for Certification of Lifting Appliances'. Bureau Veritas � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'COVID-19 - Guidance for Flag States Regarding Surveys and Renewals of Certificates During the COVID-19 Pandemic'. Lloyd's Register � has released a news alert entitled 'Guidance for flag States regarding surveys and renewals of certificates during the COVID-19 pandemic'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has published three new documents: a circular entitled 'Currents - The American Club's In-house Newsletter'. two member alerts: 'Video Log (vlog): Seafarer Mental Wellness - Five Things the Industry Can Do Now' 'Use of Tankers as Floating Storage - Legal Issues'. GARD � has released two new alerts: 'Signing on with a pre-joining medical condition? Carry and take prescribed medication on time' 'Impacts of marine fauna on shipping'. Britannia P&I � has released a news alert entitled 'USA: Sanctions for Venezuela and Iran'. North � has issued a news alert entitled 'Record Low Water Levels in Parana River Lead to Groundings, Draught Restrictions and Reduced Loadings'. The Standard Club � has published four new documents: two news alerts: 'Q&A following Standard Club Seafarer Wellbeing Webinar - A discussion with ISWAN' 'Reminder for increased vigilance when transiting the Gulf of Aden' The Swedish Club � has released a member alert entitled 'Focus: Collision'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News USCG � has announced the release of the '2019 Domestic Annual Report'. EMSA � has released the June 2020 issue of their Newsletter. IMO � has announced the official inauguration of the GIA for Marine Biosafety, which 'brings together private sector companies from various industries affected by biofouling, including shipping, aquaculture, offshore oil and gas and ocean renewable energies'. OCIMF � has published two new documents: the May 2020 issue of their Newsletter an article entitled 'Joint CDI/OCIMF/INTERTANKO temporary guidelines and precautions for conducting a vessel inspection'. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the death of the third officer of the Ro-Ro freight ferry 'Seatruck Progress', who was struck by a freight vehicle that was being pushed down the vessel's stern ramp. It was found that the third officer was on the stern ramp at the same time as moving vehicles, and that he and the driver of the tractor pushing the trailer were unaware of each other. The driver could not see the third officer because his view was blocked by the trailer, and the third officer was on the phone and had his back to the approaching trailer. Recent IMO Circulars PPR.1/Circ.8 � 05/06/20 � HAZARD EVALUATION OF SUBSTANCES TRANSPORTED BY SHIPS. View Circular. PMP.5/Circ.87 � 05/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX V. View Circular. PMP.1/Circ.220 � 05/06/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO OPTIONAL ANNEX IV. View Circular. SUA.4/Circ.43 � 05/06/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.51 � 29/05/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION.View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.64 � 28/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.47 � 19/05/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.89 � 19/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.91 � 05/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.4/Circ.264 � 01/05/20 � REPORTS ON ACTS OF PIRACY AND ARMED ROBBERY AGAINST SHIPS. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 6-10 July: Informal preliminary discussion session (virtual meeting) on short-term measures for reduction of GHG emissions from ships. 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 23 Friday 5th June 2020
Friday 5th June 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 23, 2020 � Friday 5th June Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates Australia � has updated a marine order entitled 'Certificates of Operation and Operation Requirements - National Law'. USA � has released a new marine safety information bulletin entitled 'GAO Report � Vessel Safety: The Coast Guard Conducts Recurrent Inspections and Has Issued Guidance to Address Emergency Preparedness'. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Inventory of Hazardous Materials Experts'. Panama � has updated two circulars: 'Guidance for the Implementation and Certification of the ISPS Code' 'Implementation of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code'. Isle of Man � has issued a new shipping notice entitled 'MARPOL Annex II'. Hong Kong � has published a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'A fatal man-overboard accident caused by climbing up an accommodation ladder from the quayside'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released a new guidance document entitled 'Guide for Building and Classing Aquaculture Installations'. Bureau Veritas � has issued a guidance document entitled 'Requirements for Survey of Materials and Equipment for the Classification of Inland Waters-operated Vessels/Units'. DNV GL � has published a news alert entitled 'Cyber security to be covered in SMS from 1 January 2021 � are you prepared?'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released two technical circulars: 'Republic of Panama - Authorized Companies to perform Flag State Inspections / surveys onboard Panama Flagged Vessels' 'Sri Lanka MSN 04/2020 Reg. Guidance on extraordinary measures relating to ship�s statutory certificates, seafarer�s certification and contract of employment resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'New Lloyd�s Register requirements for Non-Destructive Testing Suppliers'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has published three new documents: a circular entitled 'Economic Sanctions - Compliance Guidance' two member alerts: 'US Sanctions Four Shipping Firms and Their Vessels for Transporting Venezuelan Oil' 'Updated International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) Guidance on COVID-19'. SKULD � has issued an article entitled 'Failure to comply with US COVID-19 regulations'. Britannia P&I � has released six news alerts: 'COVID-19 Singapore Crew Change Guidebook' 'COVID-19 Crew Watch � Special Edition' 'Malaysia: Warning of a Potential Kidnapping Off Sabah' 'South Korea: ECA and Vessel Speed Reduction (VSR) Programme' 'Brazil: Sulphur 2020 Update' 'CHIRP MFB � Tagalog'. Japan P&I � has issued the latest version of their regular 'Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters'. The Shipowners' Club � has released an article entitled 'Reactivation of vessels after a period of lay up'. The Standard Club � has published 10 new documents:.a circular entitled 'Notice to members' five articles: 'COVID-19 and Seafarers' 'Importance of navigational risk reviews' 'Adequate information vital for seafarers� wellbeing amid crisis' 'Charles Taylor and the Standard Club announce self-management for the club and substantial ongoing partnership' 'Practical considerations for ship recycling' four news alerts: 'Standard Club are now members of the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network' 'COVID-19 � IMO-ICAO-ILO issue joint statement' 'ICS issues new Guidance for Ship Operators for the Protection of the Health of Seafarers' 'Singapore Crew Change Guidebook'. Steamship Mutual � has issued a new circular entitled 'Financial Update and 2020/21 Renewal'. West � has released five news alerts: 'Key Facts 2020' 'Panama announces sanctions for deliberate AIS/LRIT deactivation' 'Venezuela sanctions - U.S. designates tankers for carriage of Venezuelan oil' 'Engine Room Fire Onboard a Laid-up Bulk Carrier' 'Piracy on the Rise'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News BIMCO � has issued the June 2020 edition of their newsletter 'Bulletin'. OCIMF � has released a news alert entitled 'Industry/Nigeria collaborate to improve maritime security'. GARD � has published two articles: 'An introduction to testing for COVID-19' 'Navigating new and emerging risk � an interview with Gard�s Chief Risk Officer'. Recent Accident Reports Canada � The TSB has released an accident investigation report into the collision of the container vessel 'Oakland Express' with a shore crane while berthing at the Fraser Surry Docks in British Columbia. It was found that the plan for the vessel's berthing position was amended by the head linesman without communicating this change to the superintendents, and this change in berthing position resulted in the vessel's Suez Canal light mast coming into contact with the crane. Australia � The ATSB has released an accident investigation report into the death of the electro-technical officer while testing the personnel elevator of the container ship 'OOCL Kuala Lampur'. The investigation was unable to determine why the ETO was on top of the elevator cage while the elevator was moving. However it did find that crew members had not been informed that elevator work was in progress, and there were no warning signs indicating that the elevator was out of service. Recent IMO Circulars SUA.3/Circ.51 � 29/05/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION.View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.64 � 28/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.47 � 19/05/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.89 � 19/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.91 � 05/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.4/Circ.264 � 01/05/20 � REPORTS ON ACTS OF PIRACY AND ARMED ROBBERY AGAINST SHIPS. View Circular. SN.1/Circ.338 � 30/04/20 � INFORMATION CONCERNING THE AVAILABILITY OF VOLUNTARY PILOTAGE SERVICES IN THE STRAITS OF MALACCA AND SINGAPORE. View Circular. IFC.4/Circ.74 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1992 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR COMPENSATION FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 1971. View Circular. LLMC.3/Circ.58 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1996 TO AMEND THE CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.46 � 21/04/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 22 Friday 29th May 2020
Friday 29th May 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 22, 2020 � Friday 29th May Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Electronic Record Books and Logbook Systems'. Panama � has released a new marine notice entitled 'Sanction to all those vessels of Panamanian Registry that deliberately deactivate the Long Range Identification and Tracking Equipment (LRIT) or the Automatic Identification System (AIS)'. Singapore � has published a new port marine circular entitled 'Enhancement to Crew Change for Cargo Ships Under Special Circumstances in the Port of Singapore, to Minimise Risk of Community Spread of the Coronovirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Singapore'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released a new guidance document entitled 'Guide for the Fatigue Assessment of Offshore Structures'. Bureau Veritas � has issued three Class news alerts: 'Open Letter of the Chairperson and the Executive Secretary of CESNI 20 May 2020' 'Validity of the ADN Certificates During the COVID-19 Crisis' 'Amendments to the IBC Code and MARPOL Annex II � Entry into Force on 1 January 2021'. Indian Register of Shipping � has published three new technical circulars: 'Use of Approved Electronic Record Books' 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines � Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic' 'DGS, Order No. 13 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of Seafarers Certificates, Periodical Surveys and Audits in view of COVID-19 outbreak'. Recent P&I Club Guidance US Global Maritime Advisory IG P&I The American Club GARD SKULD Britannia P&I Japan P&I Club The London P&I Club North The Shipowners' Club The Standard Club Steamship Mutual The Swedish Club West UK P&I. The American Club � has published an alert entitled 'Safe Boarding - Three Keys Video Log'. GARD � has issued two new documents: a circular entitled 'Notice of Annual General Meeting' an alert entitled 'Don�t forget the real purpose of risk assessments'. North � has released a circular entitled 'North's Annual Review and Release Calls'. The Shipowners' Club � has released two news alerts: 'Closure of the 2017 policy year without additional call' 'AGM Minutes May 2020'. The Standard Club � has published seven new documents: three press articles: 'Remote pilotage should be a last resort even in a health crisis' 'Club correspondents on the front line as P&I sector steers way through pandemic' 'Communication is vital for seafarers� wellbeing during COVID-19' two news alerts: 'ReCAAP ISC warning - ASG planned kidnapping in waters off Sabah, Malaysia' 'COVID-19 � Singapore MPA relaxes crew change procedures for cargo ships' two circulars: '26 May 2020, Strike and Delay Class circular - Review of Open Policy Years' '26 May 2020, Standard Club circular - Financial position and open policy years'. The Swedish Club � has released three member alerts: 'MSS Case June: Grounding when not using bridge equipment efficiently' 'Use of tankers as floating storage � arising legal issues' 'Focus: Pilotage'. West � has issued a new notice entitled 'Annual General Meeting', and three news alerts: 'South Korea's Go Slow and ECA Regulations' 'COVID-19: IMO Framework for Safe Crew Changes' 'Deadline for placing IMO DCS Statement of Compliance on board vessels is fast approaching'. UK P&I � has published three news articles: 'The Poseidon Principles � What are they? How do they work? Will they work?' 'COVID-19: Guarding yourself against fraud' 'Risk Focus: Inventory of Hazardous Materials'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News ICS � has issued updated health guidance for the shipping industry 'to ensure ship operators and crew can safely deal with seafarers struggling with medical conditions during the coronavirus pandemic'. IMO � has published a press briefing entitled 'UN agencies call for urgent action on crew changes and keyworker designation for sea and air workers'. USCG � has announced the release of their 'Office of Port and Facility Compliance 2019 Annual Report'. Tokyo MOU � has released a new safety bulletin entitled 'Safety risks of casualties caused by cargoes'. UK Chamber of Shipping � has announced that exceptions have been secured for seafarers and offshore workers from the 14-day quarantine rules for persons entering the UK which will be coming into effect on 8 June 2020. Recent Accident Reports Malta � The MSIU has released two new accident investigation reports: A report into the death of the chief engineer of the general cargo vessel 'Riga' following a fall from the cargo hold ladder. It was found that the cargo hold contained a high concentration of carbon dioxide and low oxygen, so it is likely that the chief engineer was overcome by this, causing him to fall from the ladder. A report into the inadvertent release of the FFLB of the general cargo vessel 'Leopold Staff' during maintenance and testing. It was found that the lifeboat's hoisting slings had failed, and this failure was attributed to 'potential, inadequate pressure applied during swaging; and/or the presence of sheathing inside the ferrule'. Isle of Man � has released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the yacht 'Ice Angel' in the polar waters South-East of Nanortalik, Greenland. It was found that the rock on which the vessel grounded was not charted - however the chart did warn of 'inadequate seafloor coverage', and the yacht was proceeding at cruising speed without taking any precautions in this regard. Recent IMO Circulars BWM.1/Circ.64 � 28/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.47 � 19/05/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.89 � 19/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.91 � 05/05/20 �INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.4/Circ.264 � 01/05/20 � REPORTS ON ACTS OF PIRACY AND ARMED ROBBERY AGAINST SHIPS. View Circular. SN.1/Circ.338 � 30/04/20 � INFORMATION CONCERNING THE AVAILABILITY OF VOLUNTARY PILOTAGE SERVICES IN THE STRAITS OF MALACCA AND SINGAPORE. View Circular. IFC.4/Circ.74 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1992 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR COMPENSATION FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 1971. View Circular. LLMC.3/Circ.58 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1996 TO AMEND THE CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.46 � 21/04/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.88 � 21/04/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 21 Friday 22nd May 2020
Friday 22nd May 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 21, 2020 � Friday 22nd May Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released two amended documents: a marine guidance note entitled 'Voluntary Code of Practice for Employment of Non European Economic Area (EEA) Fishing Crew' a marine information note entitled 'COVID 19 - Guidance on minimising risk to ships' crews and other maritime sector workers'. Liberia � has published two new marine advisories: 'Sanctions Advisory for the Maritime Industry, Energy and Metals Sectors, and Related Communities / Guidance to Address Illicit Shipping and Sanctions Evasions Practices' 'Pre-Arrival Checklist - New Online Pre-Arrival Check list submission process'. Marshall Islands � has released a new marine safety advisory entitled 'United States Issued Guidance to Address Illicit Shipping and Sanctions Evasion Practices'. Panama � has updated three circulars: 'Fishing Vessels and Other Ships Engaged in Activities and Support of Capturing Fishing Resources Operations' 'List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers � MLC' 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), Employment Agreements'. Hong Kong � has published a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'United Nations Sanctions (Somalia) Regulation 2019 (Amendment) Regulation 2020'. Cyprus � has released a new circular entitled 'Procedure for facilitating crew changes within the framework of the gradual relaxation of the Restrictive Measures applicable during the COVID-19 Pandemic'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released two new guidance documents: 'Guide for Wind Assisted Propulsion System Installation' 'Rules for Building and Classing Floating Production Installations'. Bureau Veritas � has issued a new guidance document entitled 'Anchor Windlass'. DNV GL � has released two news alerts: 'IMO DCS � deadline 31 May 2020 - first Statement of Compliance shall be onboard' 'New IMO-Vega online and offline versions'. Indian Register of Shipping � has published seven new technical circulars: 'Marshall Islands � Marine Safety Advisory No. 21-20 on Extension of the validity period of Seafarer�s Certificates/ SEA due to COVID-19' 'DGS, GOI M.S. Notice No.08 of 2020 Reg. Monitoring of Indian flagged Vessels' 'Panama Merchant Marine Notice No. MMN-07-2020 Reg Request for Postponement/ Extension of Statutory Certification and Services due to outbreak of COVID-19' 'Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Extension of Seafarers Employment Agreement and Certificates due to outbreak of COVID-19' 'Addendum No. 1 to DGS, Order No. 12 of 2020 Reg Standard Operating Procedures / Protocols (SOP) for controlled crew change in view of COVID-19 outbreak' 'IMO Circular Letter No. 4204/Add.16 on COVID-19 related guidelines for ensuring a safe shipboard interface between ship and shore-based personnel' 'IMO Circular Letter No. 4204/Add.15 on COVID-19 �Personal Protective Equipment'. Korean Register of Shipping � has released a new technical document entitled 'COVID-19: USCG Ballast Water Management (BWM) Extensions'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a Class news alert entitled 'South Korea - Designation of SOx Emission Control Areas (SECA) and Speed Reduction Program'. Recent P&I Club Guidance Vessel monitoring and P&I insurance .IG P&I The American Club GARD SKULD Britannia P&I Japan P&I The London P&I Club North The Shipowners' Club The Standard Club Steamship Mutual The Swedish Club West UK P&I. The American Club � has published three new documents: a circular entitled 'Weathering the Storm: Saluting the Seafarer in Turbulent Times' two alerts: 'COVID-19 - Working Arrangements for the Managers' Global Offices' 'USCG Marine Incident Bulletin - Automatic Identification Systems (AIS)'. GARD � has issued a new alert entitled 'A permit to work contributes to safety but you make a job safe'. SKULD � has released an article entitled 'Fumigants entering crew�s spaces � a word of caution'. Britannia P&I � has published five news alerts: '2020 Financial Statements � Britannia Declares Another Strong Set of Results' 'Britannia P&I Training Week � Cancelled' 'IMO Circulars � Framework of Protocols for Facilitating Crew Changes and Use of PPE' 'Sea Robbery and Sea Theft Incidents in the Singapore Strait and Approaches in 2020' 'Panama Canal Water Conservation Strategies'. The Shipowners' Club � has released two new documents: a circular entitled 'Solvency & Financial Condition Report (SFCR) 2019' a news alert entitled 'BARGEHIRE 2008 and force majeure'. The Standard Club � has published six new documents: an article entitled 'Eleventh Circuit decision confirms use of open and obvious defense' five news alerts: 'ICS Publishes COVID-19 Guidance for Safe Ship-Shore Interface' 'Importance of accurate AIS broadcasts' 'Vessel policies under scrutiny in US Jones Act litigation for crewmember death caused by COVID-19' 'Thailand Marine Department � confirmation of entry for vessels entering Thai waters' 'ITF and Maritime Employers Welcome IMO Crew Changes Protocol'. Steamship Mutual � has released a new circular entitled 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) � Film - �Mental Resilience On Board�'. West � has issued two news alerts: 'ECSA presses for ratification of the Hong Kong Convention' 'Stable Claims and Strong Investments Further Strengthen West'. UK P&I � has published a new document entitled 'Risk Awareness: Third Party Property Claims'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News MCA � has released an updated version of their 'Ballast Water Management FAQ'. IMO � has published a news article entitled 'Major IMO-industry alliance broadens scope of action to cut ship emissions'. USCG � has announced the release of an updated version of their 'Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP)'. UK Chamber of Shipping � has released their 'Strategic Plan 2020-2025'. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the death of the Master of the dredging vessel 'Cherry Sand' after he fell from the vessel while trying to step ashore. It was found that he had attempted to make the step while the vessel was still approaching the quay, before it was tight alongside. Malta � The MSIU has released an accident investigation report into the collision of the bulk carrier 'Persenk' with the general cargo vessel 'Ahmet Can'. It was found that visual sightings were not effectively monitored by either vessel, and that on the 'Persenk' the S-band radar was switched off and the ECDIS, AIS, and other navigational aids were not effectively used. Recent IMO Circulars NWRC.1/Circ.47 � 19/05/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.89 � 19/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.91 � 05/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.4/Circ.264 � 01/05/20 � REPORTS ON ACTS OF PIRACY AND ARMED ROBBERY AGAINST SHIPS. View Circular. SN.1/Circ.338 � 30/04/20 � INFORMATION CONCERNING THE AVAILABILITY OF VOLUNTARY PILOTAGE SERVICES IN THE STRAITS OF MALACCA AND SINGAPORE. View Circular. IFC.4/Circ.74 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1992 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR COMPENSATION FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 1971. View Circular. LLMC.3/Circ.58 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1996 TO AMEND THE CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.46 � 21/04/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.88 � 21/04/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. SUA.2/Circ.86 � 20/04/20 � PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 20 Friday 15th May 2020
Friday 15th May 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 20, 2020 � Friday 15th May Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released four new or amended documents: a merchant guidance note: 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006; Guidance on the procedure for applying for a Substantial Equivalence' three marine information notes: 'MCA New Build Fishing Vessel Procedures from 21 July 2020' 'COVID 19 - Guidance on minimising risk to ships' crews and other maritime sector workers' 'COVID 19 - Guidance on the reporting of occupational diseases'. USA � has published a new safety alert entitled 'Automatic Identification System (AIS) -Accurate Broadcasts Don't Happen Automatically'. Panama � has updated a circular entitled 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), Employment Agreements'. Hong Kong � has issued a new merchant shipping information note entitled 'Fatal accident caused by cargo hold fumigation'. Recent Class Society Guidance Indian Register of Shipping � has released five technical circulars: 'IMO Circular on Guidelines for onboard sampling for the verification of the sulphur content of the Fuel Oil used onboard ships' 'IMO Circular on Guidance on indication of ongoing compliance in the case of the failure of a single monitoring instrument, and recommended actions to take if the Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) fails to meet the provisions of the 2015 EGCS Guidelines (resolution MEPC. 259(68))' 'DGS, GOI � M.S. Notice No. 04 of 2020 (including Corrigendum to the MS Notice) Reg Implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 � Inspection and Certification of the Maritime Labour Conditions of Indian Flag Ships' 'Freefall Lifeboat Sling Arrangements' 'Bahrain Marine Notice No. 01 of 2020 & No. 2 of 2020 Reg. Guidance on extraordinary measures relating to extension of ship�s statutory certificates, audits and inspections and seafarer�s certification resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic'. Recent P&I Club Guidance Mexico Alert - Smuggling of Illegal Narcotics - Risk of Ship Detention and Crew Arrest IG P&I The American Club SKULD Britannia P&I Japan P&I The London P&I Club North The Standard Club Steamship Mutual The Swedish Club West. The American Club � has published a new alert entitled 'Loss Prevention: Mandarin Translations on Piracy'. GARD � has issued two new documents: a circular entitled 'Status report as at 20 February 2020' an alert entitled 'New COVID-19 guidelines focus on safe interface between ship and shore staff'. SKULD � has released an article entitled 'Telemedicine - standard care after the pandemic has passed?'. Japan P&I � has published a circular entitled 'Report on P&I Condition Surveys 2019'. North � has released three news alerts: 'USA Issues Maritime Security Advisory for Southern Gulf of Mexico' 'COVID-19 and Crew Changes' 'IMO Guidance on Safe Crew Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic'. The Standard Club � has published five new documents: three news alerts: 'New recommendations on building cyber resilient ships' 'COVID-19 � IMO steps up to the crew change challenges, comes out with a 12-step framework' 'COVID-19 � IMO issues guidelines for ensuring a safe shipboard interface between ship and shore-based personnel' two articles: 'Collisions, congestion, and closures' 'What �clean on board� means and what should a master be aware of when presented with a bill of lading?'. UK P&I � has published two new documents: 'Risk Awareness: Cargo Claims Tankers - Crude, Product, Chemical and Gas' 'Operating in conditions of heavy weather'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News EMSA � has released the May 2020 issue of their Newsletter. IMO � has published new guidance on the use of PPE for the maritime industry. GARD � has issued an article entitled 'Necessity is the mother of invention � virtual proceedings in the time of pandemic'. Recent Accident Reports Malta � The MSIU has released an accident investigation report into an incident in which a crew member of the oil tanker 'Alyarmouk' fell from height and was injured. He had been working in the bosun's chair when the rope suspending the chair snapped and, although he was wearing a safety harness, he fell to the deck. It was found that the rope parted due to 'localised abrasive damage in the vicinity of the part which was passing through the pad eye of the crane's jib, while the task was being carried out'. Recent IMO Circulars STCW.2/Circ.91 � 05/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.4/Circ.264 � 01/05/20 � REPORTS ON ACTS OF PIRACY AND ARMED ROBBERY AGAINST SHIPS. View Circular. SN.1/Circ.338 � 30/04/20 � INFORMATION CONCERNING THE AVAILABILITY OF VOLUNTARY PILOTAGE SERVICES IN THE STRAITS OF MALACCA AND SINGAPORE. View Circular. IFC.4/Circ.74 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1992 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR COMPENSATION FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 1971. View Circular. LLMC.3/Circ.58 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1996 TO AMEND THE CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.46 � 21/04/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.88 � 21/04/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. SUA.2/Circ.86 � 20/04/20 � PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.95 � 20/04/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1259/Rev.8 � 20/04/20 � LONG-RANGE IDENTIFICATION AND TRACKING SYSTEM - TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION (PART I). View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 2 Friday 10th January 2020
Friday 10th January 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 2, 2020 � Friday 10th January Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has published a new marine guidance note on the 'Application of the Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Medical Stores) Regulations 1995 (SI 1995/1802) as amended' and updated MSN 1869 on the 'Safety Management Code For Domestic Passenger Ships'. Bahamas � has issued two information bulletins: 'Voluntary Early Implementation of Revised IMSBC Code'. 'Requirements for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear (MSC.402(96))'. Singapore � has released a new shipping circular 'Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) (Amendment) Regulations 2019'. Our Technical Director, Johan Machtelinckx, talks about cyber security and the need for the shipping industry to wake up fast to the issues of cyber security: Hackers see the shipping industry as 'low hanging fruit'. Recent Class Society Guidance ABS � has released fourteen new rules and guides, including: 'Generic Rules for Conditions of Classification, Materials and Welding, and Surveys After Construction (2020)' 'Mobile Offshore Units (2020)' 'Marine Vessel Rules (2020)' 'Underwater Vehicles, Systems and Hyperbaric Facilities (2020)'. Bureau Veritas � has published four new sets of rules: 'Approval of Service Suppliers' 'Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships' 'Structural Rules for Container Ships' 'Buckling Assessment of Plated Structures'. CSS � has issued 'Rules for Intelligent Ships 2020'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released two technical alerts: 'Amendments (05-19) to IMSBC Code' 'Requirements for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of Lifeboats including free-fall lifeboats, Rescue boats and fast rescue boats, launching appliances and release gears'. RINA � has published a marine information notice on 'SOLAS 2020: stability requirements'. Recent P&I Club Guidance International Group of P&I Clubs � has released a news article on the 'Carriage of Divinylbenzene (DVB) in containers'. The American Club � has issued a circular on 'Pre-employment medical examination (PEME) Program: Changes in Vladivostok and Murmansk, Russian Federation', as well as a member alert entitled 'MSCI Notice on the Threat to Commercial Vessels from Iran and Its Proxies: Guidance Generally as to Shipboard Vigilance' GARD � has published a circular on 'Amendments to Rules 2020' and an alert entitled 'Piracy incidents rise in Singapore Strait'. SKULD � has issued four updates: 'INSIGHT: Russia Sanctions' 'INSIGHT: Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks (Wreck Removal Convention) 2007' 'INSIGHT: Bunker Convention 2001' 'Ratifications of MLC convention', Britannia P&I � has released two updates: 'Rule Books 2020/21' 'Britannia Risk Watch'. North � has issued six industry news alerts: 'VPS Bunker Alerts 2020' 'Ivory Coast Levy on Shipowners' 'Heightened Risk of Crew Kidnapping in Gulf of Guinea' 'Speed Limits and ECAs in South Korea' 'Instability in the Persian Gulf Region' 'New Year 2020 � New Regulations'. The Standard Club � has published eleven new documents, including: five news alerts: 'Focusing on Seafarer Wellbeing - Fitness and Exercise' 'US issues alert to commercial shipping' 'New IMO lifeboat requirements enter into force' 'Blending of fuel on ship for achieving compliance with IMO 2020 regulation' 'US EPA amends rule to allow sale of 0.5% sulphur marine fuel' two circulars: 'Class rules including amendments' 'Electronic (Paperless) Trading'. The Swedish Club � has released three member alerts: 'MSS Case January: Lack of cooperation lead to grounding' 'Focus: Loss of anchor' 'Monthly web news: December 2019'. UK P&I � has issued a circular 'P&IQ Registration Now Open to All' and two news articles: 'Singapore: Implementation of 1996 Protocol to LLMC 1976' 'Turkey � 2020 tariffs for pollution fines'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News BIMCO � has released their 'Reflections' for 2020. GARD � has published an article on the regulatory landscape for 2020, including summaries of key regulations entering into force this year. MAIB � has issued a 'Safety Lessons' article on internal hatches and ladders and their associated risks. Recent Accident Reports UK � The UK MAIB has released an accident investigation report into the fatal fall on board the fishing vessel 'Artemis'. The incident occurred in Kilkeel Harbour, Northern Ireland, where the skipper suffered fatal head injuries after falling head-first through an access hatch. Although the exact nature of the accident could not be determined (due to a lack of witnesses), it is believed to have been caused by a combination of an unsafe access route and alcohol consumption. UK � The UK MAIB has published an interim report into the explosion and fire on board the chemical tanker 'Stolt Groenland'. The incident occurred in the Port of Ulsan, South Korea and was probably caused by the rupture of the deck above the cargo tank, due to over-pressurisation. The ship suffered extensive damage and several crew members were injured. Canada � has issued an investigation report into the crew fall on board the RoRo 'Spirit of Vancouver Island', in Swartz Bay, British Columbia. Two crew members fell overboard from the ship's rescue boat during an emergency drill. One crew member sustained minor injuries and there was minor damage to the ship's hull. Bahamas � has released an accident report on the crew fatality on board the passenger vessel 'Majesty of the Seas' . During a fire drill in Nassau Port, Bahamas, a crew member became trapped between the door and the frame of a watertight door in the engine room. Recent IMO Circulars SSE 7/5/2 � REVISION OF SOLAS CHAPTER III AND THE LSA CODE � 09/01/20. SSE 7/12 � AMENDMENTS TO PARAGRAPH OF THE LSA CODE CONCERNING SINGLE FALL AND HOOK SYSTEMS WITH ON-LOAD RELEASE CAPABILITY � 09/01/20. SSE 7/5/1 � REVISION OF SOLAS CHAPTER III AND THE LSA CODE � 09/01/20. SSE 7/16/6 � UNIFIED INTERPRETATION OF PROVISIONS OF IMO SAFETY, SECURITY, AND ENVIRONMENT-RELATED CONVENTIONS � 09/01/20. LEG 107/8 � REGULATORY SCOPING EXERCISE AND GAP ANALYSIS OF CONVENTIONS EMANATING FROM THE LEGAL COMMITTEE WITH RESPECT TO MARITIME AUTONOMOUS SURFACE SHIPS (MASS) � 09/01/20. LEG 107/13 � REVIEW OF THE STATUS OF CONVENTIONS AND OTHER TREATY INSTRUMENTS EMANATING FROM THE LEGAL COMMITTEE � 09/01/20. LEG 107/14 � WORK PROGRAMME � 09/01/20. SSE 7/17/1 � REVISION OF THE GUIDELINES FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTIONS OF FIXED CARBON DIOXIDE FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS (MSC.1/CIRC.1318) � 09/01/20. SSE 7/16/5 � UNIFIED INTERPRETATION OF PROVISIONS OF IMO SAFETY, SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT RELATED CONVENTIONS � 09/01/20. MEPC 75/12 � TECHNICAL COOPERATION ACTIVITIES FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT � 08/01/20. FAL 44/15 � TECHNICAL COOPERATION ACTIVITIES RELATED TO FACILITATION OF MARITIME TRAFFIC � 08/01/20. PPR 7/INF.5 � REVISED GUIDANCE ON BALLAST WATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS � 08/01/20. PPR 7/INF.24 � DEVELOPMENT OF MEASURES TO REDUCE RISKS OF USE AND CARRIAGE OF HEAVY FUEL OIL AS FUEL BY SHIPS IN ARCTIC WATERS � 08/01/20. SSE 7/20/7 � ANY OTHER BUSINESS � 08/01/20. SSE 7/16 � UNIFIED INTERPRETATION OF PROVISIONS OF IMO SAFETY, SECURITY, AND ENVIRONMENT-RELATED CONVENTIONS � 08/01/20. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO 13-24 January: Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR) � 7th Session 3-7 February: Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) � 7th Session 17-21 February: Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR) � 7th Session 2-6 March: Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE) � 7th Session 11-13 March: IOPC Funds 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 19 Friday 8th May 2020
Friday 8th May 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 19, 2020 � Friday 8th May Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released two new marine guidance notes: 'Assessment of Risks for those sleeping on Dead Ships' 'Voluntary Code of Practice for Employment of Non European Economic Area (EEA) Fishing Crew'. Australia � has released a new marine notice entitled 'Shutdown of AMSA�s differential global positioning system (DGPS) service'. Liberia � has published two new marine advisories: 'Advisory on Sanctions regarding Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (�PdVSA�)' 'Guidance on Exception of Goal Based Standard (GBS) Requirements for Newly Constructed Vessels suffering delays due to COVID-19'. Marshall Islands � has issued a new marine safety advisory entitled 'Freefall Lifeboat Sling Arrangements'. Singapore � has released three new documents: two shipping circulars: 'Use of Electronic Record Books Under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) On Board Singapore Registered Ships (SRS)' 'Revalidation of Certificates of Competency and Tanker Endorsement Issued by Singapore'. a port marine circular entitled 'MaritimeSG Together Package for Maritime Companies, Individuals and Seafarers'. Cyprus � has published a new circular entitled 'New Cyprus Tonnage Tax Legislation: The Merchant Shipping (Fees and Taxing Provisions) Laws of 2010 and 2020 (Law 44(I)/2010 as amended by Law 39(I)/2020) (hereinafter �the Law�)-The Tonnage Tax (Ancillary Activities to Maritime Transport) Notification of 2020'. Recent Class Society Guidance DNV GL � has issued a news alert entitled 'The change in load line � a faster leaner process'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released four technical circulars: 'DGS M.S. Notice No. 07 of 2020 Reg. Terms and Conditions of employment of Seafarers engaged on Indian flag ships' 'Belize MMN-20-003 Reg. Guidance on temporary measures related to Implementation and Enforcement of IMO Instruments due to COVID-19 pandemic' 'Malaysia MSN 08/2020 Reg. Extension of the validity of ships statutory certificates resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic' 'Sri Lanka MSN 02/2020-Revised Reg. Guidance on extraordinary measures relating to ship�s statutory certificates, seafarer�s certification and contract of employment resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic'. Recent P&I Club Guidance Democratic People�s Republic of Korea (DPRK): Update on Enforcement of Sanctions IG P&I The American Club GARD SKULD Britannia P&I Japan P&I The London P&I Club North Shipowners' Club The Standard Club The Swedish Club West UK P&I. The American Club � has published three new member alerts: 'COVID-19-related Guidelines for Ensuring a Safe Shipboard Interface Between Ship and Shore-based Personnel' 'Loss Prevention: E-learning Tools' 'COVID-19 - Working Arrangements for the Managers' Global Offices'. 'Three things to watch out for when welding - wetness, improper earthing and inappropriate PPE'. Britannia P&I � has issued five news alerts: 'Risks Associated with Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitisers � Warning from IOGP' 'Drug Smuggling Prevention' 'INTERTANKO Guidance on Chartering Issues Relating to COVID-19' 'Singapore Government Rescinding Marine Surveyors� Exemption from COVID-19 Restrictions' 'California: Warning of Increased Air Pollution Penalties as Temperatures Rise'. Japan P&I � has published their latest 'Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters No.91'. North � has released a news alert entitled 'Audits and Social Distancing'. The Standard Club � has published nine news documents: eight news alerts: 'USCG issues updated ballast water management extensions amid COVID-19 pandemic' 'No time bar is applicable for environmental damage claims in Brazil' 'The Judicial System in Spain and COVID-19 - an update' 'The Judicial System in Turkey - COVID-19 outbreak' 'US Coast Guard update on vessel reporting guidelines' 'Increased piracy attacks in the Gulf of Mexico' 'Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM) - 2020 Risk Period' 'Increased oil tanker presence off US coast'. one article: 'IMO 2020 - Bunker Claims Handling Guide for a new decade'. West � has published two news alerts: 'Ship Lay-Up During the Coronavirus Pandemic' 'Floating storage of oil cargoes'. UK P&I � has published two news alerts: GARD � has released two new member alerts: 'Anchor awareness' 'Press Release: UK P&I Club launches Risk Awareness Guide series' 'Risk Awareness: Pollution Claims'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMO � has released a press briefing entitled 'IMO endorses new protocols designed to lift barriers to crew changes'. INTERCARGO � has released a new document entitled 'Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2019'. GARD � has issued an article entitled 'The United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals clarifies Jones Act seaman status'. OCIMF � has released the April 2020 issue of their Newsletter. Recent Accident Reports Malta � The MSIU has recently released an accident investigation report into the collision of the general cargo vessel 'Klara' with the general cargo vessel 'Posidana' and the tug boat 'Braakman' while transiting the Ghent-Terneuzen Canal. It was found that the 'Klara' had sheered uncontrollably into the path of the other vessels. This sheer was caused by unexpected hydrodynamic forces after the 'Klara' sailed too close to a section of the canal bed which was much shallower than expected. Recent IMO Circulars STCW.2/Circ.91 � 05/05/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. MSC.4/Circ.264 � 01/05/20 � REPORTS ON ACTS OF PIRACY AND ARMED ROBBERY AGAINST SHIPS. View Circular. SN.1/Circ.338 � 30/04/20 � INFORMATION CONCERNING THE AVAILABILITY OF VOLUNTARY PILOTAGE SERVICES IN THE STRAITS OF MALACCA AND SINGAPORE. View Circular. IFC.4/Circ.74 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1992 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR COMPENSATION FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 1971. View Circular. LLMC.3/Circ.58 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1996 TO AMEND THE CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976.View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.46 � 21/04/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.88 � 21/04/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. SUA.2/Circ.86 � 20/04/20 � PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.95 � 20/04/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1259/Rev.8 � 20/04/20 � LONG-RANGE IDENTIFICATION AND TRACKING SYSTEM - TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION (PART I). View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 18 Friday 1st May 2020
Friday 1st May 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 18, 2020 � Friday 1st May Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released two new marine information notes: 'COVID 19 - Guidance on minimising risk to ships' crews and other maritime sector workers' 'Closure of Inmarsat Fleet 77 Service'. Liberia � has released two new marine advisory notes: 'Guidance to Assist Seafarers with Possible Crew Health Concerns due to COVID� 19' 'Flag State Inspection - New Corrective Action Report and Appeal submission process'. Panama � has updated three circulars: 'Stowaways Prevention of Access' 'High Risk Areas (HRA) and precautionary zones' 'Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) on Board'. Isle of Man � has issued a new technical advisory notice entitled 'Digital Continuous Synopsis Records (CSRs)'. Singapore � has released a new shipping circular entitled 'Resolutions Adopted by the 74th Session of the Maritime Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 74) of the IMO'. Cyprus � has published a new circular entitled 'New Cyprus Tonnage Tax Legislation: The Merchant Shipping (Fees and Taxing Provisions) (Amendment) Law of 2020 (Law 39(I)2020)'. Recent Class Society Guidance DNV GL � has issued a news alert entitled 'A new ECA and speed reduction limits in South Korean ports'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released four technical circulars: 'Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Extension of Seafarers Employment Agreement and Certificates due to outbreak of COVID-19' 'Palau Marine Circular No. 187.1 regarding handling the validity of ship certificates due to outbreak of COVID-19' 'DGS, Order No. 12 of 2020 Reg Standard Operating Procedures / Protocols (SOP) for controlled crew change in view of COVID-19 outbreak' 'Thailand Marine Department Notification Ref No. 0322/1467 and Announcement Ref No. 56/2563(A.D. 2020) Reg. Extension of Statutory Surveys, issuance/ endorsement of statutory certificates and Extension of seafarer�s certification/ documents etc due to COVID-19 outbreak'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has published four new documents: a circular entitled 'Loss Prevention: New Safety Poster' three alerts: 'Loss Prevention Publications in Mandarin' 'International Maritime Organization (IMO) COVID-19 Dedicated Website' 'High Water Preparedness in US Rivers'. GARD � has released a member alert entitled 'Fixed gas detection systems � are you sure the correct gas concentration is displayed?'. Japan P&I � has published a news alert entitled 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) � Measures taken by different countries'. The Standard Club � has published five new documents: two articles: 'Managing Maritime Risks' 'Seafarer mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic' three news alerts: 'CHIRP Maritime COVID-19 update � Seafarer Health and Wellbeing' 'International Group updates Piracy FAQs (2019)' 'Sewage treatment fines in Ghana'. The Swedish Club � has released a member alert entitled 'MSS Case May: Oil spill while bunkering'. West � has published seven news alerts: 'Fines in Ghana for sewage related matters' 'Member Training Week cancelled' 'EU Mapping Crew Changes' 'COVID-19 Antigen testing for all supply-chain workers' 'RightShip and Human Rights at Sea Join Forces' 'New ITOPF (20/21) Handbook published' 'Venezuela sanctions - US amends General License 8 affecting Chevron shipments'. UK P&I � has published a news alert entitled 'Tank Vessels off the Southern Coast of California � Be aware of AQMD�s Rule 1142!'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News International Chamber of Shipping � has published an article entitled 'Global shipping fleet to sound horns on labour day to raise alarm over need for urgent crew change'. BIMCO � has released an article entitled 'BIMCO Floating Storage Clause for Tankers: What to Cover'. GARD � has issued an article entitled 'Athos 1 � an insider�s perspective'. Recent Accident Reports Malta � The MSIU has released an accident investigation report into the collision of the general cargo vessel 'Klara' with the general cargo vessel 'Posidana' and the tug boat 'Braakman' while transiting the Ghent-Terneuzen Canal. It was found that the 'Klara' had sheered uncontrollably into the path of the other vessels. This sheer was caused by unexpected hydrodynamic forces after the 'Klara' sailed too close to a section of the canal bed which was much shallower than expected. Recent IMO Circulars SN.1/Circ.338 � 30/04/20 � INFORMATION CONCERNING THE AVAILABILITY OF VOLUNTARY PILOTAGE SERVICES IN THE STRAITS OF MALACCA AND SINGAPORE. View Circular. IFC.4/Circ.74 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1992 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR COMPENSATION FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 1971. View Circular. LLMC.3/Circ.58 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1996 TO AMEND THE CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.46 � 21/04/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.88 � 21/04/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. SUA.2/Circ.86 � 20/04/20 � PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.95 � 20/04/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1259/Rev.8 � 20/04/20 � LONG-RANGE IDENTIFICATION AND TRACKING SYSTEM - TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION (PART I). View Circular. CLC.6/Circ.83 � 17/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1992 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 1969. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1294/Rev.6 � 17/04/20 � LONG-RANGE IDENTIFICATION AND TRACKING SYSTEM � TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION (PART II). View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 17 Friday 24th April 2020
Friday 24th April 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 17, 2020 � Friday 24th April Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released two documents: an amended marine information note entitled 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) - MCA approach to survey and certification of UK vessels' a new marine guidance notice entitled 'Large Commercial Yachts - Guidance for the control and operation of lifting gear'. USA � has issued a new marine safety information bulletin entitled 'Recommendation for DUKW Passenger Vessel Canopy Removal'. Liberia � has released three documents: an updated marine advisory note entitled 'Implementation of IMO Circular Letter No.4204/Add.1: COVID-19 � Implementation and enforcement of relevant IMO instruments' two new marine advisory notes: 'Fact Sheet on the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance and Trade to Combat COVID-19' 'Corrosion of distance piece on Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS � Sox scrubber) discharge water line'. Marshall Islands � has released two marine safety advisories: 'COVID-19: Emergency Rescue of Injured and Sick Crew Members at Chinese Ports' 'Temporary Alternative Inspection Protocols During COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Recovery'. Panama � has updated three circulars: 'Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear' 'Administrative Fee imposed by the Republic of Panama for each statutory certificates and approvals issued by Class Societies and Recognized Organizations dully authorized by the Panama Maritime Authority' 'Use of Electronic Certificates onboard'. Singapore � has issued four new documents: a shipping circular entitled 'Registration and Safety Requirements for Pleasure Craft Registered with the Singapore Registry of Ships (SRS) from 1 July 2020' three port marine circulars: 'Notice of Wreck (Expiry Date: 20-05-2020)' 'COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations 2020' 'Elevated Safe Distancing Measures for Passenger Carrying Harbour Craft'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released a new guidance document entitled 'Guidance Notes on Air Gap and Wave Impact Analysis for Semi-Submersibles'. DNV GL � has issued two news alerts: 'Sulphur Cap 2020 � carriage of non-compliant fuel due to delays in scrubber installation' 'PSC Top 18 items � the main detainable deficiencies you need to know about'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released nine technical circulars: 'Addendum No. 2 to DGS, Order No. 6 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of Seafarer�s CoC and Statutory Certificates, Periodical Surveys and Audits of Indian Registered Ships in view of COVID-19 outbreak' 'Govt. of India - Instructions regarding Sign-on and Sign-off of Indian Seafarers at Indian Ports � reg.' 'IMO Circular Letter No. 4204/Add.8 to promote harmonized action, assistance and a pragmatic approach with respect to PSC Inspections during COVID-19 pandemic' 'Marshall Islands � Marine Safety Advisory No. 14-20 on handling the validity of ship certificates due to COVID-19' 'Kiribati Marine Circular No. 53/2020 on Extension of Statutory Certificates, Surveys, Audits and Inspections due to COVID-19' 'Georgia Maritime Circular No. 18/CIRC/STCW Reg Interim Measures in respect of Seafarer�s Certification and Training due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic' 'Tuvalu Marine Circular, MC-4/2020/1 on managing statutory surveys & certificates, ISM, ISPS, MLC 2006 and FSI during COVID-19' 'Maldives Marine Circular No: INT-2020/001 Reg Extension of Expiry dates of CoC and Trading Certificates due to COVID-19 outbreak' 'Liberia � Marine Advisory No. 07/2020-2 Reg. Guidance to Assist with Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Ship Operations'. Lloyd's Register � has issued a news alert entitled 'Updated temporary guidance: Port State Control and the impact of COVID-19'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has published three new documents: a circular entitled 'Pre-employment Medical Examinations (PEME) and COVID-19: An Update' two member alerts: 'US Department of the Treasury Issues Fact Sheet on COVID-19 Sanction Exemptions' 'PRC Maritime Safety Agency Guidance on the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 on Board (version 2.0)'. GARD � has released three member alerts: 'Piracy in the Gulf of Mexico' 'What does it mean for leaders to �walk the talk�?' 'High water season in the Mississippi River - be prepared'. SKULD � has published two articles: 'Yemen: Port and security update' 'COVID-19: Charterparty matters for shipowners'. Britannia P&I � has issued two news alerts: 'China MSA Issues �Guidance on the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 on Board (V2.0)� 'Stay Cyber Safe Amid COVID-19'. Japan P&I � has released an alert entitled 'Measures to assure safe navigation during the peak season of drift-net fishing in the Seto Inland Sea (No.2)'. North � has issued two documents: a circular entitled 'Heavy Fuel Oil as Cargo' a news alert entitled 'COVID-19: Testing and Protection'. The Shipowners' Club � has released three news alerts: 'Contractual implications of Coronavirus (COVID-19) � FAQs' 'IG circular: Regulations of the People�s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution from Ships' 'The Shipowners� Club reports increased Member numbers and strong investment return in 2019'. The Standard Club � has published two documents: a press article entitled 'Increased use of FSRUs can improve risk profile of LNG sector' a news alert entitled 'COVID-19 � personal message from IMO Secretary-General'. The Swedish Club � has released two member alerts: 'Coronavirus - legal guidance for Members (20 April 2020)' 'Cargo wet damage on bulk carriers � a recurring problem'. UK P&I � has published a new document entitled 'Return of Call after Lay up'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News CHIRP Maritime � has published three articles: 'COVID-19 general advice to Masters and crew' 'Focus on seafarer wellbeing during Covid-19 pandemic' 'Trapped by COVID-19 � highlighting the plight of seafarers on board vessels' EMSA � has published the April 2020 issue of their Newsletter. IMO � has released a message to seafarers from the Secretary General. OCIMF � has published two new documents: an article entitled 'Inspection guidance during the global COVID-19 pandemic' an information paper entitled 'OCIMF Safety Bulletin - Sanchii and CF Crystal Collision Incident'. GARD � has released an article entitled 'Seafarers in a time of pandemic � strategies for maintaining and improving mental wellbeing'. Recent Accident Reports Malta � The MSIU has released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the container vessel 'APL Danube' while transiting Southbound through the Suez Canal. The vessel had unexpectedly swung to starboard and the bridge team were unable to correct the heading. It was found that the unexpected swing to starboard was the result of bank effect, since the vessel was in close proximity to the Eastern bank of the Canal. Recent IMO Circulars IFC.4/Circ.74 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1992 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR COMPENSATION FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 1971. View Circular. LLMC.3/Circ.58 � 22/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1996 TO AMEND THE CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. NWRC.1/Circ.46 � 21/04/20 � NAIROBI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE REMOVAL OF WRECKS, 2007. View Circular. BUNKERS.1/Circ.88 � 21/04/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR BUNKER OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 2001. View Circular. SUA.2/Circ.86 � 20/04/20 � PROTOCOL FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF FIXED PLATFORMS LOCATED ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.95 � 20/04/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1259/Rev.8 � 20/04/20 � LONG-RANGE IDENTIFICATION AND TRACKING SYSTEM - TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION (PART I). View Circular. CLC.6/Circ.83 � 17/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1992 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON CIVIL LIABILITY FOR OIL POLLUTION DAMAGE, 1969. View Circular. MSC.1/Circ.1294/Rev.6 � 17/04/20 � LONG-RANGE IDENTIFICATION AND TRACKING SYSTEM � TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION (PART II). View Circular. PMP.7/Circ.72 � 16/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 16 Friday 17th April 2020
Friday 17th April 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 16, 2020 � Friday 17th April Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released a new marine information note entitled 'The Support for Maritime Training (SMarT) Fund During the COVID-19 Period'. USA � has issued a new marine safety information bulletin entitled 'COVID-19: Ballast Water Management (BWM) Extensions'. Marshall Islands � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Articles of Agreement between the Master and Seafarers in the Merchant Service of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (Shipping Articles)' and released a new safety advisory entitled 'Loss of Propulsion in High-Density Traffic Areas in China'. Panama � has updated a circular entitled 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), Certification Process - MLC, 2006'. Singapore � has issued a new shipping circular entitled 'Extension of STCW Certificates Issued by Singapore'. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has updated a guidance document entitled 'Guide for Dynamic Positioning Systems', and released three new documents: 'Guide for Classification Notation Underwater Noise' 'Guide for Power Service for Marine and Offshore Applications' 'Guide for Marine Health, Safety, Quality, Environmental and Energy Management'. Bureau Veritas � has issued a new guidance document entitled 'Risk Based Qualification of New Technology -Methodological Guidelines'. China Classification Society � has published a new guidance document entitled 'Rules for Materials and Welding Amendments'. Indian Register of Shipping � has released three new technical circulars: 'DGS Order No. 10 of 2020 Reg Extension of the validity of Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC) in view of COVID-19 outbreak' 'Addendum No. 03 to DGS, Order No. 04 of 2020 Reg Instructions to Vessels, all major and minor ports for dealing with COVID-19 pandemic' 'Georgia Maritime Circular No. 17/CIRC/FSI Regarding Measures taken in respect COVID-19 pandemic'. Lloyd's Register � has issued two news alerts: 'Amendments to the IBC code � replacement of existing certificates' 'Amendments to MARPOL Annex II - P&A Manual amendments'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has published five new documents: two circulars: 'American Club Dedicates Part of Website to COVID-19 Issues' 'A Video Address from the Chairman & CEO of Your Managers'. three alerts: 'Cyber Awareness: Mandarin Translations' 'COVID-19 Quick Reference Guide: Mandarin Translations' 'COVID-19: Quick Reference Guide'. GARD � has released an alert entitled 'Incident investigation: search for the cause, not the villain'. Britannia P&I � has issued a news alert entitled 'New ICS Guidance on Managing Ship and Seafarer Certificates During the COVID-19 Pandemic'. North � has issued a news alert entitled 'COVID-19 Impacts Ship Surveys and Certificates'. The Standard Club � has published an article entitled 'US Supreme Court rules safe berth clause is a warranty', and four news alerts: 'USCG grants BWTS extension due to COVID-19' 'COVID-19 � Maritime sector shows resilience' 'The Judicial System in Spain - COVID-19 outbreak' 'Security warnings issued off Iran and the Sulu Sea'. Steamship Mutual � has issued a circular entitled 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) � Film � �Stay Safe on Board�'. The Swedish Club � has released a member alert entitled 'Corrosion of distance piece on SOx scrubber discharge water line'. UK P&I � has published a new document entitled 'Risk Awareness: Cargo Claims � Container/Car/RoRo Vessels'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News USCG � has posted an article entitled 'Coast Guard Regulatory Reform Accomplishments: FY17-FY20'. OCIMF � has published a new information paper entitled 'Static Towing Assembly Guidelines (STAG)'. IMB � has released their latest report on piracy and armed robbery in the first 3 months of 2020. Incidents are up in this period, with 47 attacks reported compared to 38 in the same period last year. The Gulf of Guinea remains a particular hotspot. GARD � has released an article entitled 'Is targeted phishing really that impossible to resist?'. Recent Accident Reports USA � The NTSB has recently released an accident investigation report into the overpressurisation and rupture of a cargo tank on board the chemical tanker 'Fairchem Filly' while discharging liquid hexane. It was found that the vessel and terminal personnel had not followed policies and procedures, and there was also a lack of effective communication. Recent IMO Circulars PMP.7/Circ.72 � 16/04/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1997 TO AMEND THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE PREVENTION OF POLLUTION FROM SHIPS, 1973, AS MODIFIED BY THE PROTOCOL OF 1978 RELATING THERETO. View Circular. BWM.1/Circ.63 � 14/04/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS' BALLAST WATER AND SEDIMENTS, 2004. View Circular. MSC-MEPC.6/Circ.18 � 02/04/20 � NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS FOR SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.90 � 27/03/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. LC-LP.2/Circ.10 � 25/03/20 � 1996 PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 2013 AMENDMENTS TO THE LONDON PROTOCOL TO REGULATE THE PLACEMENT OF MATTER FOR OCEAN FERTILIZATION AND OTHER MARINE GEOENGINEERING ACTIVITIES. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.50 � 19/03/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ 94 � 16/03/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.93 � 05/03/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL JOINT WORK PROGRAMME 2020-2022. View Circular. CT/AGR2012.1/Circ.13 � 04/03/20 � CAPE TOWN AGREEMENT OF 2012 ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE TORREMOLINOS PROTOCOL OF 1993 RELATING TO THE TORREMOLINOS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF FISHING VESSELS, 1977. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 15 Friday 10th April 2020
Friday 10th April 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 15, 2020 � Friday 10th April Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released a new marine information note entitled 'MCA New Build Fishing Vessel Procedures from 21 July 2020'. USA � has issued two new marine safety information bulletins: 'COVID 19 � Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC�) Operations' 'COVID-19 - Vessel and Facility Response Plans'. Liberia � has updated a marine advisory notice entitled 'Guidance to Assist with Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Ship Operations'. Marshall Islands � has released two new or updated marine guidelines: 'Maritime Security off the Coast of West Africa, including the Gulf of Guinea' 'Guidelines on Modifications to Instrument Recordation and Acknowledgement Requirements Pursuant to Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Act, ��103� 106, �108, and �203(h) in Response to COVID19 Pandemic'. Panama � has updated four circulars: 'Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) online application' 'List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers � MLC' 'Authorized Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) transiting High Risk Areas (online application)' 'Security Measures sailing in the Gulf of Guinea (GoG)'. Singapore � has issued two new port marine circulars: 'Temporary Prohibition of Pleasure Craft Movement in the Port of Singapore' 'Suspension of Activities at Workplace Premises in the Maritime Sector to Reduce COVID-19 Transmission'. Cyprus � has published a new circular entitled 'Tonnage Tax for Owners of Cyprus ships and Cyprus Registry Maintenance Annual Fee - Extension of date of payment during COVID-19 outbreak'. Malta � has released two new merchant shipping notices: 'Supporting Measures to the Maltese Shipping Industry During the COVID-19 Pandemic' 'Security Guidance for Mariners Operating in the Gulf of Guinea'. Bermuda � has issued two new guidance notices: 'Prevention and Management of COVID-19 On Board'. 'COVID-19 � Arrangements for Seafarer Documents' Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has updated a guidance document entitled 'Guide for Building and Classing International Naval Ships'. Bureau Veritas � has released 'Amendments to the tentative rules for structural assessment of steel ships'. China Classification Society � has published a new document entitled 'Rules for Green Eco-Ships'. DNV GL � has issued a news alert entitled 'Interim versions of amended regulations available in IMO-Vega online'. Indian Register of Shipping � has published a number of new technical circulars including: 'Comoros Maritime Circular Ref No. 20/01857/COM on Crew Dispensation Letter' 'Bulgaria Circular Ref 581/19.03.2020 Reg. Guidelines for adoption of extraordinary measures of the seafarer�s certificates of competency or certificate of proficiency issued by Bulgarian Maritime Administration resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic' 'Brazil to require ISM Code Certification for MOUs and Fixed Platforms' 'Bangladesh Maritime Circular No. 01 of 2020 Reg. instructions in respect of Certification of ships and Seafarers due to COVID-19 outbreak' 'St. Kitts & Nevis Maritime Circular No. MC/92/20 Reg. Measures taken as a result of COVID-19 pandemic' 'World Health Organization (WHO) instructions to Ships in respect of COVID-19 pandemic' 'Cyprus Maritime Administration Circular No. 08/2020 Reg Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ships during the COVID-19 outbreak' 'Sri Lanka MSN 02/2020 Reg. Guidance on extraordinary measures relating to ship�s statutory certificates, seafarer�s certification and contract of employment resulting due to COVID-19 pandemic' 'Addendum No. 01 to DGS, Order No. 06 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of periodical Surveys and Audits of Indian Registered Ships in view of COVID-19 outbreak' 'Oman Maritime Circular No. 04/2020 and Circular No. 06/2020 on COVID-19 outbreak � Relaxation measures for ship�s statutory certificates'. Class NK � has issued a technical alert entitled 'Corrosion of distance piece on SOx scrubber discharge water line'. Recent P&I Club Guidance Launch of International Group Online COVID-19 Tracking Tool IG P&I The American Club GARD Britannia P&I Japan P&I West. The American Club � has published new member alerts including: 'Bunkering and COVID-19' 'US Supreme Court Decision Sends Ripples Through Charter Party Chains' 'INTERTANKO's New Publication: Outbreak Management Plan: COVID-19'. GARD � has released an alert entitled 'COVID-19 onboard assessment tool'. SKULD � has published an article entitled 'COVID-19: force majeure, frustration and exclusion clauses'. Britannia P&I � has issued three news alerts: 'Parana River: Draft Restrictions' 'Oasis Circular No: 2006 � Crew Change Procedures in China Amid COVID-19' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) Focus Page'. Japan P&I � has published a news alert entitled 'Measures to assure safe navigation during the peak season of drift-net fishing in the Seto Inland Sea'. North � has issued two news alerts: 'Port States React to COVID-19 Pandemic' 'ICC Warns of Scammers Exploiting COVID-19 Pandemic'. The Shipowners' Club � has issued five news alerts: 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) � FAQs on Club cover' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): Latest information and updates' 'Coronavirus � Singapore branch temporary closure' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19): Crew health and wellbeing' 'The CMA CGM LIBRA � Court of appeal update'. The Standard Club � has published 10 new documents: two articles: 'P&I clubs seek common approach to the challenges of COVID-19' 'COVID-19 Impact on how P&I clubs do business' eight news alerts: 'Britain suspends IMO 2020 checks' 'The Judicial System in Italy � COVID-19 Outbreak' 'The Judicial System in France � COVID-19 Outbreak' 'BIMCO�s ASVTIME moves closer to completion' 'USCG issues reminder to ensure the availability of oil response services amid COVID-19' 'WHO - We are in a shared struggle to protect both lives and livelihoods' 'Beaching operations in India following the general lockout due to COVID-19 outbreak' 'An update on carriage of soya beans'. West � has released eight news alerts: 'COVID-19: A Letter to Members from the Group CEO' 'COVID-19: Coping with it at sea' 'Are seafarers more susceptible to mental health problems?' 'Coronavirus - guide for Members on potential legal issues' 'COVID-19: Guidance on extending STCW Certificates' 'COVID-19: Guidance on extending West's enhanced PEME Certificates' 'Guidance around COVID-19 issued by several U.S. bodies' 'Points to Consider if your Ship is Arrested'. UK P&I � has published four news alerts: 'Lessons Learnt: Bunker Spill' 'Risk Awareness: Cargo Claims - LNG Tankers' 'FAQ: COVID-19 and Club cover' 'Crew Health Advice: Pulmonary Tuberculosis'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News USCG � has released their annual Port State Control report for 2019. OCIMF � has published two articles: 'Inspection guidance during the global COVID-19 pandemic' 'Best practice precautions for carrying out the pre-transfer conference during the COVID 19 Pandemic'. GARD � has released two articles: 'Charterparty �chain reaction�: The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in the �Athos I� case' 'Cyber security amid a global pandemic'. Recent Accident Reports Germany � The BSU has recently released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the liquefied gas carrier 'Pazifik' on an underwater rock while sailing through the Selat Sape, Indonesia. It was found that the ECDIS which the crew were using for navigation did not provide sufficient information about this navigational danger, and so the crew did not consider it a threat to safe passage. Recent IMO Circulars MSC-MEPC.6/Circ.18 � 02/04/20 � NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS FOR SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.90 � 27/03/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. LC-LP.2/Circ.10 � 25/03/20 � 1996 PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 2013 AMENDMENTS TO THE LONDON PROTOCOL TO REGULATE THE PLACEMENT OF MATTER FOR OCEAN FERTILIZATION AND OTHER MARINE GEOENGINEERING ACTIVITIES. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.50 � 19/03/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ 94 � 16/03/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.93 � 05/03/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL JOINT WORK PROGRAMME 2020-2022. View Circular. CT/AGR2012.1/Circ.13 � 04/03/20 � CAPE TOWN AGREEMENT OF 2012 ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE TORREMOLINOS PROTOCOL OF 1993 RELATING TO THE TORREMOLINOS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF FISHING VESSELS, 1977. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.93 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.92 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 14 Friday 3rd April 2020
Friday 3rd April 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 14, 2020 � Friday 3rd April Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released four new documents: a marine guidance notice entitled �Life-Saving Appliances; Lifeboats, Rescue Boats, Launching Appliances and Release Gear - Authorisation of Service Providers�. three marine information notes: �Coronavirus (COVID-19) - MCA approach to survey and certification of UK vessels� �Life-Saving Appliances - Recognised Distress Signals and Advertised Alternatives to Pyrotechnic Flares� �MARPOL � Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI Chapter 3 (Baltic and North Seas NOx Emission Control Areas and Bunker Delivery Note)�. Norway � has published a new circular entitled �COVID-19 - Verification of safety management systems (ISM) by means of remote audits�. Australia � has released a new marine notice entitled �Extension of standards of training certification and watchkeeping (STCW) certificates�. USA � has issued four new or updated marine safety information bulletins: �Maintaining Maritime Commerce and Identification of Essential Maritime Critical Infrastructure Workers� �COVID-19 - Guidance for Maritime Operators on Compliance with Federal Drug Testing Requirements� �COVID-19 - Vessel Inspections, Exams, and Documentation� �Novel Coronavirus - Mariner Credentials� (Updated). Liberia � has updated a marine notice entitled �Consolidated List of Fees and Charges for Official Documents and Services�, and released a new notice entitled �Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT)�. Marshall Islands � has released a new marine safety advisory entitled �North Atlantic Right Whale � Transport Canada Protection Measures�. Panama � has updated three circulars: �Validity of Color Copies of Original Documents� �List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers� �List of Approved P&I Clubs / Insurers � MLC�. Singapore � has issued two new documents: a shipping circular entitled �Guidelines on the Medical Examination of Seafarers and Seafarer�s Medical Certificate� a port marine circular entitled �Crew Change for Cargo Ships Under Special Circumstances in the Port of Singapore, to Minimise Risk of Community Spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) In Singapore�. Cyprus � has published a new circular entitled �Urgent Provisional Measures for the operation of Cyprus ships during the COVID-19 outbreak�. Recent Class Society Guidance American Bureau of Shipping � has released a news alert entitled �US Coast Guard, Paris and Tokyo MOUs issue guidance on COVID-19�. Bureau Veritas � has released two new documents: �Amendments to Part A, B, C, D and E� of the guidance document �Rules for the Classification of Naval Ships� a Class news alert entitled �Guidance on the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 on Board�. Indian Register of Shipping � has published 10 new technical circulars: �Consideration of service being provided by IRS due to outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19)� �Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Coronavirus and Seafarers Employment Agreement and Certificates� �Consideration of service being provided by IRS due to outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19)� �Antigua & Barbuda Maritime Circular No. 2020-001 on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)� �Comoros Maritime Circular Ref No. 20/01855/COM on COVID-19 � Guidance relating to the postponement /extension of statutory certification & services� �BIMO Circular Letter No. 4204/Add.6 on Preliminary list of recommendations for Governments and relevant national authorities on the facilitation of maritime trade during the COVID-19 pandemic� �Barbados Maritime Bulletin No. 323 on COVID-19 Guidance� �Panama Merchant Marine Notice No. MMN-07-2020 Reg Request for Postponement / Extension of Statutory Certification and Services due to outbreak of COVID-19� �DGS, Order No. 04 of 2020 Reg Instructions to Vessels, all major and minor ports for dealing with COVID-19 pandemic� �Bahamas Maritime Authority Technical Alert 20-03 Reg Interim Policy on Extension/ Postponement of surveys/ audits and inspections due to outbreak of COVID-19�. Lloyd�s Register � has released two Class news alerts: �Temporary guidance: Port State Control and the impact of COVID-19� �Inventory of Hazardous Materials � EU SRR compliance�. Class NK � has issued three technical news alerts: �Steel coil loading program of existing dry cargo ships to which Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers is applied� �Information relating to COVID-19� �Sampling analysis at the commissioning tests of Ballast Water Management Systems (Panama)�. Recent P&I Club Guidance New Guidance - 'Best Management Practices (BMP) - Piracy and Armed Robbery -West Africa' IG P&I The American Club GARD Britannia P&I SKULD Japan P&I North The Standard Club UK P&I. IG P&I � has released a news alert entitled 'Preliminary list of recommendations for Governments on the facilitation of maritime trade during the COVID-19 pandemic'. The American Club � has published three news alerts: 'Piracy and Armed Robbery: Updates to Club's FAQs and General Guidance on the Use of Armed Guards' 'USCG Marine Safety Information Bulletin Regarding COVID-19: Vessel Inspections Exams and Documentation' 'COVID-19 - Working Arrangements for the Managers' Global Offices'. GARD � has released two news alerts: 'COVID-19 and force majeure clauses under English law' 'Does your organisation�s culture dictate the engagement of your seafarers?'. Britannia P&I � has issued three news alerts: 'North Atlantic Right Whale: Enhanced Measures' 'India: Shipping is an Essential Trade' 'Crew Changes Now Allowed in Singapore in Special Circumstances'. Japan P&I � has published their latest 'Recent Navigation Warnings of China Waters'. North � has issued two new documents: a circular entitled 'Preliminary List of Recommendations for Governments and Relevant National Authorities on the Facilitation of Maritime Trade During the COVID-19 Pandemic' a news alert entitled 'USA Issues Guidance on the Impact of COVID-19 on Asian Gypsy Moth Certificates'. The Standard Club � has published 11 new documents: three articles: 'Importance of navigational risk reviews' 'COVID-19: This is not a Drill!' 'Ninth Circuit decision highlights the value of medical evidence in rebutting section 20(a) presumption in aggravating injury case'. eight news alerts: 'US Coast Guard update on vessel inspections' 'Update - Indian Ports declare Force Majeure due to the COVID-19 outbreak' 'COVID-19 - IMO issues preliminary list of recommendations' 'COVID-19 - Seafarer Wellbeing' 'Indian Ports declare Force Majeure due to the COVID-19 outbreak' 'COVID-19 � Port states to show flexibility' 'COVID-19 Personal Injury Protocol' 'Use of open loop scrubber when transiting Turkish Straits'. The Swedish Club � has issued a member alert entitled 'COVID-19 port information from Correspondents'. West � has released two news alerts: 'Important U.S. Supreme Court decision on safe berth clauses' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ's'. UK P&I � has published a news alert entitled 'Risk Awareness: Collision Claims'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News IMO � has announced further meeting postponements in light of the ongoing COVID�19 pandemic. MCA � has released the latest 'MAIB Safety Digest'. EMSA � has published a document entitled 'Preliminary Annual Overview of Marine Casualties and Incidents 2014-2019'. OCIMF � has released the March 2020 issue of their Newsletter. Recent Accident Reports Germany � The BSU has released an accident investigation report into the grounding of the liquefied gas carrier 'Pazifik' on an underwater rock while sailing through the Selat Sape, Indonesia. It was found that the ECDIS which the crew were using for navigation did not provide sufficient information about this navigational danger, and so the crew did not consider it a threat to safe passage. Recent IMO Circulars MSC-MEPC.6/Circ.18 � 02/04/20 � NATIONAL CONTACT POINTS FOR SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE. View Circular. STCW.2/Circ.90 � 27/03/20 � INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS (STCW), 1978, AS AMENDED. View Circular. LC-LP.2/Circ.10 � 25/03/20 � 1996 PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 2013 AMENDMENTS TO THE LONDON PROTOCOL TO REGULATE THE PLACEMENT OF MATTER FOR OCEAN FERTILIZATION AND OTHER MARINE GEOENGINEERING ACTIVITIES. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.50 � 19/03/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ 94 � 16/03/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.93 � 05/03/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL JOINT WORK PROGRAMME 2020-2022. View Circular. CT/AGR2012.1/Circ.13 � 04/03/20 � CAPE TOWN AGREEMENT OF 2012 ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE TORREMOLINOS PROTOCOL OF 1993 RELATING TO THE TORREMOLINOS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF FISHING VESSELS, 1977. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.93 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.92 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 13 Friday 27th March 2020
Friday 27th March 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 13, 2020 � Friday 27th March Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released two new marine information notes: 'Navigation: Vessel Traffic Services � COVID-19 Impact and Safety Measures' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) � UK Ship Register approach to registration services for UK Vessels'. USA � has published two new marine safety information bulletins: 'Novel Coronavirus - Mariner Credentials' 'Novel Coronavirus � Port and Facility Operations'. Marshall Islands � has released four new marine safety advisories: 'Handling the Validity of Ship Certificates Due to COVID-19' 'Temporary Alternative Inspection Protocols During COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Recovery' 'Coronavirus Disease Updates' 'Handling ISM, ISPS, and MLC, 2006 Due to the Exceptional Circumstance of COVID-19'. Panama � has released or updated 12 documents: three new marine notices: 'COVID-19 Request for Postponement- Extension of Statutory Certification & Services' 'Press Release � Security Level 2' 'Press Release COVID-19'. nine marine circulars: 'Authorized Recognized Organizations' 'Authorized service providers for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gear' 'Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) - Authorized Recognized Organizations' 'Authorized Private Maritime Security Companies (PMSC) transiting High Risk Areas (online application)' 'Authorized Recognized Security Organizations (RSO), Reports and Fees' 'Recognized Organizations approved for the issuance of the Class Certificate' 'Recognized Organizations authorized for the issuance of the Provisional Certificate under the International Ballast Water Management Convention, 2004' 'Instructions for Payments to CSR and ISSC' 'Ballast Water Management Convention 2004, Panama Policy'. Singapore � has issued three new port marine circulars: 'Advisory for Shore Personnel and Ship Crew Visiting or Working Onboard Vessels Alongside Wharves, in Shipyards and at Anchorages' 'Extension of Precautionary Measures to Minimise Risk of Community Spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Singapore' 'Maritime Declaration of Health'. Cyprus � has released a new circular entitled 'EU Commission Interpretative Guidelines on EU passenger rights regulations in the context of the developing situation with COVID-19'. Bermuda � has issued six new documents: two guidance notices: 'Official Log Book' 'COVID-19 Continuity of Ship Certification'. four new or updated shipping notices: 'Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak on Bermuda Registered Ships' 'COVID-19 � Continuity of Ship Certification' 'COVID-19 � Extension of Periodical Life Saving Appliance and Fire Extinguishing Servicing' 'Maintenance and Inspection of Fire Protection Systems, Appliances and Certain Emergency Equipment'. Recent Class Society Guidance Bureau Veritas � has published a Class news alert entitled 'China � COVID-19'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued nine technical circulars: 'Commonwealth of Dominica � Marine Safety Circular- CD-MSC 02-20, Rev 01 Reg. Guidance to Assist with Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Ship Operations' 'DGS, Order No. 06 of 2020 Reg Extension to the validity of periodical Surveys and Audits of Indian Registered Ships in view of COVID-19 outbreak' 'Liberia � Marine Advisory No. 07/2020 Reg. Guidance to Assist with Impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Ship Operations' 'St. Vincent and the Grenadines � Advice from the Maritime Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic' 'Marshall Islands � Marine Safety Advisory No. 11-20 on Handling ISM, ISPS, and MLC, 2006 due to the exceptional circumstances of Novel Coronavirus, COVID� 19' 'Tokyo MOU and Indian Ocean MOU Press Release on Guidance for dealing with impact of the outbreak of the COVID-19' 'IRS - Survey activity due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak' 'Malta Merchant Shipping Notice 158 Reg. Extraordinary Measures Resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic' 'DG Shipping, India � Instructions on dealing with novel coronavirus (COVID-19) � reg'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has published a new member alert entitled 'Guidance for the Loading of Steel Cargoes Where Third-party Surveyors Are Prevented from Attending Vessels Due to COVID-19 Restrictions: Mandarin Translations', and six new circulars: 'Guidance for the Loading of Steel Cargoes Where Third-party Surveyors Are Prevented from Attending Vessels Due to COVID-19 Restrictions (Traditional Mandarin Translation)' 'Guidance for the Loading of Steel Cargoes Where Third-party Surveyors Are Prevented from Attending Vessels Due to COVID-19 Restrictions (New Mandarin Translation)' 'Guidance for the Loading of Steel Cargoes Where Third-party Surveyors Are Prevented from Attending Vessels Due to COVID-19 Restrictions' 'American Club Publication: Cyber Awareness' 'Pre-employment Medical Examinations (PEME) and COVID-19' 'Condition Survey Requirement for Tankers Carrying Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) as Cargo'. GARD � has released an alert entitled 'The importance of a good safety culture'. Britannia P&I � has issued two news alerts: 'China: Solutions to Address the Carriage of Non-Compliant Fuel Oil on Board' 'Britannia P&I Training Week: Monday 7 to Friday 11 September 2020 (New Proposed Date)'. Japan P&I � has published two news alerts: 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) � Some Key Charterparty Issues' 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) � Restriction on entering or transiting through Singapore'. North � has updated two news articles: 'COVID-19: Coronavirus Outbreak � Impact on Shipping' 'COVID-19: Advice on Coronavirus for Ships'. The Shipowners' Club � has released two news articles: 'Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)' 'Coronavirus: Challenges in meeting operational and regulatory requirements'. The Standard Club � has published 14 new documents: a press article entitled 'Tensions in the Persian Gulf increases delay exposure for shipowners'. two circulars: 'Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships' 'War Risks Class circular - Additional Premium Areas' 11 news alerts: 'Update on piracy and armed robbery in Asia' 'COVID-19 - stricter restrictions' 'UAE Ports Update' 'Updated COVID-19 related US port restrictions' 'US Jones Act and LHWCA claims in view of the COVID-19 pandemic' 'COVID-19 - the club's offices' 'Correspondents and COVID-19' 'Standard Club is the proud Health and Wellbeing sponsor of The Sea newspaper' 'COVID-19 related US port restrictions' 'Stevedore strike at Setubal and Lisboa ports' 'COVID-19 update � over 200,000 confirmed cases and 8650 deaths'. The Swedish Club � has issued two member alerts: 'Contact correspondents by mobile phone' 'Coronavirus - Canada allows crew changes'. West � has released a news alert entitled 'Extension of Precautionary Measures to Minimise Risk of Community Spread of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Singapore'. UK P&I � has published a news alert entitled 'Club update on crew medical validity', and a checklist entitled 'Risk Awareness: Bulk Carriers, General Carriers & Reefers'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News ICS and IAPH � have published a 'joint call for the G20 to support the maritime sector and global supply chains'. OCIMF � has released an article entitled 'The availability and use of SIRE/OVID Inspection Reports'. BIMCO � has released a guidance article on COVID-19 for shipping companies. GARD � has published three Insight articles: 'Fishery claims in South Korean waters' 'A survival guide to working from home in times of pandemic' 'Lay-up and re-activation revisited'. Recent Accident Reports Malta � The MSIU has released two accident investigation reports: A crew member was seriously injured while opening the engine room hatchway of the container ship 'Vermont Trader' while at anchor at the Southeast Lamma anchorage in Hong Kong. The crew member had been standing on the hatch cover's counterweight to assist with opening it when he slipped and his leg was trapped. It was found that although the hatch cover could theoretically be lifted by one person alone, in practice this was impractical, however the approach that was taken was unsafe. The LNG carrier 'Aseem' and the VLCC 'Shinyo Ocean' collided within the passage channel of the Fujairah Offshore Anchorage Area, UAE. The vessels had mutually agreed a course of action over the VHF radio, however shortly afterward a third vessel unexpectedly passed close to the 'Shinyo Ocean', causing that vessel to alter course from the one agreed with the 'Aseem'. It was found that the two vessels continued to communicate over the VHF radio even after a close-quarter situation developed, rather than taking corrective action to avoid the collision. Recent IMO Circulars LC-LP.2/Circ.10 � 25/03/20 � 1996 PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 2013 AMENDMENTS TO THE LONDON PROTOCOL TO REGULATE THE PLACEMENT OF MATTER FOR OCEAN FERTILIZATION AND OTHER MARINE GEOENGINEERING ACTIVITIES. View Circular. SUA.3/Circ.50 � 19/03/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ 94 � 16/03/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.93 � 05/03/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL JOINT WORK PROGRAMME 2020-2022. View Circular. CT/AGR2012.1/Circ.13 � 04/03/20 � CAPE TOWN AGREEMENT OF 2012 ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE TORREMOLINOS PROTOCOL OF 1993 RELATING TO THE TORREMOLINOS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF FISHING VESSELS, 1977. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.93 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.92 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. COMSAR.1/Circ.59 � 25/02/20 � INTERIM GUIDANCE FOR SEARCH AND RESCUE SERVICES REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTONOMOUS DISTRESS TRACKING (ADT) OF AIRCRAFT IN FLIGHT. View Circular. PSLS.6/Circ.86 � 13/02/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe
Shipping Regulations and Guidance - Week 12 Friday 20th March 2020
Friday 20th March 2020
Shipping Regulations and Guidance Week 12, 2020 � Friday 20th March Click Here to view this email as a PDF. Forward this email to a friend Flag State Regulations and Guidance Updates UK � has released two new marine information notes: 'Guidance and Information To Follow In The Event of COVID-19 Outbreak Impacting UK Seafarer Services' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) - MCA approach to survey and certification of UK vessels'. Norway � has issued a new circular entitled 'COVID-19 - Extension of certificates and vessel instructions'. USA � has published a new marine safety information bulletin entitled 'Vessel Reporting Requirements for Illness or Death'. Liberia � has released two new marine advisory notes: 'Precautions when Navigating Waters in and around Ningbo-Zhoushan, China' 'Implementation of IMO Circular Letter No.4204/Add.1: COVID-19 � Implementation and enforcement of relevant IMO instruments'. Marshall Islands � has released three documents: a new marine notice entitled 'Inventory of Hazardous Materials Experts', an updated marine notice entitled 'Fees for Official Documents and Services'. a new marine safety advisory entitled 'Brazil to Require ISM Code Certification For MOUs And Fixed Platforms'. Panama � has updated a marine notice entitled 'Coronavirus and Seafarers employment agreement and Certificates'. Isle of Man � has released a new technical advisory notice entitled 'COVID-19 Advice to Ship Operators'. Singapore � has updated two port marine circulars: 'Maritime Declaration of Health' 'Extension of Precautionary Measures to Minimise Risk of Community Spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Singapore'. Cyprus � has issued a new circular entitled 'Special arrangements by the Shipping Deputy Ministry for the provision of services during the COVID-19 outbreak'. Malta � has released two new documents: a merchant shipping notice entitled 'Extraordinary Measures Resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic' a technical notice entitled 'Periodic Servicing of Lifeboats, Liferafts and Rescue Boats, Launching Appliances and Release Gear'. Bermuda � has issued a new guidance notice entitled 'COVID-19 Extension of Periodical Life Saving Appliance and Fixed Fire Extinguishing Servicing'. Recent Class Society Guidance China Classification Society � has issued a new guidance document entitled 'Guidelines for Surveys of Pure Battery Powered Ships'. DNV GL � has released a news alert entitled 'EU Ship Recycling Regulation � further clarifications on IHM'. Indian Register of Shipping � has issued two new technical circulars: 'Panama Maritime Authority Merchant Marine Notice, MMN-03/2020 Reg Coronavirus and Seafarers Employment Agreement and Certificates' 'IMO Circular Letter Reg Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance'. Recent P&I Club Guidance The American Club � has published four new member alerts: 'COVID-19 Global Port Restrictions Map' 'USCG Updated Guidance Regarding COVID-19 and Vessel Reporting Requirements for Illness Or Death' 'COVID-19 - New Working Arrangements for Managers' Global Offices' 'COVID-19 � Developments in SCB's New York Office'. GARD � has released two news alerts: 'Steady on the stairs!' 'Managing COVID-19 cases onboard'. Britannia P&I � has released two news alerts: 'Singapore: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Update' 'India: COVID 19 � Entry Restrictions and Quarantine Procedures'. North � has issued three documents: a new circular entitled 'Business Continuity Planning - Coronavirus' a news alert entitled 'Bunker Fuel � Not a Virus' an updated news alert entitled 'COVID-19: Coronavirus Outbreak � Impact on Shipping *Update*'. The Shipowners' Club � has released a news alert entitled 'Coronavirus -London branch temporary closure'. The Standard Club � has published eight news alerts: 'Update on impact of COVID-19 outbreak in Panama' 'New annexes broaden scope of BIMCO Supplytime 2017' 'UK Government issues COVID-19 Shipping and Sea Ports Guidance' 'Australian Prime Minister announces enhanced border arrangements' 'COVID-19 - the club's offices' 'Europe COVID-19 cases continue to rise' 'CMF/EUNAVFOR Industry Releasable Threat Bulletin 18' 'COVID-19 � WHO categorizes COVID-19 as a pandemic'. Steamship Mutual � has issued a club circular entitled 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) � SIMSL Offices: Working Remotely'. The Swedish Club � has released four member alerts: 'Focus: Main engine damage' 'Sign up for TELP - Trade Enabling Loss Prevention' 'Coronavirus (COVID-19) - News and updates' West � has issued two news alerts: 'Response to the ongoing COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation' 'Venezuelan Sanctions - designation of Rosneft Trading S.A. - Update - TTI'. Other Regulations and Guidance in the News EMSA � has released the March 2020 issue of their Newsletter. IMO � has published a new video on the process of biofouling. BIMCO � has, in light of the current crisis, made all of the COVID-19 related content on their website freely available for access. INTERTANKO � has issued a press release on the impact of COVID-19 on the tanker industry. Recent Accident Reports UK � The MAIB has released an accident investigation report into a collision between the container vessel 'ANL Wyong' and the gas carrier 'King Arthur' in the approaches to Algeciras, Spain. It was found that the Master of the 'King Arthur' had thought, based on AIS information, that the 'ANL Wyong' was under way when in fact the vessel was stationary. This led to an alteration of course which was intended to pass astern, but instead resulted in a risk of collision. Further, neither bridge team recognized the risk until it was too late. Germany � The BSU has released an accident investigation report into the allision of the container ship 'Akacia' with a lock gate on the Kiel Canal in Kiel-Holtenau. It was found that the vessel's propeller blades and CPP system had been previously damaged in an unidentified event. This damage resulted in the valve needed to adjust the pitch of the propeller blades becoming blocked, which caused the vessel to increase speed in an uncontrollable manner. Malta � The MSIU has released two accident investigation reports: A crew member was seriously injured while securing containers on the cross deck of the multipurpose dry cargo vessel 'Boston Trader'. The lower end of a long lashing bar had fallen onto his right foot, cutting through his safety shoes. It was found that the task may not have been risk assessed correctly, as some of the control measures were not in place at the time of the accident. The bulk carrier 'Leopold LD' experienced a failure of both their auxiliary engines and the vessel's emergency generator. It was found that, among other issues, the fuel oil compensation damping tank was inadequately charged, and the crew were neither familiar nor aware of how to correctly operate this tank. Bahamas � The BMA has released an accident investigation report into the explosion of one of the auxiliary boilers on board the drill ship 'Norbe VIII' which resulted in the death of three crew members. It was found that the boiler's pressure safety valves had been incorrectly adjusted by service engineers who were not appropriately qualified to conduct the servicing operation, and the vessel's management had not provided sufficient oversight of the operation. Recent IMO Circulars SUA.3/Circ.50 � 19/03/20 � PROTOCOL OF 2005 TO THE CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ 94 � 16/03/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.93 � 05/03/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL JOINT WORK PROGRAMME 2020-2022. View Circular. CT/AGR2012.1/Circ.13 � 04/03/20 � CAPE TOWN AGREEMENT OF 2012 ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE TORREMOLINOS PROTOCOL OF 1993 RELATING TO THE TORREMOLINOS INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF FISHING VESSELS, 1977. View Circular. SUA.1/Circ.93 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF UNLAWFUL ACTS AGAINST THE SAFETY OF MARITIME NAVIGATION. View Circular. LC-LP.1/Circ.92 � 27/02/20 � CONVENTION ON THE PREVENTION OF MARINE POLLUTION BY DUMPING OF WASTES AND OTHER MATTER, 1972 AND ITS 1996 PROTOCOL. View Circular. COMSAR.1/Circ.59 � 25/02/20 � INTERIM GUIDANCE FOR SEARCH AND RESCUE SERVICES REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF AUTONOMOUS DISTRESS TRACKING (ADT) OF AIRCRAFT IN FLIGHT. View Circular. PSLS.6/Circ.86 � 13/02/20 � PROTOCOL OF 1988 RELATING TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FOR THE SAFETY OF LIFE AT SEA, 1974. View Circular. LLMC.1/CIRC.62 � 13/02/20 � CONVENTION ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR MARITIME CLAIMS, 1976. View Circular. For all recent IMO public circulars, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Regulations Recently Entered into Force IMO and ILO regulations that have entered into force or been amended recently include: Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code � A new Chapter 17 and amendments to Chapter 8 � effective from 01/01/20 Effective date of implementation of the fuel oil standard in regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL ANNEX VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS III/3 and III/20 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2/13� effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-2 Regulation 1 and 10 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1 � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code of Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code on Intact Stability 2008 (IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODUCode) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, SOLAS III and Certificates (Appendix) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGF Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the LSA Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to SOLAS II-1, IV and Appendix, and the HSC Codes � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Code for the Application of Fire Test Procedures (2010 FTP Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IBC Code) and amendments to the BCH Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the IGC Code, amendments to the GC Code and amendments to the EGC Code � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to Part A of the International Code on Intact Stability (2008 IS Code) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (2008 SPS Code) (MSC.445(99) � effective from 01/01/20 Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships (SPS Code) (MSC.453(100) and MSC,464(101)) � effective from 01/01/20 For a full and detailed list of recent IMO regulations, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. A Guide to What's Happening at the IMO NOTE: All upcoming events are subject to change / review due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Please check the IMO website for updates. 16-20 March: Legal Committee (LEG) � 107th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 30 March � 3 April: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) � 75th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 20-24 April: Facilitation Committee (FAL) � 44th Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 11-12 May: IMSO Advisory Committee � 45th Session 13-22 May: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 102nd Session � POSTPONED � Please see the IMO's website for more information. 1-5 June: Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) � 7th Session 15-19 June: Technical Cooperation Committee (TC) � 70th Session 29 June � 3 July: Council � 124th Session 20-24 July: Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III 7) � 7th Session 14-18 September: Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC 7) � 7th Session 21-22 September: IMSO Advisory Committee � 46th Session 28 September � 2 October: Consultative Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Convention 1972) and Meetings of Contracting Parties (London Protocol 1996) (LC 42/LP 15) 19-23 October: Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) � 76th Session 2-5 November: IOPC Funds 9-13 November: IMSO Assembly � 26th Session 16-20 November: Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) � 103rd Session 7-11 December: Council � 125th Session For full details, visit Shipping Regulations & Guidance. Witherby Publishing Group Navigation House, 3 Almondvale Business Park, Almondvale Way, Livingston, EH54 6GA United Kingdom You are receiving this email because you signed up to our weekly update. Preferences | Unsubscribe